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Insanely Active Member
"So we have a new phenomenon...its called mail in voting" -Donald Trump "Well its been here since the civil war" -Johnathan Swan


Active Member
I am getting ready to go work a job for a guy who was born in Detroit, no dad, black. I’m flying on HIS plane with his family. No idea what all his business are but he came from nothing. Same opportunities that you and I have...
You should have said she is a woman, it would look even better!
One example against country wide statistics!
I don't complain about anything because I know I have privileges.


You should have said she is a woman, it would look even better!
One example against country wide statistics!
I don't complain about anything because I know I have privileges.
I'm white and grew up in a poor family who'd father worked multiple jobs and refused to go on welfare. I grew up on hand-me-down clothes, powdered milk, and all of our food was generic brands. I ojined the military because my parents couldn't afford to send any of us to college, when I got out of the service I started at the bottom and worked my way up to a decent living, and I've never once asked the government for a handout. Do you think I had any more privilege than a black kid who grew up poor and in the same situation? There are just as many, if not more, poor and disadvantaged white kids than there are black in this country. I would agree with this "white privilege" bullshit if this were the 1960s, or earlier, but we aren't living in the same situation in 2020.


You should have said she is a woman, it would look even better!
One example against country wide statistics!
I don't complain about anything because I know I have privileges.
One of the richest woman in the country started out as a poor hairdresser in Cleveland. She and her husband started their own hair product line and she is now a billionaire.


ok so the young boy from baltimore projects has the same chance of making it as the politican son who grew up in private schools? Thats what your telling me?
No. What I'm telling you is that race has nothing to do with it today. In fact, POC have a better chance than a poor white kid, because they have more opportunities provided to them by the government. Why do you think people who can afford to send their kids to private schools shouldn't? Why do you think they shouldn't provide their children with the best opportunities they can? There is no such thing as 100% equality and their shouldn't be. We need people at every level for the world to work. Just look at what is going on think they deserve to live a luxurious lifestyle but they don't think they should have to work to have it. They refuse laborious jobs so now we pay illegals to do those jobs for next to nothing.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Wtf? Did that not happen? I was just remembering. Literally nothing to do w politics. Just trying to figure out why he chose Mac D's. That all ...?
Actually, there was stuff from 6-8 different fast food places. KFC, whoppers and tacos and stuff too.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@sfrigon1 - I just meant that what he provided is what those guys like to eat. Many are on the "college meal plan" which is all you can eat, but cafeteria food. I had a few players in my classes. College kids are college kids, and he provided something they liked - and as usual the media had a cow over it..


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
"So we have a new phenomenon...its called mail in voting" -Donald Trump "Well its been here since the civil war" -Johnathan Swan
A media distortion - as usual. Wake up.

Have you ever voted absentee? I did it for years because I was never stationed in my home state. You have to REQUEST a ballot. And there is a verification process including a scan of an ID.

Mail-in voting is not absentee voting.

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