Domestic Terrorism

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Blümen Meister
Yes - next question. The rest of what you said is moot.

Using violence to control a narrative - or a population - is terrorism.
So who do we extend the terrorist label to? Where does it end? In Seattle, a local gang made several posts on social media that they would loot areas downtown. The police got tipped, and went out there in full force. The gang, anticipating the police's move, headed to suburban malls instead and looted nearly police free. Are they terrorists? Criminals, for sure. But do we strip them of their rights, and due process? I'm not so sure. And how does the administration pick and choose in all of these circumstances who's a terrorist and who's not? That is worrisome to me.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
So who do we extend the terrorist label to? Where does it end? In Seattle, a local gang made several posts on social media that they would loot areas downtown. The police got tipped, and went out there in full force. The gang, anticipating the police's move, headed to suburban malls instead and looted nearly police free. Are they terrorists? Criminals, for sure. But do we strip them of their rights, and due process? I'm not so sure. And how does the administration pick and choose in all of these circumstances who's a terrorist and who's not? That is worrisome to me.
Did they use violence to intimidate others or were they just sneaky criminals? Did they gather en masse and destroy the mall in question? Then yes, terrorists.

Deleted member 60

Ah....more excerpts from the Trump "Pick and Choose Constitution". Love it. What about the part about "Freedom of Speech" and what Daddy Don is trying to do to 'social media". LOL. And that using violence to control a population is "terrorism" bullshit line..... our MILITARY policies/presence in every country on the planet? for Oil and other goods and no other reason? Yup.

But that's different (waves flag) in some liddle minds....minds who get those checks and ride that free train... (waves flag)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Ah....more excerpts from the Trump "Pick and Choose Constitution". Love it. What about the part about "Freedom of Speech" and what Daddy Don is trying to do to 'social media". LOL. And that using violence to control a population is "terrorism" bullshit line..... our MILITARY policies/presence in every country on the planet? for Oil and other goods and no other reason? Yup.

But that's different (waves flag) in some liddle minds....minds who get those checks and ride that free train... (waves flag)
Your ignorance is showing. Twitter (for example) is a GLOBAL company. They try to avail themselves of 1st Amendment rights with no consequences based on the "fact" that they are a non-biased platform. All that changed is they can now be held accountable for THEIR censorship of FREE SPEECH.


Mediocre grower
How many people were murdered last night in the US? What are their names? That's what I thought.
Imagine a world when someone gets killed, a riot breaks out and they go burn down the people's house who did the killing? Is that allowed?
Back to the original question. What does it take to become a Domestic Terrorist?
Using violence against civilians to advance a political agenda
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