The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Also, sitting by a window getting about 6 hours of good light a day, less than 12 period, with lights coming on and off randomly -
Let this be your daily reminder that this is a weed.

And as far as determining sex maybe a reminder that I shouldn't go to Thailand looking for a hooker any time soon. 😁


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
No way I'll have 6 the same sex is there? All the MM jumped up right behind the bagseeds. MK Ultra and one Freakshow didn't crack. I did the sunflower seed crack with my teeth and stuck them back in for a few days. Can't hurt. One FS came out of the shell and barely had a tap that was distinguishable from the two coty's. I propped it in the right direction but I think I have three no-shows for the party. The remaining FS and the MAC1 x Orgi fem have a weird fetal position thing going where the leaves don't want to open. This is gladiator school though. I have more beans to drop. Once I have them pointed in the right direction without a helmet, it's all on them.
I am babying these a little though to try and catch them up to the slow skunks. Keeping the humidity up while still introducing wind.
The skunks and the "wow, it's a girl!?!" Rock Island Rocket. I took 6 good clones from the RIR, then put a spreader bar on her to even the rest out. I figure I'll flip what's left but it'll need a new pot. For now it needs to get used to 18 hours of light. watching close to make sure she doesn't keel over. Since I'll be doing a "violent" repot trying to get the RIR out of the 5g an into something else I'll probably yank the Sky Cuddler as well and see what's up there. She ain't been happy yet and just might be a dud. But a new pot might fix it all. It's been chilly as well and I think that's done.
Rearranged these. The Thunderhole is opening up a flower on top and I still haven't seen a pistil. It may pop twenty nuts up top as the first sign of sex, but I'm hoping it's a girl. If it's a male that waited this long to show and stayed this short it might be a good breeding trait? 🤷‍♂️
The CLHP 6-top was too short for the short tent but perfect propped up in the tall tent. Next watering is big defoliation on her.
Mountaintop Mint is still looking crazy at each flower site
The chrysanthemum from yesterday looks like it has a little sugar leaf for every few pistils, and I can just picture what a time-lapse would look like of it opening, then plumping up.


We had dry spells where I was, late 70's early 80's. That was how the shit-brick got past the censors... But I knew people, and if there was any to be had I likely had some. I was the QP guy that broke it into quarter bags to smoke free.
Dry spell here usually meant cleaning out all the resins from pipes cleaning that box of stems and seeds again and smoking someone's immature homegrown lol but once we got skunk growing we were never without again but one did crave some variety after several months of skunk biggest treat was blonde hash $5 gram pricy but good stuff how seeded up was the brick weed you got?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The other two contenders I have to snag a male/female combo for F1-ing are:

Dominion's Savage Headband Headband x Figure Four
  • Figure Four = (Triangle Kush x “AirborneG13) x (Skelly Hashplant x SSSC Skunk1)
And Covert's DeChempose RIP (Ghost OG x Chem 91) x Chem Brulee

If I end up with plants mostly the same size I may just skip cloning all together and just start the orgy. As stuff flowers out I'll shift a tent to veg then eventually all for the chuck. Anyway, I'll sort that out as they grow but those are the last two regs I had as contenders for F1-ing so I might as well get them wet. I at least want one to catch pollen. But just two each and let karma sort it out.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Dry spell here usually meant cleaning out all the resins from pipes cleaning that box of stems and seeds again and smoking someone's immature homegrown lol but once we got skunk growing we were never without again but one did crave some variety after several months of skunk biggest treat was blonde hash $5 gram pricy but good stuff how seeded up was the brick weed you got?
We got a variety of compression factors and seed/stem ratios. I didn't live where people grew unless it was indoors, and that stuff was for close friends and family only back then - and I didn't grow or know anyone that did other than the guerilla plant here and there in the woods.

