2lb’s 1 plant no co2


Nerd Gone Vertical
I have gotten to the point that how a plant behaves in my system is now up to the plant. Like I dont really grow. I know thats what I am doing but thats not how i view this. I love to watch the plants express themselves in as perfect growing environment as I can make it. And by keeping my over all focus on just that aspect alone I have avoided the pitfalls that I see so many growers go through. As I have educated myself over the last 10 years, my grows have only improved. And the quality of my own is where I'm a fucking weed snob. LOL I dont even like smoking other peoples bought shit.
THIS, right fuckin here. Beginners "hit" their plants with this or that. Good growers grow their plants... but great growers know to get the fuck out of the way and just let the ladies do their special thang.

I've gotten a lot of compliments over the years but the ones that stock with me the most are the simplest; "dude, that's the best fuckin smoke I've ever had."

My GF says she doesn't like the store bought or even the weed some of our friends grow for the shops nearly as much as she digs my shit that's been sitting around open air 'curing' for 6 months lol

I wanna get a cut of my Hillbilly Hobby in your hands, see what you think of it. Something to work on for the future...


THIS, right fuckin here. Beginners "hit" their plants with this or that. Good growers grow their plants... but great growers know to get the fuck out of the way and just let the ladies do their special thang.

I've gotten a lot of compliments over the years but the ones that stock with me the most are the simplest; "dude, that's the best fuckin smoke I've ever had."

My GF says she doesn't like the store bought or even the weed some of our friends grow for the shops nearly as much as she digs my shit that's been sitting around open air 'curing' for 6 months lol

I wanna get a cut of my Hillbilly Hobby in your hands, see what you think of it. Something to work on for the future...
Man I totally agree with what your saying. Build your soil to perfection leave em alone and watch em grow.
My last raised beds were 20 years old and had nothing but compost and alfalfa as mulch repeatedly added each year.
The last 5 years or so you couldn't compact that soil if you tried.

I grew a Sweet Afghani and a Green Crack (both cuts from a buddy) in an 8x8, never did anything but water and periodically spray with neem and BT in the veg stage. Then built a GH over them to finish.
Ended up with a little over 2lbs from the SA and almost 3 from the GC. Took in 2 lbs of each to a testing facility and they passed with flying colors.

Her comes the compliment.... "Donated" a lb of each to a local dispensary for $1800 each, back when card holders could do that. They called me 3 days later wanting more of the Afghani, said it was the best smoke they had ever had in that shop. Sold it all in 2 days at $400 oz, $50 1/8th.
The Afghani smelled like straight up grape jelly and was some serious knock you dick in the dirt shit.
My buddy never came up with that cut again.

Sorry for the long winded post....just brought back memories!


Now that's "back in the day" when you could actually make $$$ for your efforts.
A lot of us knew when it went rec legal we were fucked.
Prior to that all, of the weed in dispensaries were grown buy us med growers.
Oregon had so much weed after the ball got rolling, tons of bud would set in warehouses for months on end waiting to be tested.
Didn't take me long to realize I could grow better than I could buy.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
A lot of us knew when it went rec legal we were fucked.
Prior to that all, of the weed in dispensaries were grown buy us med growers.
Oregon had so much weed after the ball got rolling, tons of bud would set in warehouses for months on end waiting to be tested.
Didn't take me long to realize I could grow better than I could buy.
I think that you people with crappy local and state governments that went legal was actually better for those in prohib states. Once there was enough of you guys selling it over the counter it became nonsensical for the other states to invest that much time and money on enforcement


Nerd Gone Vertical
Man I totally agree with what your saying. Build your soil to perfection leave em alone and watch em grow.
My last raised beds were 20 years old and had nothing but compost and alfalfa as mulch repeatedly added each year.
The last 5 years or so you couldn't compact that soil if you tried.

I grew a Sweet Afghani and a Green Crack (both cuts from a buddy) in an 8x8, never did anything but water and periodically spray with neem and BT in the veg stage. Then built a GH over them to finish.
Ended up with a little over 2lbs from the SA and almost 3 from the GC. Took in 2 lbs of each to a testing facility and they passed with flying colors.

