The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
That's some legit organization đź‘Ť
I have been shifting to knock-off grove bags for long term storage, and having lots of little plants I just sack most of them up in 8ths. I have those stuck in ammo cans with a large rH pack.

I have a weed fridge that holds "X" amount and I need a way to sort what gets pulled from the fridge for regular storage to make room for the new stuff if I haven't made room yet by smoking it. They have a miniature ammo can that holds about 16 of those 8th bags without squishing stuff too bad and they fit easier in the mini fridge than larger stuff.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
It's funny because the Chinese (probably) manufacturer of the bags named them "Sweet Decades" so search for that if you want the cheap stuff. What's funny is they were probably going for "Decadence" but all their translators are stoopid as fuck.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's another gadget that works. The Wak-it grinder has a little ball-chain that rips all the calyxes off the stems. The "grind" looks more like a disection than stuff chopped up, and any missed stems are easy to pick out. It is designed to be used on a flat surface and the more you pulse it the finer it gets.

They advertise an add-on screen with a funnel under it for easy filling of stuff. That told me you can do it over a screen and the little chain won't get hung up. So I came up with this. A pot from a small rice cooker that died, a piece of a grauated sifter set that's 1/4" grid.
It also knocks off a LOT of kief, but I am just dumping it all back together so that doesn't matter much. With this set-up I just toss a few nugs in then put the screen over it, then put it over a container. I give it little pulses then let it settle since the centrifugal effect woill keep it spinning and chopping stuff up. After a few whacks it's all through the screen.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Notso ChemD and Sour Puss hit 8 weeks tomorrow.
The Sour puss is the only one ready. I almost missed it because it has been looking sugary for a few days but the ambers are almost yellow. You can see lots on the out of focus leaf at the top, a few on the leaf tip center frame. It is fairly covered with them on the older foliage, but a few are on the innerds. and the new moon is nigh. She probably goes tomorrow.
The two Pink Champs in the back are also 8 weeks. The tall one is going 9 weeks, the shorter one at least 10.
The Macchiato x Jaro are getting settled in their new pots and stretching a bit.
Not only is the 100w light dialed back to 60w, it's also fairly high. I can't help wondering if the other runty 'indica' plants I have had would do well like this. It's a super easy grow and they are happy as a pig in shit.
They'll be interesting when they plump up. They have the crown looking tops just waiting to make golfballs.
Looks to get mini golfballs all the way to the bottom.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I just had one of those stoner epiphanies. Mean Gene from Freeborn grows outside plants. He has mentioned more than once having plants that freak out inside. I have to check to see what pics turned out well but here's what I noticed on a non-watering day.

The Pink Champs cross I bought tossed an early ball on one of the two, but have been stellar since. Checking one for ripeness when I check pics. They were 8wks on the 10th.

I have one tent with his Grape Lime x 1C testers, and so far one threw a few balls early, then the same plant threw two nanners on two separate tops so I chopped it. As a side note I smoked a bit today as I was bucking it for decarb because the smell was so dank I had to see the effects of an early harvested plant. I had let it get super dry but it stayed oily to the touch and sandy when it broke up. he high was mellow, but nice and noticable. The other 4 hit 8 weeks on the 17th and I know that as they have parts that look ripe the whole plant probably is.

The plants have no environmental changes, and they don't want to finish. It's like nothing is triggering them to stop making new pistils. That is the freaking out part I didn't associate with an outdoor plant being grown for the first generation indoors.

I have the 4 Macchiato x Jaro testers in the other tent. They look much better than the GLx1C did at this stage. more suited for indoors maybe. the leaves are not as jurassic and they are branching more. I am pruning away lower limbs on these since I will have 4 plants of smoke. I want ;ess to inspect for tranny stuff at day 28 and as it ripens.

Lots of words, I went back and highlighted the important part I didn't want to forget.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
These are the 4 remaining GL x 1C after the aforementioned week 7 nanner plant. Since these are at week 7 now that means it was at week 6 and I'm a stoner. So the week 6 plant already had a little fire and some dankness. I have hope for these.
The back right one has zero limbs and had zero issues, the other three have been droopy a lot. None are very branchy, and all have real crinkly looking palm fronds. The front left I'll have to guess when it's done because it has a pointy top, and keeps growing more.
The remaining two have a crowned top and the ripeness of the old vs the clear-trich new stuff is obvious. But this new growth is what I am now associating with something freaking out and not necessarily throwing nanners.
Then I have the week 3 room. These are the ones that will lose lower stuff so I have less to check for balls and nanners since I'll have plenty of this flavor.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have the contest plants going now, so the next drop is already in the works. No more moons and calendars for dropping beans. I have room.

I could jam all 8 Freeborn tester plants in the 4x4 if needed and I have a 3.5' x 3.5' veg tent empty now. I think after Thanksgiving will be the next drop, but I may pop more of the contest beans in the interim.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have a very scientific/analytic mind, which goes well with the OCD. But I am also a stoner and think outside any box I find myself in. I have no problem posting possibly stupid ideas just so they are written down. Sometimes one person's crazy idea sparks a train of thought in someone else that takes a different path and the idea turns into something.

Like having the lighting spectrum change and dim during "fall" as they ripen. If I wasn't doing perpetual I would dive into that. Find a strain that foxtails like mad and see if you can stop it with the lights. Maybe have the temps and humidity change on a bell curve as well. Something someone into the electronics and setting up the programmed grows might see the idea and make use of it, or prove it was false.

