Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!


Very cool man, I thought about doing this for my mom's cause I have so many
It worked well till i went on holidays. They were in small pots and needed watering everyday. But i had my caretaker come every other. I think i had a bunch of root dieoff and they never fully recovered. I did a root prune and repotted but they never came back.
The graft areas do fully heal and and are even hard to tell they were ever done. Id say go for it if you want to keep a bunch of genetics on one plant. Pick the mother that has a superior root system. I found it workes better do graft young growth, older woody growth dosent seem to heal.
It worked well till i went on holidays. They were in small pots and needed watering everyday. But i had my caretaker come every other. I think i had a bunch of root dieoff and they never fully recovered. I did a root prune and repotted but they never came back.
The graft areas do fully heal and and are even hard to tell they were ever done. Id say go for it if you want to keep a bunch of genetics on one plant. Pick the mother that has a superior root system. I found it workes better do graft young growth, older woody growth dosent seem to heal.
I don't know what some of these fools are laughing at. I think this is awesome fucking shit! You could graft to an outdoor plant too.

What would blow my mind would be seeing weed grafted to a tomato plant. Gotta be someone that's pulled that shit off.


Hops would be kinda cool. I should give it a go this summer. I make beer and have a few hop plants. May be trickey with the out doors. A graft is just like a cutting. I bag the graft to keep humidity high for a week or 2. Once it perks up a and makes its own moisture in the bag a crack open and then remove after a bit of hardening off.
Hops would be kinda cool. I should give it a go this summer. I make beer and have a few hop plants. May be trickey with the out doors. A graft is just like a cutting. I bag the graft to keep humidity high for a week or 2. Once it perks up a and makes its own moisture in the bag a crack open and then remove after a bit of hardening off.
Ya, when I first heard of it, they were talking about grafting it to hops. I got into homebrew too. Still got all my supplies, but haven't done it in awile. I've actually been using some of the malted barley from back then in my soil.

I was always trying to reproduce Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, and was pretty close. You can collect the yeast at the bottom of the bottles, or just buy the 1056? yeast. I could have the number wrong since it's been awhile, but I was using the same yeast they use and the proper yeast made a big difference.

I did extract and all grain. If shit hits the fan I can still make my own beer, :)


Dirt Track Maniac 🏆 🏁
just wait yall…….just wait…….. The only reason you guys are talking so much shit is because you are so sure that that 10 1/2 ounces wasn’t there…………… it was……… i’m going to chop that plant down and hang it hole on a fish scale on video then you’ll see just how heavy she is…….. just wait ……..juuuuuuuuuust wait………
Since when in the fuck does anyone grow for wet weight anyways?


Ya, when I first heard of it, they were talking about grafting it to hops. I got into homebrew too. Still got all my supplies, but haven't done it in awile. I've actually been using some of the malted barley from back then in my soil.

I was always trying to reproduce Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, and was pretty close. You can collect the yeast at the bottom of the bottles, or just buy the 1056? yeast. I could have the number wrong since it's been awhile, but I was using the same yeast they use and the proper yeast made a big difference.

I did extract and all grain. If shit hits the fan I can still make my own beer, :)
Ya yeast can make a bit of a difference. Stepping it up from bottle dregs can be challenging, too many other bugs making all kinds of flavors . I make a pretty good all grain zombi dust clone. Yum its all citra hops. I have a nice keg of hefewiesen im working on atm. Double decoction adds a bit to the brew day but its well worth it.
Ya yeast can make a bit of a difference. Stepping it up from bottle dregs can be challenging, too many other bugs making all kinds of flavors . I make a pretty good all grain zombi dust clone. Yum its all citra hops. I have a nice keg of hefewiesen im working on atm. Double decoction adds a bit to the brew day but its well worth it.
Hell ya man. If you've got a keg it makes it easier. Cleaning the bottles is what got old to me. But I need a keg. My dad had a Kegerator when I was a kid. That would make it way easier.

Damn, all this homebrew talk is making me feel motivated, 😀


Corney kegs and starsan for disenfecting are a gods send. I bottled once. I don't even like bottling out of the keg wich is pretty easy. We do the odd exchange and need beer for camping so the bottles come out occasionally. Or sometimes i just role the beer fridge in the back of the trailer and there is beer for all. Wife calls it stupid juice LOL.
Corney kegs and starsan for disenfecting are a gods send. I bottled once. I don't even like bottling out of the keg wich is pretty easy. We do the odd exchange and need beer for camping so the bottles come out occasionally. Or sometimes i just role the beer fridge in the back of the trailer and there is beer for all. Wife calls it stupid juice LOL.
I just call it beer, :)


Full send….always
We told him we wanted to see the wet weight because that is a good way to tell if he is drying enough before collecting the final dry weight.
I’m going along with that because I’ve only been doing this for a short time so maybe I am fucking up and just don’t know it so that’s the easiest way for me to tell… i’m gonna take a piece to go get a test and post it on here I’ve had a top vacuum sealed in the chest freezer for quite some time I’ll take a little piece out and bring it in to get tested I’ll post a video of it last time It got tested it was 10% free moisture