Her comes the compliment.... "Donated" a lb of each to a local dispensary for $1800 each, back when card holders could do that. They called me 3 days later wanting more of the Afghani, said it was the best smoke they had ever had in that shop. Sold it all in 2 days at $400 oz, $50 1/8th.
The Afghani smelled like straight up grape jelly and was some serious knock you dick in the dirt shit.
My buddy never came up with that cut again.

Sorry for the long winded post....just brought back memories!
I live for stories like these, are you kidding? Share more!


Full send….always
Thx bud, going mia untill 1 week before chop when I’m about to pull 3+ out of my 5x5 off the new optic 720s….no trades before I take the video this time….also guna screen shot thc% and rh% in the bud when I get it tested…..no point updating every week when I’m just guna get shit the whole way so I’m just guna drop in right before chop and then take a. I’d do of weight….see u in 15 weeks daddy


Moose cocks, or bust
Thx bud, going mia untill 1 week before chop when I’m about to pull 3+ out of my 5x5 off the new optic 720s….no trades before I take the video this time….also guna screen shot thc% and rh% in the bud when I get it tested…..no point updating every week when I’m just guna get shit the whole way so I’m just guna drop in right before chop and then take a. I’d do of weight….see u in 15 weeks daddy

We all know you’ll pull 3.5 units just for the camera.

How about that grow off? Lemme guess……you figured out just who you were flapping your roast beef pussy lips at and got scared?


Full send….always
We all know you’ll pull 3.5 units just for the camera.

How about that grow off? Lemme guess……you figured out just who you were flapping your roast beef pussy lips at and got scared?
Nope just realized everything in between finial way up is a waste of energy because up until this point all everyone ever does is call me a liar they say it’s wet I take pictures and videos of the humidity in the jars proving that it’s not I was asked to snap a stem on video I did both of which is confirmation that it’s dry…. still even after complying with that people still say that it’s wet……. claims were made against me stating that those jars don’t hold half a pound, and their 3 oz jars at best…. I made a video Calibrated a scale and weighed it out proved that accusation wrong then was told that it’s still wet and I need to snap a stem on video which I did it snapped you heard the bud hit the bottom of my tent and bounce…that was proven wrong….I included in the video both of the echo three thermal reflex sites that I traded for which I will display some leeway on because there’s no way for me to prove that I did own them prior to making that video so I’m really not gonna speak on that, that’s on me I knew what I was getting into when I decided not to pass up the deal. And that I was still going to hear nonstop BS about it….. however that being said I was told multiple times of that plant is a pound at best so let’s take a step out of the box and say that there was no extra 10 1/2 ounces I still did what you told me was impossible people don’t even wanna remotely bring that up……. I realize that it’s questionable me pulling these numbers when I’ve only been doing it for three years however three years ago I was put in a position where I did not have a choice I had to crush it….. people depended on that….. I told my wife when I started 3 years ago that for the next nine months I was going to be a scumbag father and a scumbag husband because i need to make this happen…..she said that’s fine and as long as I come up stares when she wanted me too and have family time….. which I did every time she told me too…… The first nine months of me doing this I literally spent in the basement perfecting this researching nonstop 24 seven I stopped working out I hardly ate anything…. Every part of my being was spent perfecting this……. I know I’m an arrogant SOB but I can tell you this for 100% fact nobody and I mean nobody has my work ethic….. The fact that I’m doing things that people nonstop call bullshit on after only doing it for three years is proof of that you’d be surprised how fast you get good at something when you literally do not have a fucking choice…… so I’m gonna make it clear right now one week before I chop down my 5 x 5 I’m gonna take a video then I’m gonna take another video when I weigh it out…. I am going to attempt to stagger my 4 x 10 so I can have that one processed before this one that way there’s no accusations to be made about me throwing in other plants into that way up I will show you on the video my entire room so you know there’s no other things going on that shouldn’t be then just like this time I’ll calibrate a scale in a video dump it out show you the humidity gauge is in all of my jars that refresh every 10 seconds if people don’t wanna believe me then that’s on them….. The part that still eludes me is the fact that people are saying it’s wet 53% in the jar it’s too dry but still to call that wet means you have no other understanding of how it’s possible other than it’s fake and that it’s still wet….. so I’m done wasting energy in between harvest I’ll just pop in every time I harvest and show everyone that pulling over 60 g a square foot without CO2 consistently indoors in a tent is possible……………pc