Eso's seeds and pollen chucks


Man those poor postal workers cant get their shit straight for nada. First they send an order to Maine instead of AZ, now they straight up lost one sent out at the same time as the AZ? It may still be in Portland after a week or 2, lmao.

I feel for gps and all you guys that ordered recently.
Ain't much you can do. Anything priority that's flat or flat enuff...I think they put with first class to save space or something. I've started adding some bulk to a flat rate envelope, like a wad of paper. Then it gets put with the boxes. But lately, I'll just pay the extra 50 cents for the box. That box always travels faster than the envelope. Once it get's put with first class, it can end up in a truck, then the package pops up in east bumfuk, 4 days later. "Oh sorry" lol

.......meanwhile theres some Arthur Ave Pane Di Casa, on it's way out west in a priority box that went into New Jersey and never came out...:)


Shinobi of seeds
Just made a bone head fuck up. Was cleaning beans out of the bbb x lvtk and had the lvtk s1 beans in a baggie near by as well. Needless to say half of the bbb and lvtk s1 are mixed. The lvtk beans are noticeably bigger but not enough to separate the two with 100% accuracy.

So looks like freebies will be their destiny. I still have both bbb x lvtk and lvtk s1 beans that didn't get mixed but now their extremely limited, lol. In the words of homer j Simpson "dooh"

Amos Otis

Brisco's Bargain Beans
Just made a bone head fuck up.
Damm weed!
I avoid the post office that's closest to me for several reasons, and go 30 minutes to another when mailing important stuff. Two days ago, I've got a package to go to DCSE, make the drive, pull up in the parking lot, then discovered I hadn't brought the package with me. Fwap!

Yesterday, I make sure to grab the stuff, make the drive again, get inside the PO and discovered I'd left the address at home. Fwap! I called Paul to get the address, but in the ten minutes it took to get the return call, the PO had closed.

So today, I've got it boxed and addressed, and decide to take it to the nearest post office that I usually avoid. Made the drive in fifteen minutes, walk in at 2:30, and the place is closed. I'm pissed. I look everywhere to see if there's a sign that explains why it's closed. There's one elderly lady inside addressing envelopes, and I say, "M'amm, is today a holiday?" She says, "I don't think so." I go into a mini rant about how much I hate this PO, etc etc and I pass a guy on my way out, and tell him not to bother - the PO is closed. He says, "Yeah, they're always closed half a day on Saturday."

I swear....I thought it was Thursday. The sad thing is I'm not joking about any of this. I feel stressed. Think I'll smoke some weed.


Shinobi of seeds
Damm weed!
I avoid the post office that's closest to me for several reasons, and go 30 minutes to another when mailing important stuff. Two days ago, I've got a package to go to DCSE, make the drive, pull up in the parking lot, then discovered I hadn't brought the package with me. Fwap!

Yesterday, I make sure to grab the stuff, make the drive again, get inside the PO and discovered I'd left the address at home. Fwap! I called Paul to get the address, but in the ten minutes it took to get the return call, the PO had closed.

So today, I've got it boxed and addressed, and decide to take it to the nearest post office that I usually avoid. Made the drive in fifteen minutes, walk in at 2:30, and the place is closed. I'm pissed. I look everywhere to see if there's a sign that explains why it's closed. There's one elderly lady inside addressing envelopes, and I say, "M'amm, is today a holiday?" She says, "I don't think so." I go into a mini rant about how much I hate this PO, etc etc and I pass a guy on my way out, and tell him not to bother - the PO is closed. He says, "Yeah, they're always closed half a day on Saturday."

I swear....I thought it was Thursday. The sad thing is I'm not joking about any of this. I feel stressed. Think I'll smoke some weed.
View attachment 37134
That's all you can do, get mad or get high and laugh.


Shinobi of seeds
Was watching Family guy the other day and Stewie had a line talking about Flintstones vitamins commenting he had taken a really potent "purple betty" and bam! The dbb#1 x lvtk was given its name.

First of all its dynoberry offspring so Flintstones works there and its mother is definitely purple. Hopefully it's a potent little cross, or at least more potent than the vitamins.


Shinobi of seeds
Lvtk testers available in very limited quantity.

A few fine folks already have some of the lvtk crosses, couple are running some already too. I still got a handful of beans I can let go to competent grower/posters. If you ain't been posting, you wont be popping, sorry 😥.

Honestly I only got enough beans to spare a few to each tester unlike the sato crosses.

So if you regularly post up grow pics, ain't going to disappear in a few weeks after popping seeds, can pop and run 2-3 seeds/plants and possibly start flowering before end of January hit me up!

I've got
grape bubba
blackberry black dog
and lvtk s1

Once someone claims one of the above strains it's gone, first come first served. If you cant pop these asap and finish them then please dont greedy hands grab them, let them ride.