I just grow flowers.

I smoke weed and I know things.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's another one of those epiphanies.

Yeah, I am growing Freeborn stuff both free and stuff I bought, but I don't place the same stigma on them I would if I had paid $300-$400/pack like his stuff historically went for, and he didn't even have to pay a rapper and sell T-shirts.

At $120-$150/pack that's right there with the other top notch breeders. For me at $10/bean or less I don't feel shit on if I don't like the plants. And when you have extra beans in the packs and freebies, no brainer.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Maybe adding some more red spectrum towards the end like @MisterKister does could help. At least you got that indoor data point to chew on vs cursing the breeder
I have a lot of beans that are not far removed from landrace, or have been selected and bred by respected breeders. I don't have a lot of hype stuff, glam crosses, candy-gas, whatever. Those older genetics I thank the breeders for giving me the opportunity to grow them and smoke them. I know some of the older stuff has herm issues - most of our great weed back in the day still had seeds.

The contest, testers and freebies are the main chances I have had to grow some of those multi-poly-hybrid things that have tons of phenos that can pop. The last packs I bought were a Sour Diesel F5, and one of JJ's Chem91/Sour hybrids, that I think has Zkittles in there. So I got one of each.

I think people give the breeder too much credit in some cases. The credit needs to be for their connections to getting legit stuff to work with, or their personal selections for a high they like to smoke. Find a breeder that likes to be as high as you do and you should be legit.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Regarding the light spectrum, I am a stoner - I plan to forget things. If I did a grow start to finish in one tent that would be an option, but growing perpetual and lots of variety has me rotating things around for the best fit by height more than anything.

That kind of experimentation is fine for those so inclined. As long as I am not killing plants I'm good. I think identifying the issue is enough for me. Once the plant dries all the pistils are brown, and the smoke does it or it doesn't. Those later pistils on an otherwise wrll-ripened plant really have no bearing in the grand scheme.

Deleted member 2835

I have a very scientific/analytic mind, which goes well with the OCD. But I am also a stoner and think outside any box I find myself in. I have no problem posting possibly stupid ideas just so they are written down. Sometimes one person's crazy idea sparks a train of thought in someone else that takes a different path and the idea turns into something.

Like having the lighting spectrum change and dim during "fall" as they ripen. If I wasn't doing perpetual I would dive into that. Find a strain that foxtails like mad and see if you can stop it with the lights. Maybe have the temps and humidity change on a bell curve as well. Something someone into the electronics and setting up the programmed grows might see the idea and make use of it, or prove it was false.

I just grow flowers.

I smoke weed and I know things.
That's pretty much what I'm doing.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I want to add some uvb spectrum to my set up.
I am an idea person - who keeps doing the same old thing LOL. Good to know that one of my ideas wasn't complete shit. Did you do it specfically for foxtailing?

I think finding the living soil thing and the mental relaxation that seems to come with it has me not wanting to experiment. I dialed all the lights back, raised them, and run the temps mid to high 70's instead of low 80's - or whatever they end up being inside my climate controlled house. It's different with heating on than with AC on.

I know I could push every envelope and make more weight, but I think the plants seem happier this way and the smoke seems better from a weed-nerd standpoint. I am convinced that when I grew with bottles whatever was in those bottles had to make every different strain taste a little the same because they are all being cooked with the same recipe.

Deleted member 2835

I am an idea person - who keeps doing the same old thing LOL. Good to know that one of my ideas wasn't complete shit. Did you do it specfically for foxtailing?

I think finding the living soil thing and the mental relaxation that seems to come with it has me not wanting to experiment. I dialed all the lights back, raised them, and run the temps mid to high 70's instead of low 80's - or whatever they end up being inside my climate controlled house. It's different with heating on than with AC on.

I know I could push every envelope and make more weight, but I think the plants seem happier this way and the smoke seems better from a weed-nerd standpoint. I am convinced that when I grew with bottles whatever was in those bottles had to make every different strain taste a little the same because they are all being cooked with the same recipe.
No but since I've started I haven't noticed any foxtails. Coincidence or correlation?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
For the Freeborn smoke so far was that the Cherrywest tiny plant was good, but probably not the best representation of the plant.

I have two of the Lime1 x Jaro. One was bulky, and midsy. Not much smell, good flavor, decent high. The other smells of cilantro andhas a real nice high. So out of the pack I already found one keeper (though I don't keep) and I know what to look for in the rest off the pack. Since I know there's both then I know I need more girls next drop to get a winner. I'll be dropping half-packs instead of just the 2-fer to get a girl.

Having 4 of the other varieties is cool. With the freebies and the stuff i bought they are all from two chucks. The Jaro hit a few of the packs I have, and the G33/Cherry Limeade hit a few more. I am not sure what the "1st Crown" is but I think it was a specific dad from one of his other lines and that was a trait it showed or somethting.

I have the G33/CL on Runts (free) and the Pink Champagne that I bought. I have the Jaro on the Lime1 that I bought, and on the T-1000 from CSI (free), the Hollywood Pure Kush (free), and on the Macchiato but those are all dropped.

The Cherrywest backcross 4 was listed as CW x CW x CW x CW x Cherry Limeade, so he's in there too.

In general I think I have Freeborn covered unless he comes up with something new. And even he is looking to Caleb at CSI to find some cuts to breed with ;)