The official Heisenbeans Youtube Competition


Really Active Member
The Family that grows together, stays together.
Ain't that the truth. It blows me away when I visit family in California, and little 5 and 6 year olds are helping with the watering and such. Lucky kids are growing up without being brainwashed about how bad of a plant this is. My daughter doesn't smoke, but alot of her friends do. Now that it's legal she's pretty cool about it though


New Member
Here it is. Everyone who signed up on the other thread im going to send you a number and an email address. You are going to send me a shipping address to that email address with your number as the subject.
After I send your number you will check in here on this thread.
Everyone has till saturday to give the shipping address. Seeds will go out on Monday,
The contest will start on Saturday April 3

Everyone needs to soak or germinate the seeds, write on a paper or whatever the date Apr 3 and post a pic.

After that you can post as many pics as you want.
You will have 14 weeks from Saturday the 3rd to finish your plants. We are only judging the colas of the plants. Not the whole plant. The best bud pic wins. I myself and a secret judge are judging the best pics. We will pic the top 2 each and the forum will vote on there favorites.

There will be a secondary winner of the one who makes the most post to the thread of updates of there plants. This eliminates the requirements for people to post. You guys can compete for it. The prize in this category is just as good as #1 winner.

The grand winner will receive a ridiculous nice package from me of multiple packs of seeds including some unreleased stuff.

The seeds you are receiving for the competition are Adub x Animal Cookies.

There will be a last contest of YouTube winner vs forum winner and the prize for that will be so good you gonna shit when u find out. Good luck to everyone.
Hell yeah


Most of yall are new here, if you havent already check out the Photo of the month contest and leave a vote for last month!
Also welcome to the forum


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Farmers Almanac says,
30th – 31st
Start seedbeds. Good days for transplanting. Excellent time for planting root crops that can be planted now.
Also good for leafy vegetables.
1st – 2nd
Neither plant nor sow on these barren days.
For scientific purposes, the only way this would make sense if it was some solar-lunar thing that can be predicted. New moon is on the 11th, and you should plant things during a waxing moon (crescent getting larger). So the "barren" part could apply. That does not translate to it being OK the day before. So I call bullshit.

Using The Moon to Grow Marijuana - ILGM (

