A little Introduction


@Hellmudd bones if this is another RIU im out before I even start a journal. I have no interest in the bullshit that usually breeds. Im here to post my journals which take a fair bit of work to put together for every post and keep my nose out of other peoples business, I don't have the time for it. If I have nothing nice to say I don't say it unless pushed too far which takes a lot to do. So far this site and the members seem to be rather nice and a little more mature imagine that, mad.
Take it easy.

Hellmudd bones

Active Member
@Hellmudd bones if this is another RIU im out before I even start a journal. I have no interest in the bullshit that usually breeds. Im here to post my journals which take a fair bit of work to put together for every post and keep my nose out of other peoples business, I don't have the time for it. If I have nothing nice to say I don't say it unless pushed too far which takes a lot to do. So far this site and the members seem to be rather nice and a little more mature imagine that, mad.
Take it easy.
All you need to chill it was a joke. Mainly aimed at the originators of 90% of these threads on this website. Inside joke for alot of us. Most of us know each other.


All you need to chill it was a joke. Mainly aimed at the originators of 90% of these threads on this website. Inside joke for alot of us. Most of us know each other.
Im chilled but can be rather direct with replies at times so sorry if you took it differently.


Welcome to paradise. Look forward to seeing your photos. Cant take a picture for shit myaelf so hopefully I'll learn something.