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Super Active Member
How do you think the response to “well this is gonna get bad folks. No one can work stay in your houses” right out of the gate?

I’d have preferred “This may be bad, if you’re sick, elderly or unhealthy stay home. Those of you that are of working age be mindful of your elders and those staying home. Be safe”
Be honest with us is all we can ask. We were lied to, deceived and shit on so he could look good saying hes got everything under control.


Really Active Member

So apparently the U.S. is actually under-counting deaths caused by the pandemic.

"The 781,000 total deaths in the United States in the three months through May 30 were about 122,300, or nearly 19% higher, than what would normally be expected, according to the researchers. Of the 122,300 excess deaths, 95,235 were attributed to Covid-19 "

The excess death number gives a much clearer picture than statistics reported by hospitals, which have been called into question by some. The excess deaths compared to prior years is a very telling number for the total death toll of the pandemic. This number would include any additional causes of death related to the pandemic, not only deaths by covid-19(such as the increased suicide rate due to the lockdowns and people not seeking medical care for treatable health conditions, among others)

Currently, less than 2% of the US has been been infected, causing 165,000 deaths(actually more)

So what happens when, not if, when 30% of the population has been infected?

2.475 million deaths in the US.

How long will it take for 30% of the population to become infected?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails

So apparently the U.S. is actually under-counting deaths caused by the pandemic.

"The 781,000 total deaths in the United States in the three months through May 30 were about 122,300, or nearly 19% higher, than what would normally be expected, according to the researchers. Of the 122,300 excess deaths, 95,235 were attributed to Covid-19 "

The excess death number gives a much clearer picture than statistics reported by hospitals, which have been called into question by some. The excess deaths compared to prior years is a very telling number for the total death toll of the pandemic. This number would include any additional causes of death related to the pandemic, not only deaths by covid-19(such as the increased suicide rate due to the lockdowns and people not seeking medical care for treatable health conditions, among others)

Currently, less than 2% of the US has been been infected, causing 165,000 deaths(actually more)

So what happens when, not if, when 30% of the population has been infected?

2.475 million deaths in the US.

How long will it take for 30% of the population to become infected?
Sorry - but no. "Public Health Officials" have already stated that they counted ANY death where the person was "infected" as a China Virus case. Even though they may have died from a car crash - if they "tested positive" or before testing were "presumed positive" it counted.

Sorry, but Birx is on video saying it, A few state health officials, etc. What is under-reported is the number of people Cuomo killed (and other cities) that mandated that infected people be placed in Nursing homes - because some were then removed to hospitals and listed as "hospital death.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The CDC is now a political organization. They were fine before this year apparently - or not

Look at the sound medical advice given at the beginning of this scamdemic, then compare it to how that medically sound info changed because of one flu. Masks is a great example. CDC, Surgeon General, etc, gave the truth in the first weeks. Masks are for sick people and people in regular contact with sick people.

Now they can suddenly prevent "the most deadly flu ever!!!"


Really Active Member
Sorry - but no. "Public Health Officials" have already stated that they counted ANY death where the person was "infected" as a China Virus case. Even though they may have died from a car crash - if they "tested positive" or before testing were "presumed positive" it counted.

Sorry, but Birx is on video saying it, A few state health officials, etc. What is under-reported is the number of people Cuomo killed (and other cities) that mandated that infected people be placed in Nursing homes - because some were then removed to hospitals and listed as "hospital death.
So what do you suppose increased our death rate by 19% then?

122,300 excess deaths, 95,235 were attributed to Covid-19. You are calling into question the "confirmed" 95,235 deaths

Your saying the 95,000 confirmed deaths are inflated, so what killed 122,000 more people than last year then? Is there a concurrent pandemic that I'm unaware of? Did an excess of 122,000 people die of car accidents while in lockdown?


Seed Aficionado
So what do you suppose increased our death rate by 19% then?

122,300 excess deaths, 95,235 were attributed to Covid-19. You are calling into question the "confirmed" 95,235 deaths

Your saying the 95,000 confirmed deaths are inflated, so what killed 122,000 more people than last year then? Is there a concurrent pandemic that I'm unaware of? Did an excess of 122,000 people die of car accidents while in lockdown?
If this question is aimed at haf . Not only are u wasting your time . It's gonna waste everyone else's. This dude is a straight up Trump puppet . Strings and everything!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
So what do you suppose increased our death rate by 19% then?

122,300 excess deaths, 95,235 were attributed to Covid-19. You are calling into question the "confirmed" 95,235 deaths

Your saying the 95,000 confirmed deaths are inflated, so what killed 122,000 more people than last year then? Is there a concurrent pandemic that I'm unaware of? Did an excess of 122,000 people die of car accidents while in lockdown?

Feel free to read - don't know if @sfrignon has the capacity.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Approximately 6% of the reported "COVID deaths" were actually just China virus. The other 94% had an average of 2.1 causal factors. Obesity, cancer, gunshot, etc. and "tested positive" or were "presumed positive" at the time of death - whether or not is was a contributing factor.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails

He is completely on point that Cuomo indirectly killed a lot of people. So there's that
I don't mind discussing facts with people that hear. I also listen but not to peanut-gallery comments. Other than to occasionally berate them to relieve my own stress :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
There were also the lab testing sites misreporting everything as positive, or not reporting negative tests. Basically, because the numbers were not controlled from the beginning (very liberal as to what "counted") they are now all a sham. Look at the media posting "cases" and hammering that point - because it is a bigger scary number.
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