The James Gang

This is the wrench in the works of me dropping the Dogma beans soon. I have zero confidence in my ability to contain pollen in a specific tent. So I can have nothing in flower other than what I want to be seeded. Working through this step by step LOL.
The Irie beans (JTR, TM, TC) were pack extra's. (i.e. buy a 12-pack and there's 14) and are regs so I could slow veg and let any girls catch pollen.
-The Chem91 will stay in veg as a mom regardless, maybe get a clone to catch pollen.
-Step Child were freebies. Same logic as the Irie stuff - let a girl catch pollen, I have another freebie pack of 5.
-CLHP? Everything. I have several pack left and smoke in the jar. One can catch pollen and one can hang out in veg for a big hash run or something. Those were the old beans with poor storage at first and a low germ rate.
-The Stones is the fucker... Only had 6 beans, never smoked it but I want to. So it would hafe to have all 4 on the ChemD and Chem91 plan for long-term moms - at least until I get done slinging pollen.
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That is a REALLY nice line up of genetics to catch some Dogma pollen H.A.F. 🔥
And oi... The thought of some County Line Kentucky Fried terps on some choice nuggets of chemdawg has me pulling a homer over here!
Homie Drool.png


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Thanks for the answers all!
I did 12/12 from seed once and it was about 4 weeks in before they started showing, so I'm guessing it's strain dependent per whatever that strains flowering time is. I think a 14-weeker will start flowering a lot later than an 8-weeker.

Like, I was waiting on the Gods Paintbrush and the Dogma the longest to show sex. Of the plants I have I think they should flower a week or three longer than the quick ones.

I just never let anything get close to dropping pollen.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Since I'm doing the chuck regardless and it is gonna be small with more plants I'll be looking through the bank to see what else is worthy or interesting to catch.

This is a dank strain, so I don't know if it would be better to cross it with sweet and fruity or more dank. I can do regs and cull any non-Dogma males but a fem-bean is easier. Mo girls, less cups.
Since I'm doing the chuck regardless and it is gonna be small with more plants I'll be looking through the bank to see what else is worthy or interesting to catch.

This is a dank strain, so I don't know if it would be better to cross it with sweet and fruity or more dank. I can do regs and cull any non-Dogma males but a fem-bean is easier. Mo girls, less cups.
Hmmmm... If you still have any CLG Harlets/Banana Hashplant fems they would make a nice +1 to the Harem. OH! If you still have any GPS Lemontree S1's fems +however many it might take to find the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster pheno you previously found. Ima stop there otherwise this list will get long pdq. :ROFLMAO:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Hmmmm... If you still have any CLG Harlets/Banana Hashplant fems they would make a nice +1 to the Harem. OH! If you still have any GPS Lemontree S1's fems +however many it might take to find the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster pheno you previously found. Ima stop there otherwise this list will get long pdq. :ROFLMAO:
Unfortunately, this morning it was obvious the Dogma male was still putting out flowers. I'm not keeping it around and hoping is doesn't pollute everything.

So now I have nothing to connect the chuck to a particular strain :unsure: I'm still throwing a pack of males and females in the tent to do their thing, but now I have over a month to fuck with ideas. Damnit 😂

I already had the Lemon Tree, the Sangria Cookies and the CLHP on the fem list to catch any pollen.
I will be chucking a pack that has Chem in it.
That's all I got now...


Insanely Active Member
Males vary widely of their development speed. I have seen many open 12-14 days from flip, and continue to develop their pods in waves until they die.

Some develop Large amounts of pods all at once, and don’t open until weeks 3-4. Some of these plants drop all their pollen within two weeks, others will go until they die in its production steadily dropping off after week 6 until plummeting at around week 8.
Sleeve of Wizard opened up in two weeks and continued to produce huge amounts until week 6 before a steady decline to week 8. The bees are also constantly stealing pollen from me, some plants are really quite impressive. These are the best of the best males In terms of passing on high yield traits. Lots of large pollen sacs that produce very quickly is a great sign, as the development and size of most of its female children will follow suit.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Males vary widely of their development speed. I have seen many open 12-14 days from flip, and continue to develop their pods in waves until they die.

Some develop Large amounts of pods all at once, and don’t open until weeks 3-4. Some of these plants drop all their pollen within two weeks, others will go until they die in its production steadily dropping off after week 6 until plummeting at around week 8.
Sleeve of Wizard opened up in two weeks and continued to produce huge amounts until week 6 before a steady decline to week 8. The bees are also constantly stealing pollen from me, some plants are really quite impressive. These are the best of the best males In terms of passing on high yield traits. Lots of large pollen sacs that produce very quickly is a great sign, as the development and size of most of its female children will follow suit.
Thanks for the reply - but my original question was regarding starting regs from 12/12 and how long it would take to actually open male flowers. I plan to separate the males as I find them, then re-introduce the females all at once. Might be some miniscule early pollen grabs but I don't plan to touch the males other than watering them, then bring the girls in when the boys are ready.

