#Heisenbeans Genetics


Always rockin’ at half mast
Due to other runs the buds are bigger and denser and more of them. I had 25 that were not as dense and did not fill the net all the way full. Think what you want, you can guess close if you know what you have.
Don’t get offended bud, I asked a simple question your defensive response leads me to believe you have no idea wtf your talking about. Don’t count your chickens uNtil they hatch hombre. I’m betting based on the attitude the guesstimate May be a bit overguestimated lol.

It’s ok to not yield a pound per plant. Got any pics of your four plants? Not that much weight from four plants, but why get defensive if you’re on point.


Don’t get offended bud, I asked a simple question your defensive response leads me to believe you have no idea wtf your talking about. Don’t count your chickens uNtil they hatch hombre. I’m betting based on the attitude the guesstimate May be a bit overguestimated lol.

It’s ok to not yield a pound per plant. Got any pics of your four plants? Not that much weight from four plants, but why get defensive if you’re on point.
Maybe you don't know it all


Always rockin’ at half mast
Maybe you don't know it all
I never claimed to. I do know that I asked you a simple question about you blanket statement guess about your plants and you got upset. That’s not how most people act when they know what they’re talking about. That’s all. Not everyone is out to get you bud, bud if you expect everyone is and respond like a twat, don’t expect better interactions. This could have gone way different if you didn’t immediately get offended I asked you what you meant lol.


I'll be glad to get My seed runs out of the way early this year to do some full pack grows , The Catalina Wine Mixer and Ice Cream Cake I will run full

Give a short scouting report, stretch, nute sensitivety , height when flipped/finishing height , structure , ect if You could .
Stretch was huge. Flipped at 1 1/2' and it ended up almost 6' tall under scrog. I always run my stuff at 1/3 of what the GH trio calls for in expert mode. Huge stems, topped 3 times, under scrog it had bud sites everywhere. Lots of branching and thick stems for support. Buds color was light green with purple and red and white hairs. Take a looksie at the photo in February photo contest. I don't think the picture shows it's colors enough.


Master Grower
I never claimed to. I do know that I asked you a simple question about you blanket statement guess about your plants and you got upset. That’s not how most people act when they know what they’re talking about. That’s all. Not everyone is out to get you bud, bud if you expect everyone is and respond like a twat, don’t expect better interactions. This could have gone way different if you didn’t immediately get offended I asked you what you meant lol.
I’m confident Bob knows what he’s saying man, and not bragging, just reporting on how the strains are performing. He’s not new to this game either.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I don't see what the fascination with weight is. I have had a 6oz plant that I don't enjoy smoking as much as the two ounce plant from a different strain. Unless you are peddling it, then I can see wanting quantity.

I weigh my harvest wet after I do whatever trimming needs done, then daily as it dries. This is so I can use weight/math to see when it reaches that 20-25% weight so I know better when to jar it.

If you weigh the plant right before you hang it to dry, you'll get approximately:
19-20% of the wet weight if you just pluck the big fan leaves.
21-22% if you do a pretty good manicure,
and about 23% if you really beautify it before hanging, or if you just buck it and throw it on trays.

I probably smoke a half ounce or so as it dried just checking on it 😎 so getting a dry weight is really pointless.


I keep everything clean enough to avoid problems....lol. Definitely don’t have the cleanest room in the world. I sweep and vacuum whenever I notice shit is dirty, but definitely not everyday. That shit is a waste of time imo and I have way to many things to do to be mopping every fucking day lol. Some people I think give other growers shit for having lives outside of breeding /growing While They themselves sit around all day and whack it to their plants. It’s like, sorry bros, I also like pussy and money, weed is only one part of the equation, sorry not everyone has that Figured and sorted yet 😂
My trashy growroom is just part of my plant "stress testing". lmao!


Hobby Farmer
how big do you think a 6 inch floraflex system would make a plant?

They have 8 inch ones...Like those GIANT rockwool cubes....

I am going to get a smaller setup to play with it i think.. How big do you think it would get?

If you were only going to get 6 or 8 would you go to the 8 inch? I will go all floraflex and modify it later with piping when i figure out how to light it and segregate it.

Thanks for those videos...I get it now.


Dont Need One
how big do you think a 6 inch floraflex system would make a plant?

They have 8 inch ones...Like those GIANT rockwool cubes....

I am going to get a smaller setup to play with it i think.. How big do you think it would get?

If you were only going to get 6 or 8 would you go to the 8 inch? I will go all floraflex and modify it later with piping when i figure out how to light it and segregate it.

Thanks for those videos...I get it now.
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You can stack them on top of one another if you use rock wool. Start in a 4 and put on top of a six and so on and so on. I dont use rockwool cause its expensive