Vertical Goodness and Other Batshit Craziness


Nerd Gone Vertical
I have always kinda wanted to cut a nice slab of root booty meat off one of my girls after harvest & then toss it in a crock pot with a nice hunk of smoked sausage and a couple purtatos. Cook em till they are nice and soft then break out the Gludens and NOM NOM NOM. I bet they are decently tasty.
Turns out that roots are full of CBDA and CBGA, the acid forms of those compounds. These have been implicated in studies to be effective against COVID. I'm making no such claims but I find this line of inquiry very interesting.

As I've mentioned, my GF is a chemist and the production manager of a hemp products manufacturer. She's suddenly VERY interested in processing roots from my plants to see what can be extracted from them.

FWIW, I rather doubt that just eating the roots will be either tasty or nutritious but I think it's worth further study.

Edited to add Link to the article:


Turns out that roots are full of CBDA and CBGA, the acid forms of those compounds. These have been implicated in studies to be effective against COVID. I'm making no such claims but I find this line of inquiry very interesting.

As I've mentioned, my GF is a chemist and the production manager of a hemp products manufacturer. She's suddenly VERY interested in processing roots from my plants to see what can be extracted from them.

FWIW, I rather doubt that just eating the roots will be either tasty or nutritious but I think it's worth further study.
I saw a video yesterday that a person who studies cannabinoids posted about that study. She said that it was done in a sterile test environment, so there's no way to know if it will hold true in the human body, and the amount of those cannabinoids needed to be effective against COVID is so high that she doesn't know if it's even possible for the human body to take that much in.


Nerd Gone Vertical
I saw a video yesterday that a person who studies cannabinoids posted about that study. She said that it was done in a sterile test environment, so there's no way to know if it will hold true in the human body, and the amount of those cannabinoids needed to be effective against COVID is so high that she doesn't know if it's even possible for the human body to take that much in.
This doesn't surprise me. Yet even a small benefit is still a benefit.


Dont Need One
I have the magic sauce for russet mites and if a grower can't handle PM in Colorado, he'd better find another line of work lol

I'm not scared!
Yeah I don't want no PM period. That shit is wratched, never again. Having to spray plants all the time and just watch that shit keep coming back. Thrips were a pain in the ass to. Just when I would get rid of em about 2 months would go by and they would come back. I moved and started over. Nothing since than and I'm keeping it that way.


Nerd Gone Vertical
Fuck. My circulation pump quit. It worked fine on all the tests. Gonna pull it apart and see what I can do, otherwise I'll have to scrounge something up.


Nerd Gone Vertical
Fuck. My circulation pump quit. It worked fine on all the tests. Gonna pull it apart and see what I can do, otherwise I'll have to scrounge something up.
Well that pump is fucked, not sure why.

But got a replacement in there and we're up and running again.

Here's where I Ted Talk about modular systems; once you settle on doing things a certain way with a given set of components, DON'T REINVENT THE WHEEL every time you expand. Use the same components as much as possible going forward so that you only have to carry one type of spares.

Case in point; Southwest Airlines is famous for flying the Boeing 737 airframe- and nothing else. Their routes are optimised for various configurations of the Boeing 737, they fly various versions of the plane but they're all the same bird. Imagine how much that simplifies their shops, maintenance, training and even their negotiations with Boeing; in return for flying nothing else, Boeing gives them first access to new upgrades and preferential pricing. (Yes, the MAX scandal hit them hard but even then Boeing knew they had to take care of them so they worked hard to make sure Southwest didn't suffer.) All together, this decision is one of the main reasons why Southwest can fly passengers for less than other airlines.

Be like Southwest! Build everything the same. Your spare parts bin and your wallet will thank you.


Nerd Gone Vertical
I just wrote this up elsewhere, thought I'd share this story here for you guys;

I built several light movers, all with the same purpose; to get as much growth out of one high powered lamp as possible.

Mine were built from old 10 speed mountain bikes and used the gear reduction. They were driven by junkyard windshield wiper assemblies mounted to drive the back tire backwards. The assembly was powered by a portable 12V battery charger on low power. It plugged into the same light time the lamp was.

No slip rings needed, the light hung from a swivel that kept it from twisting up the cord. The fixture was a horizontal parabolic wing (yes, one version did indeed use the famous "grow wing") and it was mounted only a foot above the canopy.

The grow was arranged in a circle about 7' diameter with mylar reflective material hung vertically all the way around.

The lamp itself was on a crossbar hanging from the crank arm of the bike. One end had the light, the other carried a counterweight.