And actually it's not that big of a deal. I was trying to time stuff out but i know it should take 3-5 weeks before they even show. So I have a one month window (when I can still have my smoke in flower) for planning purposes.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I am still going to use the Domga. But if this is relatively painless then I have a few more packs that I would rather increase then hunt the kids rather than look for a mom in the pack.

But then if it's a good m/f mix and relatively homogenous I could still keep a mom.

I ground up the last of that Thunderhole and that is one I think may have some good stuff to find in a larger hunt.
Matanuska ThunderFuck X A.S.S. Man (Airborne g13 X Skelly Skunk)
Really great smoke, like a piney-fresh face-punch. But it was that tiny christma tree that only got about a foot tall. If the whole pack is like that it might be interesting, but if it aint then I'd like to hunt through and find another.


Insanely Active Member
I am still going to use the Domga. But if this is relatively painless then I have a few more packs that I would rather increase then hunt the kids rather than look for a mom in the pack.

But then if it's a good m/f mix and relatively homogenous I could still keep a mom.

I ground up the last of that Thunderhole and that is one I think may have some good stuff to find in a larger hunt.
Matanuska ThunderFuck X A.S.S. Man (Airborne g13 X Skelly Skunk)
Really great smoke, like a piney-fresh face-punch. But it was that tiny christma tree that only got about a foot tall. If the whole pack is like that it might be interesting, but if it aint then I'd like to hunt through and find another.
12-14 days from flip (start of flower) be ready


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
have smoke and oil weed ,its nice to have real smoke on hand!
I'm gonna need it tomorrow. I'm thinking some RSO before bed. Sitting for a minute to make sure I don't lay down and can't get back up. :ROFLMAO:

No pics unless you want to see a few stacks of those 8g black totes with the yellow lids. I love those. Full of soil they still ain't too heavy and have handles. Also, those sturdy green bucket-grids for sifting gravel fit just inside so it's like a rack you can shuffle the screen back and forth on. Get them at the right height and the sifting is repetitive but not back breaking.

I noticed the last few waterings that my pots are just getting heavy. I know it's all the castings, but I am thinking it's from worms in the pots more than what I add as a top dress. Since I dump pots and re-ammend soil then blend it all back together I am trying to come up with a system. All the pots that had been resting got sifted through

1/2" - which gets out any roots that haven't decomposed enough.
1/4" - catches most of the pumice/rock and sticks/wood
1/8" - catches mostly rice hulls, some small busted up wood pieces and other future castings.

And what is left is the castings. Silky smooth like kinetic sand - great stuff. I ended up with two totes slap full of castings, two and a half of the rice hulls and smaller stuff (lighter), and one tote of pumice and sticks. Ratio is way off so I'll put it back together right and have castings leftover.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Headlites from Blackbird Preservations is not dank. NL5 and a chem and I expected different.

Then I saw the breeder on a podcast. He was bragging about sifting through a bunch of the original NL5 beans and finding a fruity one... :confused:

Wish I had known that in the fucking seed description. It stones me pretty nice and there's nothing at ALL wrong with it - it dumps kief, smokes great, just not what I thought I was buying. I'll get over it LOL
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
One reason the SH was not pretty was that is started throwing new pistils all over, after I already had it on trich-watch. I up-potted it from a 2g to the 5g very late planning on re-vegging, and I was also going to stick it back in 18/6 before chopping for a week or so and I think it would work. The new growth to me says new roots are growing. If I had it under 18/6 for the last week I bet those would have been the start of single-blade re-veg leaves.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Hey @Bobby_Resigliano , when it comes to hand watering shifting to living soil has made that, uhm, not a chore? I can go crazy adding ferments and other stuff but if they need water and I just say screw it and give them plan ol' water they like that too. No pH-ing or EC contraptions needed, and you can do it on a regular schedule if that's your thing. With each 5g pot only getting about a quart every 2-3 days I had two tents withn 18 plants and watered the lot with less than 5g.

It also prompts you to take a closer peek at each plant regularly and maybe catch issues early.
I am still going to use the Domga. But if this is relatively painless then I have a few more packs that I would rather increase then hunt the kids rather than look for a mom in the pack.
Are you going to hunt the Dogma males that you get to popup up H.A.F.(Stem Rub terps, frost, structure, ect) or you plan on going full blown bukkake on this chuck?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I couldn't stunt them any more. I got done just as the lights went out with some home-crafted potting soil and watered them with a "compost extract" which is water I rinsed out a harvested plants roots in than ran through a strainer :ROFLMAO:. I dry the roots out then add them back in crumblet or chopped up. I figure that since I am sifting and reammending anyway it'll be a lot easier if I just sift the roots out and the castings and such like I just did and then reammend a tote at a time instead of a 60g pot. slap a date on them and use the oldes next. fuck it. A lot easier in one to two plant runs just like trim jail.
Since The Stones and the CLHP are more side projects they all got moved to the less-light tent.