Eso's seeds and pollen chucks


Shinobi of seeds
Looking at the seedlings in the tent and had a thought to myself, "umm, I wonder what plant will most likely be the tastiest of the group?" As I laugh looking at the sad ass limping along bodega bubblegum in the lower right corner.

Bet that sad sack ends up being a winner. It's always the ones you dont want it to be, much like women.😂 Never seem to be attracted to the goody good type girls that would make life easier. No, it's always the ones the drive you nuts. Lord bless 'em.

Actually it's in the bottom left corner, pic flipped


Shinobi of seeds
Looks like dbb#1 has some competition in dbb#3. #3 is smelling black raspberry or cherry at the moment. If it stays I'll be set. I flipping love that flavor and would be happy with berry strains if it stays. The grapes 13 I did a couple years ago had a similar smell but not taste. Plus 3 is turning colors early too with plenty of frost.
All valley grape with her fat trichs. This run was rough but I may reveg and see what coco will do.20191130_164859.jpg


Shinobi of seeds
Cabinet of the finishing chucks. A new novel by Eustace Stelio starring the protagonist LVTK.
Oj#3, lvtk (Conway twitty cut), black dog (Jean claude van damn that's a nice cut cut), female seed's c99. The frosted fruit bowl collection. 😂

The c99 and lvtk, similar style buds but one is much more greasy and potent. I'm planning on hunting down a pineapple leaner in these beans that kicks butt, hopefully, and then bx it to mike J's c99 from peakseedsbc. Wont be c99 but hopefully it will be dank.


Hobby Farmer
The Grape Sato crew.... They are starting to veg out nice now...the problem is 1 week at this stage is explosive...

But i need a week...:D The hammer didnt work!

All Valley Grape
Dinoberry Bites.
And Black Grape Dumdum now in bloom. This morning i put the 7 gallon coco pot (with 5 gallons of coco) in the flood and drain. Lets see what happens :D


Super Active Member
The Grape Sato crew.... They are starting to veg out nice now...the problem is 1 week at this stage is explosive...

But i need a week...:D The hammer didnt work!

All Valley Grape
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Dinoberry Bites.
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And Black Grape Dumdum now in bloom. This morning i put the 7 gallon coco pot (with 5 gallons of coco) in the flood and drain. Lets see what happens :D
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How often do you flood the tray?


Hobby Farmer
With coco i do it twice a day. Usually right around when the lights come on and again later in the day. If they start looking dry i will do 3.

I usually have the pots dry out on me overnight when i hand water. I think this is going to make them grow a lot faster !

1 flood and drain per monster! I will never run out of seeds but i will give it a go !
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Hobby Farmer
What i found very interesting is the pig whistles in 1/2 gal fabric pots are growing almost as robust as the 5 gallon bubble bucket one.

The GP pig whistle and the Ace bhangi haze are all growing great and are 100% for sure girls. I need these sativa leaners for edibles!

But when that bubble bucket takes off...look out
I hate Megacrop in a bucket. Now i know why i had so many problems. I cant get any PH stability and huge swings daily. I didnt realize it until i started using a trio blend.

And i will try GH trio too. Now I know my past problems were never related to nutes. Always conditional (temps or RH or pythium from autopots etc).

I might buy something tomorrow if there is a good deal...I am still looking for that HPS hood that has the angelic music when i open the picture...getting closer.

I like those giant 8 inc XXL hoods :D

So the flood and drains in GIANT pots...well that should work out crazy.
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What i found very interesting is the pig whistles in 1/2 gal fabric pots are growing almost as robust as the 5 gallon bubble bucket one.

The GP pig whistle and the Ace bhangi haze are all growing great and are 100% for sure girls. I need these sativa leaners for edibles!

But when that bubble bucket takes off...look out
I hate Megacrop in a bucket. Now i know why i had so many problems. I cant get any PH stability and huge swings daily. I didnt realize it until i started using a trio blend.

And i will try GH trio too. Now I know my past problems were never related to nutes. Always conditional (temps or RH or pythium from autopots etc).

I might buy something tomorrow if there is a good deal...I am still looking for that HPS hood that has the angelic music when i open the picture...getting closer.

I like those giant 8 inc XXL hoods :D

So the flood and drains in GIANT pots...well that should work out crazy.
Got pics of that pig whistle? Don’t mean to clog eso here but gu himself said that cross was a huge flop and I’ve only seen it grown out once small airy buds that didn’t look great( don’t mean to down you lol)


Hobby Farmer
I will post pics on Greenpoint tomorrow. We are in lights out at the moment. Mine are early in transition and look real veggy at the moment. Big giant leaves...lots of stardawg influence. Which is good because it will stack fat buds.

This wonderful HydroRed EXACTLY tote is sporting a very fetching Black Grape DumDum to the left to the left

I found my 1 1/4 doob roller. :D A-Dub X OBSM X PurplePunch in the that is nice,

This high is brought to you by all the awesome seed dudes here...exclusively...

Back to the the right are 2 pig whistles. I will post one of the 3 of them on greenpoint.

LOL 7 gallon pot in a flood and drain....It screams want to see something....hold my beer.



Heathen Basterd
That OBSM is some crazy shit, I got caps with it in there and I took some and went to bed, was seeing images that would flash for a second and be replaced like watching one of the old cartoons where they flip the cards real fast to make the drawings look like they are moving . Fucking really weird shit.