#Heisenbeans Genetics


Super Active Member
Silly shit, you obviously new here if you think people arent allowed to say whatever they want. I get dogged out from time to time and it blows over. I was just making a point. Dont need blanket statements passed on as bro science that my plants arent as vigorous as "greenpoint" when I made the fucking seeds they are comparing to.
Maybe his correct comment would have been cCstrain is not as vigorous as B strain but to say heisen vs greenpoint is silly as shit when I made them.both. you following me or do I need to put this on a chalk board and draw pictures?
Yeah I’m new to your site but I’m aware of how you are. Yeah everyone can say what they want until you think it’s negative and then everyone attacks that person. You think a 4/5 review is negative. Lol and now you’re deadass talking semantics. The point is that he didn’t say nothing bad about your shit. It’s a grow forum where you share your observations on your grow. So you’re mad that he specifically named you? “heisenbeans fems” Instead of just naming the strains? lmao


Dont Need One
Yeah I’m new to your site but I’m aware of how you are. Yeah everyone can say what they want until you think it’s negative and then everyone attacks that person. You think a 4/5 review is negative. Lol and now you’re deadass talking semantics. The point is that he didn’t say nothing bad about your shit. It’s a grow forum where you share your observations on your grow. So you’re mad that he specifically named you? “heisenbeans fems” Instead of just naming the strains? lmao
Not mad. Your gonna have to either wear dirty shoes on my boat or fuck ms heisen to get me mad. All this is just some bullshit.


Super Active Member
Thanks. Being cheap is what i also like bout the aloe plants.. 5 bucks u got enough gel for many clones.. Cheapest is taking a walk to nearest willow tree and taking 5-10 branch tips bout 6-8 inches on ends of branches.. Take em and throw into a bucket of good water with lid. Let sit 2-3 days then u got a bucket of cloning solution..lol
Works pretty good. ✌
Have to look into this have a lot of willow trees around here 🌱 ✌ 🔥


LED Recruiter
Man there was a few that was super nice we discontinued but gu calls the shots on what's made. I'll have some side shit going in here in about 9 weeks. I would love to make some of the old ones again. Maybe I'll just make them and he won't have a choice but to put them up on the website lol

What ones do you guys really wanna see come back?
I would like to see more s1's of stuff I missed out on. Like say sundae driver s1's , I got topanga and a dub. Wedding cake was never in my price range or pp. But the gg4 has aleays been a steady fan favorite and the original "hype" strain peopke still ask about


LED Recruiter
H Basterd This plant is fucking awesome , straight banana fuel smell now View attachment 42690View attachment 42691
Damn, 1 gallon pot?!? I'm SUPER excited about dropping some of those bastids!!
For now, 2 Topanga , a wed dub, dbb, and GBUB x lvtk, and 3 auto sour livers <~~cause I don't waste my time smoking outdoor. Been smoking outdoor all week ajd man I cant wait to bring home some of these beauts. Wed dub and GMO in next chop, 4+ weeks out. These autos should give em a run for their money though. First Mephisto auto I will have tried.0117200555.jpg
Also sporting my new uv-C light. I run for 15 minutes a night before bedtime 🌙
And yes my veg room is a dropcloth pulled over a forced air duct in my basement, with a qb96, and t12's all around.
Just waiting for timw to set up my new tent at a new spot for veg. To becone truly perpetual.
The GMO in veg now is savage!!! Fuck the haters about vigorousity the bitches are relentless and hungry!! The gmo didnt flinch at the nutes.
The others got a lol end burn.
I mean it is under a heating duct with air blasting 100°s then it cools, then 20 or so minutes later boom 100 again. The ambient Temp of the basement is mid 50s and the "room" Hahah has a high of 100 and low of 65.
Take that PM!! U Fuckers!!! Systemic my ass. Imma kill this bitch!0115202010.jpg
Lvtk x mimosa, GMO, wed dub 3 or so weeks flower. Closeups in a few when therebis something to see. But this wed dub clone will be a bush I chopped and chopped and chopped. She never blinked!


Heathen Basterd
Damn, 1 gallon pot?!? I'm SUPER excited about dropping some of those bastids!!
For now, 2 Topanga , a wed dub, dbb, and GBUB x lvtk, and 3 auto sour livers <~~cause I don't waste my time smoking outdoor. Been smoking outdoor all week ajd man I cant wait to bring home some of these beauts. Wed dub and GMO in next chop, 4+ weeks out. These autos should give em a run for their money though. First Mephisto auto I will have tried.View attachment 42717
Also sporting my new uv-C light. I run for 15 minutes a night before bedtime 🌙
And yes my veg room is a dropcloth pulled over a forced air duct in my basement, with a qb96, and t12's all around.
Just waiting for timw to set up my new tent at a new spot for veg. To becone truly perpetual.
The GMO in veg now is savage!!! Fuck the haters about vigorousity the bitches are relentless and hungry!! The gmo didnt flinch at the nutes.
The others got a lol end burn.
I mean it is under a heating duct with air blasting 100°s then it cools, then 20 or so minutes later boom 100 again. The ambient Temp of the basement is mid 50s and the "room" Hahah has a high of 100 and low of 65.
Take that PM!! U Fuckers!!! Systemic my ass. Imma kill this bitch!View attachment 42718
Lvtk x mimosa, GMO, wed dub 3 or so weeks flower. Closeups in a few when therebis something to see. But this wed dub clone will be a bush I chopped and chopped and chopped. She never blinked!
Nah Man that Basterds in a 3 gallon , She's a decent sized girl . She's a winner in My book.


Sour D Fein
Yeah I’m new to your site but I’m aware of how you are. Yeah everyone can say what they want until you think it’s negative and then everyone attacks that person. You think a 4/5 review is negative. Lol and now you’re deadass talking semantics. The point is that he didn’t say nothing bad about your shit. It’s a grow forum where you share your observations on your grow. So you’re mad that he specifically named you? “heisenbeans fems” Instead of just naming the strains? lmao
Damn bro it sounds like you've been clenching your fists for weeks🤣 Smoke a joint or something


Active Member
Damn that looks good so far bro I've had 2 bridezilla Hermie and the 2 purple crash I got from Greenpoint all fems the GMOOZY didn't and none of the regs did but not all are full of seeds just a few here n there but glad I kept them going they look fire and I took a sample off the bridezilla it's more GG pheno and my boy said he took ,3 hits n was rocked