The light itself was mounted about 30" from the center and the gearing was such that it took about 3 1/2 minutes to complete one revolution.

And yes, it worked! Here's why I think it was effective; it turns out that cannabis, like many plants, can "charge up" on bright light and keep its photosynthetic processes going for about 3 minutes or so afterwards. The light never got far enough away to make the plants think it was dark; between the wing reflector and the mylar, everything got light all the time, even if it wasn't the optimal amount.

So the 1000W HPS lamp was so close to the canopy that if the rotator ever stopped, it would fry the tops. Since it moved, the top buds never cooked but they got very strong, if intermittent light from all sides as the lamp passed overhead.

This way the plants all got really strong light but that same light was spread across the canopy, which was itself carefully managed by topping the plants and tying the branches down to spread them out into a flattop shape, a form of ScrOG only without a trellis net or panel.

I ran a dozen plants; 6 each in early bloom and 6 in late bloom, and swapped them about every 3 weeks since the strain I had finished in 6 weeks. Of course this meant I needed a perpetual veg to feed this setup with half a dozen bloom ready plants every 3 weeks, a process done with 4' T12 shop lights in a separate space.

I pulled about a pound and a half every 3 weeks. Not too fuckin' shabby for an old mountain bike, some car parts and a single thouie! Oh, more more detail; this setup pulled that weight even from an HPS lamp that was 4 years old because I didn't know they deteriorated!

Thanks for the trip down memory lane! Somewhere, I still have pics of the rotator, I'll have to find them.

Long story short; get LED, spread them evenly over the canopy and you're way ahead of any silly ideas about moving lights.


Dont Need One
I just wrote this up elsewhere, thought I'd share this story here for you guys;

I built several light movers, all with the same purpose; to get as much growth out of one high powered lamp as possible.

Mine were built from old 10 speed mountain bikes and used the gear reduction. They were driven by junkyard windshield wiper assemblies mounted to drive the back tire backwards. The assembly was powered by a portable 12V battery charger on low power. It plugged into the same light time the lamp was.

No slip rings needed, the light hung from a swivel that kept it from twisting up the cord. The fixture was a horizontal parabolic wing (yes, one version did indeed use the famous "grow wing") and it was mounted only a foot above the canopy.

The grow was arranged in a circle about 7' diameter with mylar reflective material hung vertically all the way around.

The lamp itself was on a crossbar hanging from the crank arm of the bike. One end had the light, the other carried a counterweight.

The light itself was mounted about 30" from the center and the gearing was such that it took about 3 1/2 minutes to complete one revolution.

And yes, it worked! Here's why I think it was effective; it turns out that cannabis, like many plants, can "charge up" on bright light and keep its photosynthetic processes going for about 3 minutes or so afterwards. The light never got far enough away to make the plants think it was dark; between the wing reflector and the mylar, everything got light all the time, even if it wasn't the optimal amount.

So the 1000W HPS lamp was so close to the canopy that if the rotator ever stopped, it would fry the tops. Since it moved, the top buds never cooked but they got very strong, if intermittent light from all sides as the lamp passed overhead.

This way the plants all got really strong light but that same light was spread across the canopy, which was itself carefully managed by topping the plants and tying the branches down to spread them out into a flattop shape, a form of ScrOG only without a trellis net or panel.

I ran a dozen plants; 6 each in early bloom and 6 in late bloom, and swapped them about every 3 weeks since the strain I had finished in 6 weeks. Of course this meant I needed a perpetual veg to feed this setup with half a dozen bloom ready plants every 3 weeks, a process done with 4' T12 shop lights in a separate space.

I pulled about a pound and a half every 3 weeks. Not too fuckin' shabby for an old mountain bike, some car parts and a single thouie! Oh, more more detail; this setup pulled that weight even from an HPS lamp that was 4 years old because I didn't know they deteriorated!

Thanks for the trip down memory lane! Somewhere, I still have pics of the rotator, I'll have to find them.

Long story short; get LED, spread them evenly over the canopy and you're way ahead of any silly ideas about moving lights.
I looked into those at some point in time and just said fuk it. Just throw up a light and let it rip.


Nerd Gone Vertical
I looked into those at some point in time and just said fuk it. Just throw up a light and let it rip.
The one I built was better than anything I ever saw for sale.

The thing is, there's always a trade-off; even though my light mover made a great grams per Watt number, especially for a tired old HPS, it took a lot of room to do it. Nobody I know would want to piss away 50ft² for 24 zips a month anymore.