Dankgators first run with Heisens Wedding Cake


Super Active Member
Really healthy looking plants brother, really nice. What size pots are you using?
I'm using the 3 gallon fabric pots with Promix. Using a 480 Samsung 301b light with a 4 inch intake and a 6 inch exhaust. Im in a shed so its been a bitch trying to keep the temps under control , its 98 degrees most days down in this part of the states. I have a small air conditioner but it cant keep up. I keep my lights off during the day but it still gets about 90 degrees in the tent with lights off and it stays about 76 degrees with the lights on at night. I know thats ass backwards but thats all i can do at the moment.


Super Active Member
I am having extremely slow flower growth. The temps are just too high when lights are out. There is finally some relief coming in the future with the outdoor temps, but the shed just absorbs heat even though its in the shade half the day. Already had one 5000btu air conditioner overheat and die, now im on my second air conditioner and hoping for the best. I have found three hermie flowers and picked those off, im sure they are due to the heat. Just a hot ass summer that I wish would hurry up[ and end.


Super Active Member
Still very slow flower growth. Im getting depressed, ive been growing 12 years and this has to be the slowest flowering plants ive ever grown. Im hoping its strain dependent but not sure. My temps have leveled off nicely so im not concerned with that. I have awesome airflow. My light seems nice and bright, I thought maybe the light was too close to the canopy so I raised it about 8 inches, so I am sitting at 20 inches from the tallest plant to around 32 inches from the shortest plant. I feed Blue Planet Farmers pride organic, with Liquid seaweed, calmag, and Recharge. Any help out there would be appreciated, Has anyone else had slow growth with Wedding Cake?

Deleted member 60

I'm pretty sure my Oni "Beach Wedding" (Tropicanna Cookies x Wedding Cake) is mostly WC. Very lanky. Very slow to flower. Not gonna yield that well for a 7-8 ft outdoor plant. Has yellow leaves all the way up. Fed the same/etc. as everyone else....she's just been one of those bitches who is on her own program all through the grow.

FINALLY coming on....but not gonna shine like the rest of 'em. Hope it's good weed....

Hope they kick in for ya Dank. Good luck