#Heisenbeans Genetics


Deleted member 60

I'm thinking that folks here are getting along so well because they don't have the same "morals, ethics, or standards" imposed upon them that those clownboys and seed hacks use as their SOP. Kinda like when ya leave folks alone they usually do pretty good getting along/tolerating each other......and when ya fuck with em they get all testy and that bleeds into everything else.

You folks are slippin. Damn degenerates. :alien:




Dont Need One
I'm enjoying the old thread a lot by the way. Making crazy people look like idiots is a nice Sunday evening pass time.

You're evil as fuck Heisen, but they won't tell me why :) Or what you're doing that's so different than say...ANYONE else lol
Haha naw man listen. That dude was on the greenpoint thread right. So Gu said some shit about me and him not doing business together and that was that. Long story since been worked out.
So anyway this dude comes in and says yeah it's a good thing greenpoint has decided not to carry heisens untested s1s and crosses. I'm like Haha wtf this dude talking about. Everything greenpoint puts out is untested. No offense to greenpoint but it's the truth. Dude grabs elite females and makes seeds.

I just thought it was funny they hate me so much they forget wtf it is there saying half the time. It's like there programmed to just talk shit.


Hobby Farmer
This forum is a better place. A certain forum I am a member of gets me all worked up about politics.....in another country. WTF is that about.

Agitators are not just in washing machines...

It is good seeing a lot of the familiar handles from a couple of the places I have been a part of for a while. And that this can stay around.

And the seeds....the seeds are drying. I can hardly wait.....

So many amazing sounding strains. 2019 will be a good year for growing.

Good luck all!


Haha naw man listen. That dude was on the greenpoint thread right. So Gu said some shit about me and him not doing business together and that was that. Long story since been worked out.
So anyway this dude comes in and says yeah it's a good thing greenpoint has decided not to carry heisens untested s1s and crosses. I'm like Haha wtf this dude talking about. Everything greenpoint puts out is untested. No offense to greenpoint but it's the truth. Dude grabs elite females and makes seeds.

I just thought it was funny they hate me so much they forget wtf it is there saying half the time. It's like there programmed to just talk shit.
Who cares what they think. Crying like a bunch of babies. Just keep on plugging away and we will prove the wrong . They are just realing about the possibility of you producing something they either couldn't or did not think of first.


Heathen Basterd
Who cares what they think. Crying like a bunch of babies. Just keep on plugging away and we will prove the wrong . They are just realing about the possibility of you producing something they either couldn't or did not think of first.
. When I got into it with L2k a poster came on and said He was L2ks Husband so if that's true then Finkle is Einhirn , Einhorn is Finkle ? So I wouldn't assume L2k has anything between the legs but a goats beard. Either way that individual and the merry band of dipshits can lick my habinab . Don't let them use up energy and time better spent on productive shit