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Active Member
Is your illegal immigrant situation anything near what it is in the US? I'm not saying it isn't, this is a genuine question, because I don't know if it is or not. Our heath care system woudn't be as bad as it is if we didn't give illegals better access to healthcare than those who pay for it. The problem here is that illegal immigrants are everywhere and some states not only protect them, but let them get drivers licenses, all without paying into the system. And, before I get slammed for "hating illegal immigrants", I personally have nothing against them, and I would do the same thing if I were in their situation. The problem is with the system. If they aren't going to ship them out of the country then they need to come up with a way to tax them like the rest of us. Hell, tax them at a higher rate until they become citizens, and maybe that will prevent them from flooding in. My wife works on a dairy farm, and with horses, so I've met a ton of illegal immigrants over the years and I've rarely met one I didn't get along with. Most of the people who come here illegally are very hard workers who would gladly contribute to society if they legally could. This is one thing that seriously baffles me. Why is it so hard for the US to figure out a way to flag illegals and have them pay some form taxes? If it's because they are only legally permitted to tax citizens then call it a fine for all I care.
It is not clear to me what is the rate of illegal immigrants paying taxes or not but it is going to be difficult to compare it to a business men like Trump who refused to share his tax returns!

Maybe you have some accurate sources to share?


Super Active Member


It is not clear to me what is the rate of illegal immigrants paying taxes or not but it is going to be difficult to compare it to a business men like Trump who refused to share his tax returns!

Maybe you have some accurate sources to share?
They obviously pay sales tax, and excise tax, but I know that they do not pay state income taxes where I live, and I'm sure the "$1.1B in income taxes" they mention in that article is only a tiny portion of what could be collected if they all were able to pay state income taxes. Also, what does it matter if they pay an estimated $11.74B in state and local taxes a year when they cost American tax payers an estimated $84B at the state and local level? I don't need any accurate sources to argue that point, which any person who passed math in elementary school could easily figure out. Are you honestly against the country coming up with a way for illegals to more promptly become citizens so they can contribute more to society? If you do then I'd love to hear your reasoning behind that...and I don't need any sources for your opinion.


It is not clear to me what is the rate of illegal immigrants paying taxes or not but it is going to be difficult to compare it to a business men like Trump who refused to share his tax returns!

Maybe you have some accurate sources to share?
And why do you always feel the need to compare shit to Trump? I don't give two shits about Trump or his taxes. His taxes he's refusing to share are probably in the same pile as Hilary's emails.


Tegrity Greenthumb
We have all of the people fleeing the USA under the 2 country rule to get free access to stuff. I used to get all irate about it but shit i would do the same thing...its CANADA !!! flee to here..its awesome.

Per capita it is not very much...they somehow pierced your security to end up here though and i think we should be able to tariff someone over it.

Isn't that wall up yet? Maybe that will stop it for everyone.
I thought Canada now was much more strict now. As in if you arent a person who can fill a needed job like nursing, teaching etc, your not gonna get the ticket. Any serious illness not a chance. It's a smart call on Canadas part. You would have every sick person in America applying for citizenship or people who will take more than they contribute.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Is your illegal immigrant situation anything near what it is in the US? I'm not saying it isn't, this is a genuine question, because I don't know if it is or not. Our heath care system woudn't be as bad as it is if we didn't give illegals better access to healthcare than those who pay for it. The problem here is that illegal immigrants are everywhere and some states not only protect them, but let them get drivers licenses, all without paying into the system. And, before I get slammed for "hating illegal immigrants", I personally have nothing against them, and I would do the same thing if I were in their situation. The problem is with the system. If they aren't going to ship them out of the country then they need to come up with a way to tax them like the rest of us. Hell, tax them at a higher rate until they become citizens, and maybe that will prevent them from flooding in. My wife works on a dairy farm, and with horses, so I've met a ton of illegal immigrants over the years and I've rarely met one I didn't get along with. Most of the people who come here illegally are very hard workers who would gladly contribute to society if they legally could. This is one thing that seriously baffles me. Why is it so hard for the US to figure out a way to flag illegals and have them pay some form taxes? If it's because they are only legally permitted to tax citizens then call it a fine for all I care.
How about prosecuting all the major corporations - mostly based out of Kalifornistan - that hire illegals for a slave-wage rather than hiring Americans citizens for at least minimum wage with benefits?

