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Seed Aficionado
Any democrat that thinks someone will believe them - there's plenty of video - and it's socialist demotards and the OMB media.
U are fucking dreaming again haf. Wake the fuck up. If u can find me someone , please do . I will be waiting.... And when I say someone , I mean like an actual person. 👍


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
U are fucking dreaming again haf. Wake the fuck up. If u can find me someone , please do . I will be waiting.... And when I say someone , I mean like an actual person. 👍

And EVERY demotard on TV has said similar. You need to wake up.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And they are also trying to blame the economy - because of the shutdowns, because of the overblown flu, because the dems still want shit shut down - On Trump. In her first speech as VP nominee she said it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
That's what I thought . Any one on CP? Anyone I know or work w ? Nope . I told u , u are living in a trump falicy
How is it fallacy when people in office or running for office try to blame stuff on POTUS to make themselves look good?


Seed Aficionado
As a reminder - you posted this:

And I posted a CNBC article of the VP actually blaming Trump. Which part don't you understand?
U are a fucking moron haf and u always will be . Keep letting the media control your mind . Maybe u should think for yourself for once ?? Talk about sheep . I asked the dude to show me somebody and he's like oh look a politician says it bahahahahhahahaha


Super Active Member
How is it fallacy when people in office or running for office try to blame stuff on POTUS to make themselves look good?
Why did people blame Trump for the early virus results.. Because HE said that he had it under control and there was nothing to worry about. He said it and then did nothing till people were dropping like flies. I would rather kiss my dogs ass than shake his hand.


Seed Aficionado
Why did people blame Trump for the early virus results.. Because HE said that he had it under control and there was nothing to worry about. He said it and then did nothing till people were dropping like flies. I would rather kiss my dogs ass than shake his hand.
This is different though. This idiot actually thinks people blame him for it 😂, anybody could say he made it worse you could say that about anyone .

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Who the fuck blames Trump responsible for covid lol
There was a time not so long ago that most people, including politicians on either side, hated being caught in a lie.

Then a new strategy happened on the left. Lie openly. Blatantly. Frequently. If someone calls you on it, call them [a] racist sexist [c] white [d] Uncle Tom [e] pick your favorite combinations. Attack them. Call for sponsors boycotts. Call out a mob to the bastard's residence. Do the Maxine Waters technique - confront them wherever you find them...restaurants, gas safe zones.

They look right in the camera and lie. They get called in front of congress and lie. The right responds with outrage. Investigations. Ultimately, no consequences ever happen to the lefty liars. Zero. Nada. Three years of Hannity and crew peeling the layers of the corruption onion, exposing criminal acts has resulted in zippity doo dah. What ever happened to Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch, who were the pit bulls snipping at the lefty's heels?

Contrast that to the hell Michael Flynn continues to endure, even after Barr's justice department declared no prosecution should occur against him.

That's 'who the fuck blames Trump'. Truth to them is a mere inconvenience.

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Insanely Active Member
u hear cohen is releasing a book. i guess the forwards pretty spicy talkin about trump likes to get peed on lol

wish i was makin this shit up


Just some asshole
I blame him for me not being able to see my mother. The SOB said for months we had nothing to worry about and they had covid under control, LIES all LIES. Three days ago my mother went in the hospital (85 years old) and because of Trumps complete and total blundering of the virus's early days, we now cant get in to see her as a precaution. The next thing I am expecting is the hospital calling to see if its OK to treat her with injections of Lysol. TRUMP SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
You can’t go see your mom because of state rules. He turned it over to the states month ago.

Trump tried to play it off as it was going to be ok. Your kid skins a knee do you tell them it’s going to be alright or do you go straight to amputation? (Might me a silly questions considering the demented fuckers on here😂)

Guess he should have came out and said if you’re old and sick good luck.


Just some asshole
U are a fucking moron haf and u always will be . Keep letting the media control your mind . Maybe u should think for yourself for once ?? Talk about sheep . I asked the dude to show me somebody and he's like oh look a politician says it bahahahahhahahaha
He answered your question. Not really sure what more you want.


Just some asshole
There was a time not so long ago that most people, including politicians on either side, hated being caught in a lie.

Then a new strategy happened on the left. Lie openly. Blatantly. Frequently. If someone calls you on it, call them [a] racist sexist [c] white [d] Uncle Tom [e] pick your favorite combinations. Attack them. Call for sponsors boycotts. Call out a mob to the bastard's residence. Do the Maxine Waters technique - confront them wherever you find them...restaurants, gas safe zones.

They look right in the camera and lie. They get called in front of congress and lie. The right responds with outrage. Investigations. Ultimately, no consequences ever happen to the lefty liars. Zero. Nada. Three years of Hannity and crew peeling the layers of the corruption onion, exposing criminal acts has resulted in zippity doo dah. What ever happened to Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch, who were the pit bulls snipping at the lefty's heels?

Contrast that to the hell Michael Flynn continues to endure, even after Barr's justice department declared no prosecution should occur against him.

That's 'who the fuck blames Trump'. Truth to them is a mere inconvenience.

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No one cares about credibility or being a good honest person anymore.
No one is held accountable anymore.

Fuck you can murder someone and be out in a couple years.
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