Since I was the quarter-bag slinger I never had stems. Bought a QP, sold three ounces and smoked one. The big fat buds with big fat stems sold. Bag appeal baby! I kept the nugs ;) But I have damn sure scraped a bowl and re-sorted through the seeds to get any shake that might be there.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Just un-fucked my mind a little. I have a few Road Dog clones that can catch pollen, but other than the CLHP I really have all I want in the veg closet and the mini tent. I have a few other clones that really don't matter since I have more beans of everything.

Soooooooooo I'll have plants that are two-ish weeks apart mostly, just looking at the closet skunks and mini-tent babies. I'll just be chucking with all of them in some way shape or form. I may ditch extra or un-wanted males but all the girls catch. Pretty sure I can swing a Momma Moonshine tent with a few extra catchers, then I have the other tent and the closet to try two more mostly isolated pollinations. Primarily looking for two more F1 combinations that can each have extra girls in the party.

Each space has it's own exhaust, but they are all in the same room. I should be able to keep negative ventilation in all of them so pollen jumping tents is limited to me - and I can hopefully limit that. But as long as most of the Momma Moonshine beans are like I want, the random stuff could be unicorn city. This is all just future playthings that are better than dropping bagseeds from herms for a little variety.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I may have to do one last round of a lot of clones. There's too much stuff here I want to smoke to just let it all go to seed making, and taking flower clones is not an option for snagging just females, since they'll still have pistils and pollen will be flying. Gotta be veg clones so I can toss all of them into flower as soon as the rooms are hosed down and sanitary from those nasty boys.

I see a big sea of green with little taster plants after the chuck, so the big pot idea still has merit. I may have just dumb-lucked into dropping the short, no-node skunks first then the rest after.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
To make things easier, if I get enough Momma Moonshine males - Daddy Moonshine? I can just put one in every spot and have that be the only pollen with a variety of moms. One tent specifically the MM F1 with multiple moms if possible, then whatever I have that can be flowered.

Since I am waiting until I can take clones of the latest batch before starting I may have time to drop a few fem seeds specifically to be seed moms. If I end up with bigger and smaller plants I don't think it will matter much except for seed quantity.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If you got more than one male MM would you swap/rotate the dudes around for diversity or just keep them with their harem?
Not really sure, depends on what else I get male. I'd like to have a few male and female all open pollinating for a better diversity, but I also like the idea of only having one brand of pollen in the air. I'm a stoner, I'll change my mind a dozen times between now and then but when I do decide I jump in with both feet.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I am just ready to do this so I can't back out. As soon as I can take clones from the DeChempose and Savage Headband I dropped last night (or whichever is slowest to make a clone) I'm flipping the lot. If the clones don't take - karma - fuck it. But the ones that do I can cull males and have a flip ready so I can be flowering while I finish the beans.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Thunderhole just showed pistils out of the top cola and nowhere else yet. I still have the male and it looks 100 times better sitting by the window getting rotated daily because it chases the light. Might re-think using it - then again it might be a fucking girl 😁 🤷‍♂️

I also said fuck it on the Rock Island Rocket. Keep it simple. I flipped it as is, same pot and if I have to amend with something I have still have the organic-ish Faux Farms dry top-dressings. Rearranged both tents for tall and short, and I'm using the Terpy-T bar-light for the taller plants since they are mostly the older plants and it has the upgraded LED spectrum. The HLG quantum boards seem to do really well for early flower.

The pics. First, the clone tent. Before
But I saw all I needed to see. No pollinators flying around and it made fruit.
So now it is outside in the dirt. The Rock Island Rocket is the small clone up front. My low-light plan to keep them from going crazy is working. Flipping it would have been a mess so it is hanging out to catch pollen whenever. I started a herd more from the mother (in a dome there) in case i have different dads and want to stick one in each. Also something I can flower quick after I clean the tents. The Cream is the short one and may need to re-veg. The Grandpa's Stash is going to be my first mom attempt. See if I can't just keep it going until I smoke the mom and see if I like it. Cutting it back and shortly, but the first few nodes were only good on one side, the other had a runty limb. After this seed-making venture is past I may have this tent with another tomato and an auto ;)
Deep breath. Damn - CLHP rocks.

