Domestic Terrorism

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High kev

Yankee seeds
Does anyone else feel like we completely skipped the murder hornets? I wanted to see murder hornets! 🤪 :ROFLMAO:
I think one got me the other day. I didn’t see it but it stung my thumb and my whole hand swelled twice the size for three days


I read the title..It is enough.. handcuffed unarmed man who isn't resisting is MURDERED...


And I dont pull any race card.
I'm just giving perception.
He's a martyr to you maybe.............not to me.

To me, he was a gang banger passing bad money while he was wasted doing drugs in his car. And while having those "qualities", he decided to resist arrest.
He reaped what he sowed.
Did he deserve to die, fuck no! Was that one of the most gruesome and disgusting video? Fuck YES.


Unfortunate, unlucky and stupid...........Absofuckinglutely.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
Ahhh...the race card, How convenient ! :LOL: This lady has a message for you, and I'm happy to pass it along.
Start at the 9 minute mark if you dare.

Sounds like George Floyd has committed a few crimes himself. So, modeling our life after him might not be a good idea. He doesn't sound like anybody I'd want to hang out with. Interesting, but not a justification for killing him.

My thoughts are, the cop who snuffed him, is guilty (probably) of the worst crime. Murder. I think the only time killing is justified is when it's used defensively. George Floyd was subdued and to inflict lethal punishment on a subdued person, is murder. Even if it's a cop doing the murder. Badges don't grant extra rights.

Justice requires proportionality in our responses. Clearly a man saying, "please, I can't breath" with another man kneeling with his full weight on his neck and several other armed cops lurking in the area was not in a position to harm the cop. Cops should be held personally accountable when they murder as do Politicians who condone murder and use terms like "collateral damge" etc.


grows her
The picture is actually of legally armed people protecting local businesses from looters.
The "3%" symbol they are making is patriotic and not racist.
So you are saying the hand sign they are using has absolutely nothing to do with WP... whatsoever?? I don't know where i got confused? Help me out here..



a.k.a. Rusty Nails
So you are saying the hand sign they are using has absolutely nothing to do with WP... whatsoever?? I don't know where i got confused? Help me out here..
In the American Revolution, about 1/3 of the population was pro-tyrrany from England. Another 1/3 was pro-Liberty. The last 1/3 didn't care one way or another. Only 3% of the colonies population actually gained the countries freedom.

Today it's the same with ~3% serving in the military or having served.

If you care to read, I found this for you among all the liberal bullshit about them. I am not a member of any organization period, But stop believing the media that is trying to perpetuate false narratives for their own agenda.



a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And in the picture, notice there are no protest signs. They merely volunteered to help protect businesses in their community.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
You can believe what they stand for or not - but misrepresenting them is to push an agenda is what the media does.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And they were doing it because all the cop were tied up downtown babysitting liberals.


grows her
Sounds like a cover-up excuse to throw around a white supremacists gang sign without prosecution but instead seem "patriotic"..

Why choose these 3 fingers and not index/middle/ring finger?? It just so happens that when you do this....


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@k0rps That's also how you order three bier in Germany - so what is your point?

three percent - how hard is that to understand?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If the democratically controlled (top to bottom) Minneapolis wasn't sold out to the police union, the headline on day one would have been

felon not resisting was killed by policeman during arrest,
cop charged with murder

That would have been it - game over. That is STILL the story.
I'm the 1/3 that doesn't give a shit.

Let's get the race wars over with already. I want to move on to bigger things like religion wars and fact or fiction wars. Once that's over lets finish off the abortion wars and immigration wars. Grats to whoever is left over. Might not be too many left and that's fine with me.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
When did I bring up hating white people?? I am simply bringing my observations to the table.
Proof you have no original thought. Baaaaaaaaaaaaa
Have a nice day - if the media says you can - or you can go protest or something - IDGAF.
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