2021 Mystery Pack Competition


Got an update today on the DNA sexing. Looks like a sausage party in the "That One" dept, but at least one was a lady! Still waiting on some retesting and hope he can get solid results on those. I'm happy that I can at least toss the confirmed males and not have to worry about those ones anymore.
Screenshot 2021-12-23 142315.jpg


Seed Slingin' Outlaw
About a week since I put mine under the real lights. They started out under a 24 inch t5 and I caught covid that really set me back on alot of stuff. I suspect I'll be flipping these as soon as I can get 1 decent cut off each. @J.James Do we have a set flip date?

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No set flip date just a "have your winning pictures submitted" by date of April 1st

Turd Ferguson

Really Active Member
Sorry for the delay in posting my pic. It’s a crappy one because the tent is in the way. At least the room setup is done and they will be up potted to 5 gallon bags of Ocean Forest tonight. 649A1B4B-4A0F-4AED-9DDC-CFF32FC6D4BE.jpeg
They got long legs, so I will probably bury them up to the coty leaves for support.


Got an update today on the DNA sexing. Looks like a sausage party in the "That One" dept, but at least one was a lady! Still waiting on some retesting and hope he can get solid results on those. I'm happy that I can at least toss the confirmed males and not have to worry about those ones anymore.
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You just never know about the M/F ratio, my experience has been all over the board.
When I retired 11 years ago and got my OMMP card I had access to some killer clones.
Blue Dream, GSC, Strawberry Cough and SLH were outstanding grows and great smoke.
But the guy I was getting them from was leaning towards heavy indicas and got to the point
that he didn't offer much that I wanted.
So for the last 5 or 6 years it has been seed only, definitely more work to find what makes me happy.
Sometimes daunting trying to figure out what I want to try next. Always looking for upbeat sativas!


Suppose I should stay on track and update the comp plants...

3 weeks above ground tomorrow, probably top em in a couple days.
Looks like I'm destined for short squat plants with almost zero stretch until I change my lighting up a bit.
I'll never get out of the 1.5 oz avg per plant at this rate.

Got a couple Thats with some light verigation
Nothing fancy here....move on.


Suppose I should stay on track and update the comp plants...

3 weeks above ground tomorrow, probably top em in a couple days.
Looks like I'm destined for short squat plants with almost zero stretch until I change my lighting up a bit.
I'll never get out of the 1.5 oz avg per plant at this rate.
View attachment 103766

Got a couple Thats with some light verigation
View attachment 103765
Nothing fancy here....move on.
I’m in the same boat as you with the short plants until I move them under the other light. I hope at least one of those variegated “Thats” turns out to be female for you. The one I had turned out to be a male.


Dont Need One
Feeling good about the flip date. I'll flip these around the last week of Jan and finish them strong.
Gave them 900 two days ago and they seem to be happy with it. 78 degrees, 72 percent humidity seems to be the sweet spot in my veg rooms. No roots yet out the bottoms. As soon as I get big roots I'll move them to 3 gallon and get on with it.