The large propagator is now a self contained unit with that little fan and the extender. For starting seeds I would just need a room where it gets dark at night, and a small light on a timer. Any recommendations on a seedling light for a set up this size?
I can set the damn thing on a table and have the mini-tent for an interim veg area or a separate clone tent.
Plenty of room in here for the 1g's I may end up sticking the Sky Struggler by the window - works for everything else :rolleyes:.
The skunky's are all hitting second gear now.
Short & mostly early-flower. Memberberry is the squat older one.
Taller & mostly older flowers. Mountaintop Mint is the early champ in the middle.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have a battery push-mower that surprisingly rocks considering I use it like a bushhog. Very little noise and no smoke, so it's a relaxing walk in nature collecting stuff for my compost pile :ROFLMAO: Smoked a big fatty of Chemdog throughout the mow and the thing I noticed was terps. Under a magnolia tree, patch of dandelions, patch of clover, that early garlic/onion that looks like grass, stuff like that.

Crazy the things you notice.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
End of week 5 for the top line in my signature block. The only veg clone I took (so I know it's successful) was the Grandpa's Stash. I just found out it's supposedly a 7-week strain. It already smells strong, already has weight, and is turning. If this is good smoke on top of everything else I may have my first mom to keep around. Grandma? :unsure: :p
The lowers are just getting a few browns pistils so two more weeks seems legit. The tops are already getting plump with the random amber here and there. This is leaf tips on the top, with a lot of plump-n-milky. giving her the crotch rub for smell and the kief is very sandy already.


I have a battery push-mower that surprisingly rocks considering I use it like a bushhog. Very little noise and no smoke, so it's a relaxing walk in nature collecting stuff for my compost pile :ROFLMAO: Smoked a big fatty of Chemdog throughout the mow and the thing I noticed was terps. Under a magnolia tree, patch of dandelions, patch of clover, that early garlic/onion that looks like grass, stuff like that.

Crazy the things you notice.
Dang I am jealous I still have snow in the yard drove thru a snowstorm yesterday and your talking dandelions clover and lawnmower 😳 Sign me up!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Stoner notes so I don't forget tomorrow - or I can revise and rethink...

Lots of thinking, and after the chuck I'll not be filling tents. I was doing the "drop with the moon" thing just because it works out to four weeks fairly reliably, good rotation to hunt through the mess of beans I still have. I'll be dropping two 5-packs/ or two half-packs and flowering out the 4-6 girls that should result. That should fill a tent just fine.

I have some go-to strains to meet my needs, so I can fill a meds jar well before I run out. The rest is just a buffet now and finding out what else I like.
Playing with the clones hasn't been as bad as I thought, so the new plan is set.

The 4-week flip works, but I'm not in a hurry now - never was but I'm also not worried about plants going longer just meaning I have more chance to kill them. Anyone has a 6-month Dr. Grinspoon they want me to grow I'm game now :cool: .

For veg, if they take longer they take longer. The one gallons works fine with living soil and I have not seen a mass exodus of worms or anything. it's a bunch of little worm-bins and keeping the worms happy seems to keep the plants happy. It's also a good size bot to gauge the plant for flipping. regardless of weeks if a plant is about 1g pot size it's flippable, and should go another few weeks (until sex shows) still in the 1g without issue.

Veg until I can clone the tops and have a good 4-top left - however long that takes. Flip immediately. If the clone doesn't take - karma.
Keep the clone alive for ~2-3 months until I can smoke the mom (kill male clones) for when I find another unicorn.
I can then flip the clone, clone it and run a closet full, or feed it to the worms.

Keeping a long term mom won't be out of the question with this method, just because I'll be keeping the clones anyway.