Cloning research


there's an initial investment like with anything, mine was $300 for the 'take and bake' kit from buildasoil that made about 70gal of soil and had everything but worms. It was peat based and had lots of minerals and grains stuff in the initial amendments so it needs to set for a bit.

At the same time I bought a stackable worm bin (but you can make one from stuff you have) and got that going with 1000 worms from uncle jims.

I also put out cardboard and stuff outside and spent a few minutes each morning gathering local worms to add in. No clue what survived but they'rer still thriving.

After trying a few things I no longer top dress during the grow, except to add castings if I see any gnats. So my main expense now is Craft Blend, which is easier than sourcing all the ingredients and it's a good mix. I add a cup per 7g tote, some bat guano, insect frass and fish bone meal on top of what is already in the blend. I bought some sprouting barley cheap (buildasoil) and am growing my own now but still have a ton of the original sack. I'm malting it fresh now.

Hope that helps. If you have a yard or some land you can get into making all your own inputs.
Ya I have my own land.
Currently I prob have maybe 500 gal worth of coco I'm using so the expense would be a lot if I bought it all


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Ya I have my own land.
Currently I prob have maybe 500 gal worth of coco I'm using so the expense would be a lot if I bought it all
coco is great worm bedding. I buy coco to mix with cardboard and other stuff because it stays most pretty well. Pit-moss is another good bedding thing if you need bulk castings quicker. It's super-shredded fuzzy paper that behaves kind of like peat.

If you have any questions I'm retired and do this to keep my sanity as well as harvest the killer ;)

I can usually explain stuff pretty well because if something *was* complicated first thing I did was look for an easy way because I'm pretty lazy. I spent the last few years dropping the money I wasn't spending on nutes and gnat traps on some better quality genetics from people like Top Dawg and Freeborn, but in the process accumulated a fuckton of freebies that are mostly from the big name breeders on the dagga site that gave him stuff to hand out. Others were from guys just getting into the business and getting their name out there. I now have way too much to hunt through and older seeds failing to gerrminate - so I have changed tactics and am dropping lots more beans until I get overloaded.

Anyway - I'd still be growing ethos and humbolt seed company crap and not knowing the difference if living soil hadn't freed up my weed finances to go exploring. It's worth it.