Holla holla


Dynoberry Bites - Day 68 - chop as early as tonight
Mix of Flash and Non-Flash pics
- 5.5" ~1/2 gal square pots
- HydroRed inspired F&D Totes
- Megacrop v3 & Cali-Magic (2mL/gal) - (600 PPM, swinging pH as low as 5.2 to 7.1 😧, minimal supervision and adjustments)
- Great resilience to multiple stressors
- Light leaks, some accidental inconsistent light schedule a few times
- Low res dry out periods
- Didn't even blink at aggressive whitefly eradication
- No intersex issues (nanners/balls)
- Untrained, free-growing structure
- Sturdy, pliable stalk and stems. Easily bounces back from bending and knocking around.
- Silica used once during entire grow

Height difference between two phenos. Left = DBB #1, Right = DBB #2

Dynoberry Bites #1

75% CMH exposure side - notice the more prominent fade




Super loud! No need to rub the buds to cop a smell (but I did it anyway cuz I can't resist). Mountain Berry Kool Aid - distinct Kool Aid "strong artificially flavored sugar water" nose but not watered down if you know what I mean. If you used this much Kool Aid it would settle to the bottom with a 1/2" thick layer. Gummy used eraser greasy feel between thumb and fingers. Let's see how the nugs come out after dry and cure (shrink factor to be evaluated).



LED Recruiter
Waiting for her to go full purple and will put her up for December potm, if you haven't posted up a pic "do it" (in Ben stiller's voice from starsky and hutch) now, lol.
View attachment 33513
Black grapes is tiny but frosty af, sticky
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The grape bubba x lvtk looks great so far, leader of the pack for sure. Really stoked to see this one in flower.

From left: g bub, dbb, obsm#3 View attachment 33517
Just dropped 3 grape x lvtk and 1 obsm x lvtk!!
Very hopeful for the obsm to be a fem!!!


LED Recruiter
Lvtk testers available in very limited quantity.

A few fine folks already have some of the lvtk crosses, couple are running some already too. I still got a handful of beans I can let go to competent grower/posters. If you ain't been posting, you wont be popping, sorry 😥.

Honestly I only got enough beans to spare a few to each tester unlike the sato crosses.

So if you regularly post up grow pics, ain't going to disappear in a few weeks after popping seeds, can pop and run 2-3 seeds/plants and possibly start flowering before end of January hit me up!

I've got
grape bubba
blackberry black dog
and lvtk s1

Once someone claims one of the above strains it's gone, first come first served. If you cant pop these asap and finish them then please dont greedy hands grab them, let them ride.

Holla holla
Very grateful!! That is a quality sticker too!!!
I misread the websute and contacted eso and being the gracious guy he is and realizing that a good Ty always gives good beans a good chance.
I love PARADISE!!!


Dynoberry Bites #2







Absolutely gorgeous color profile. All kinda shades of purple, green, orange. Notice the dark green smattering of sugar leaves, very reminiscent of a Sour Diesel / GG4 type of color contrast from that angle. The frilly purple surrounding the bud is insane. True to its name, this one looks and smells like fruity pebbles cereal. No Kool Aid here. It's a smell that is powder-derived. Just as greasy as its sister.

EXCELLENT work @thenotsoesoteric 🔥🔥🔥 We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to test your genetics. This is a solid strain with an absolutely delectable aroma. Let's get em dry/cured and follow up with a smoke report. Do this strain proper!

side note - I'm anticipating some complexity in the dry hit and smoke. While on the surface it can be simply described as "berry" I think there is something more to it, and may deserve some consideration on the strain name (no disrespect whatsoever - just one of my many random thoughts).


Shinobi of seeds
Dynoberry Bites #2
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View attachment 37346

Absolutely gorgeous color profile. All kinda shades of purple, green, orange. Notice the dark green smattering of sugar leaves, very reminiscent of a Sour Diesel / GG4 type of color contrast from that angle. The frilly purple surrounding the bud is insane. True to its name, this one looks and smells like fruity pebbles cereal. No Kool Aid here. It's a smell that is powder-derived. Just as greasy as its sister.

EXCELLENT work @thenotsoesoteric 🔥🔥🔥 We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to test your genetics. This is a solid strain with an absolutely delectable aroma. Let's get em dry/cured and follow up with a smoke report. Do this strain proper!

side note - I'm anticipating some complexity in the dry hit and smoke. While on the surface it can be simply described as "berry" I think there is something more to it, and may deserve some consideration on the strain name (no disrespect whatsoever - just one of my many random thoughts).
Nice job, funny how both our #1 have that same beautiful purple yellow fade. You're right about a more complex berry note to the terps but my #3 pheno I'm gonna chop tonight is straight up mixed berry smelling so there are phenos that lean more to the sato's blueberry side. I'll let yet know how this #3 turns out.

Thanks for the excellent write up report greatly appreciated!!!