#Heisenbeans Genetics

You guys think that bag of seeds is alot lol. You should see all the ground up bud I got packed in like 10 shop vacs and shit. My good friend needs advice on extracting it so I can get it the fuck out of my spot lol. Any of you guys with advice you can give him on turning all that shit to oil or whatever.

I’ve gotten pretty decent at making bho, I can try and help with any questions he may have about running it. Does he already have equipment?

Here’s a little batch of grape ox I just ran, trim and popcorn run.



Super Active Member
The majority of the crosses made with the punch mom just came out so damn nice with no intersex issues. It was just more feasible to have the punch reverse moms in the same room so no need to keep all the plants separated during pollination. It's really difficult to keep with all the crosses.
Sweet will keep an eye on the grows see how they pan out.


Dont Need One
no disrespect intended here but some descriptions tell you what phenos to hunt for, and you're telling us that the crosses came out without intersex issues; with those two little tidbits one would be lead to believe these crosses have been ran already but have they?
I'm talking about the punch mom as the donor. She is solid. I'm constantly running seeds as well as other people. You guys dont see everything.


LED Recruiter
I'm talking about the punch mom as the donor. She is solid. I'm constantly running seeds as well as other people. You guys dont see everything.
I thought we figured that out on the second drop, when people are showing plants on the end of flower as ur dropping beans.
Man you really don't sleep!!
Happy Thanks and giving y'all!!!
U deserve a holiday bro!


Insanely Active Member
The majority of the crosses made with the punch mom just came out so damn nice with no intersex issues. It was just more feasible to have the punch reverse moms in the same room so no need to keep all the plants separated during pollination. It's really difficult to keep with all the crosses.

Once youve grown a good pp pheno you would understand. Its a really cool looking plant. It grows in this super structure sorta way. Its hard to explain but its like when i was taking clones, the clones were so big it was almost like trying to clone a branch.

Also the quality is there, some PP crosses are literally putting out some of the best quality plants right now. My pheno doesnt yield much at all but what it lacks in quantity it makes up for in quality.

Also im guessing Heisen got a good amount of pollon outa her making the crosses possible.


Dont Need One
Once youve grown a good pp pheno you would understand. Its a really cool looking plant. It grows in this super structure sorta way. Its hard to explain but its like when i was taking clones, the clones were so big it was almost like trying to clone a branch.

Also the quality is there, some PP crosses are literally putting out some of the best quality plants right now. My pheno doesnt yield much at all but what it lacks in quantity it makes up for in quality.

Also im guessing Heisen got a good amount of pollon outa her making the crosses possible.
I reversed 3 plants


New Member
Personally id run all of it in 1 or 2 big bho runs. You have a pretty big op going Heisen id invest in some equipment or tell whoever your giving it to to invest in some equipment.

I like bho bc once you have it dialed in you get a consistent quality and return run after run like clockwork

Alota folks like making rosin but ive never really seen the big appeal. Different strokes for diff folks and what not
Do you have recommendations on what setup. Price not too bog of a deal, I'd rather have a quality set up to guarantee quality product. I'm finding some kits online just not sure which one is best.
I’ve gotten pretty decent at making bho, I can try and help with any questions he may have about running it. Does he already have equipment?

Here’s a little batch of grape ox I just ran, trim and popcorn run.
Hey man, SUPER appreciate any feed back. I'm looking for a setup now and was hoping you or anyone could point me in the right direction. Price isn't too big of a deal, I'd rather have a quality setup to guarantee quality product. Finding some kits online just want some pro opinions before I throw down🙌


Insanely Active Member
Do you have recommendations on what setup. Price not too bog of a deal, I'd rather have a quality set up to guarantee quality product. I'm finding some kits online just not sure which one is best.

Hey man, SUPER appreciate any feed back. I'm looking for a setup now and was hoping you or anyone could point me in the right direction. Price isn't too big of a deal, I'd rather have a quality setup to guarantee quality product. Finding some kits online just want some pro opinions before I throw down🙌

If it was me, id go with something like a closed loop system, single column, size depending on how big of runs you want to do. Id makie sure it has a sleeve. (even if u dont use it its nice to have the option) in my experience running smaller batches will yeild the best quality

with a good closed loop system you just pour the product out of the bottom tank then into the vac oven it goes. And with it being a closed loop system, it allows you to recycle your butane right back into your tank.

for companies i dont own a closed loop system but id check out Apollo. Its on the cheaper end of the spectrum and i dont think it has a sleeve but its a good starter system.


Insanely Active Member
I’ve gotten pretty decent at making bho, I can try and help with any questions he may have about running it. Does he already have equipment?

Here’s a little batch of grape ox I just ran, trim and popcorn run.
looks good man. :) that budder consistency.

this is a small batch of bho i made with the previous Double Cookie trim i had Going to be upgrading to a bigger column soon. with all the trim i have now theres just no way to process all of it in smaller batches like this.



Holy shit @Evergreengardner that's almost the same shit that happens to my Sour Goji. The top sugar leaves get all weird @ 3 weeks into flower. Mine don't seem to get as bad as that tho. They first start to change color and turn light green. Then the light green areas start to die right in the middle of the leaf.

Then it just STOPS and grows normally. Here is a pic @ 4 weeks into flower:

View attachment 32258

It only happens to the top sugar leaves and then it finishes very nicely. I've tried different food and nothing matters. They start doing it 2 weeks in and by 4 weeks it stops and the plant grows normally the rest of the way out.
If your soil is real dry, and you feed it, it will suck up a lot of nutes all at once. Pre water before you feed it will help a lot.
Hormonal changes that occurs after flip maybe causing this. Foliar feed?
At least 1 of your "immobile" nutes couldn't catch a ride all the way to the top for a few days. Just feed her some "All Purpose" Miracle Grow and she'll be "praying" in no time. VPD could have had a wild swing and the stomata closed up, slowing growth.. Is this the 1 you described as having "hardening of the arteries"?