Can anyone help identify this leaf problem?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
One thing I just learned is that all of those leaf pics (in the charts that show real leaves) come from hydro - which is really the only place it matters about a molybdenum deficienty, or whatever. and/or salt grows

In soil you would never add a dose of one element even though it might be what the plant is lacking because of a soil imbalance. In hydro you can isolate a particular element and try and correct it - sometimes in a few days. Soil imbalances are rarely a crop-killer with organic.

Anyone who hasn't tried organic should give it a shot just for the peace of mind.


I was originally not giving my girls enough nutrients but I fixed that a couple weeks ago.

Some of them had a few little brown spots or yellow leaves before hand but this one is the worst and the only one that looks like this...
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PH or needs epsom salt


Looks like a PH issue just a swag with no other info... Media temps good?
Yes media temps are good it might be a PH issue I’ve tried correcting that if that’s the case and I also added calmag dry amendments so I’m just waiting to see some signs that she’s healing