No one is trying to escape to Canada for your awesome healthcare @gwheels - there's a reason.

In America, no one who shows up at an emergency room is turned away. Soooooooooo all the illegals and welfare freeloaders go to the ER for the sniffles - and get free medicine etc. All without "socialized medicine" where they admit the scam that is going on against the working citizens.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Cum-dumpster politicians say that they are jobs that Americans don't want to do.

For what they pay and the benefits they provide? Damn Skippy - fucking criminals need to be prosecuted, and there will be even less of a draw for illegal insurgents to sneak under the wire.


Super Active Member
How about prosecuting all the major corporations - mostly based out of Kalifornistan - that hire illegals for a slave-wage rather than hiring Americans citizens for at least minimum wage with benefits?
Over the last 20 years I have hired a couple hundred illegals, not because I wanted cheap labor, but because they would do the jobs most americans wouldn't. The work has to be done, if young americans wont do it, I'll be glad to let any illegal try if he wants. A couple of them made good money (20+ an hour), It wasnt so much the money as we paid good and these immigrants would have their cousins, brothers, fathers, whatever, come to us to hire them(which in most cases we did), BUT it was hard, dirty, work and especially in the summer, getting laborers was hard, and getting some local kid was almost impossible. I'll take some illegal who's willing to get out there and sweat his ass off and learn something any day, rather than some snot nosed american kid who just bickers and whines all day about how hot it is.


Seed Aficionado
Over the last 20 years I have hired a couple hundred illegals, not because I wanted cheap labor, but because they would do the jobs most americans wouldn't. The work has to be done, if young americans wont do it, I'll be glad to let any illegal try if he wants. A couple of them made good money (20+ an hour), It wasnt so much the money as we paid good and these immigrants would have their cousins, brothers, fathers, whatever, come to us to hire them(which in most cases we did), BUT it was hard, dirty, work and especially in the summer, getting laborers was hard, and getting some local kid was almost impossible. I'll take some illegal who's willing to get out there and sweat his ass off and learn something any day, rather than some snot nosed american kid who just bickers and whines all day about how hot it is.
If they can't speak any English it's not worth the risk of them fucking something up.. but I hear ya

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
In America, no one who shows up at an emergency room is turned away.
Going to a small town ER is what eventually led to a big dollar settlement that's put me on easy street ever since. I wouldn't recommend a near death experience with MRSA as the best way to make early retirement [ for real - saved on the operating table 2 weeks later], but since I survived and recovered mostly good as new, it worked for me.

If they can't speak any English it's not worth the risk of them fucking something up.. but I hear ya
Deberías aprender español, amigo. Es un idioma hermoso.



Seed Aficionado
Going to a small town ER is what eventually led to a big dollar settlement that's put me on easy street ever since. I wouldn't recommend a near death experience with MRSA as the best way to make early retirement [ for real - saved on the operating table 2 weeks later], but since I survived and recovered mostly good as new, it worked for me.

Deberías aprender español, amigo. Es un idioma hermoso.

No compende senoir


Active Member
You and @H.A.F. ... So I just would like to know where you get your data from to make my mind.
Hey @H.A.F , @TreeFarmerCharlie !
Another study about asymptomatic:

I am still waiting for your sources, because you talk a lot about misinformation but I see you are blasting comments about everything . When it comes to check your numbers it is impossible because you won't even say where it comes from.


Active Member
And why do you always feel the need to compare shit to Trump? I don't give two shits about Trump or his taxes. His taxes he's refusing to share are probably in the same pile as Hilary's emails.
I am trying to show that illegal immigrants are "just exploiting a loophole" like many other are doing.
I could have gone with many other exemple but I thought there was no better one than the commander in chief himself.


Hobby Farmer
No one is trying to escape to Canada for your awesome healthcare @gwheels - there's a reason.

You are incorrect. Americans do not escape to Canada because of immigration policies which would send you back home unless you are persecuted at home (the South American illegals were booking it across the USA and running across the border in Canada claiming asylum).
You cant just show up in a soverign country and say im living here from now on...there are processes..excluding the asylum loophole
It is quite a thing actually. Not now because the borders are closed but they come over daily....with guns i would imagine.
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