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Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
I think your claim is inaccurate.

You may have considered points of view...........

No, you wouldn't. I REPEATEDLY asked you ............

But please carry on ............
You capitalizing 'repeatedly' is like Lizzo capitalizing donuts.

For the purpose of interesting and substantive discussions, your novels are like My Pillow commercials. No one has seen one less than hundreds of times, and everyone can sing the jingle word for word.



Which freedom you are talking about? The one to show your face or the one from the person next to you to live?
I'm talking about true freedom. You should look up the definition. If you don't wan to to get sick then you have every right to stay away from those who you think may be sick. If you don't want to deal with smoke, then you have every right to not go near smokers. When you force businesses to comply to these restrictions you are taking away freedom in the name of safety.


I think everyone should have the right to make their own decisions when it doesn't affect others.
You can smoke but not in public places.
Same for the mask, you are free to take it out at home, but I would ask you to wear one in public until the data about the disease will be fully consolidated.
I believe that in the future the food industry will be sued just like tobacco.

I am not sure who should be blamed for the obese kids but what I know is that they don't deserve it so something should be done. This should be a different conversation.

I think I will stop here, if you don't care about protecting others, then we don't have the same moral base for a discussion and we should go back to duels to sort it out
No, parents shouldn't be blamed for obese kids. Parent's aren't fucking dietary specialists and they shouldn't be expected to have that knowledge. The "accountability" you people expect does nothing but take away freedom. A parent knowingly abusing their child, as punishment, is a different story, obviously, but society can't protect everyone from everything and they need to stop trying.


Active Member
No, parents shouldn't be blamed for obese kids. Parent's aren't fucking dietary specialists and they shouldn't be expected to have that knowledge. The "accountability" you people expect does nothing but take away freedom. A parent knowingly abusing their child, as punishment, is a different story, obviously, but society can't protect everyone from everything and they need to stop trying.
So you still think that having your children eating at McDonald's every day is no abuse?


So you still think that having your children eating at McDonald's every day is no abuse?
Not when it is all the parent can afford and they don't know any better. How about actually telling kids it's not good to be fat so they get out and exercise instead of "embracing being plus size" and making pretend it is empowering to be fat and to not care about it?


Active Member
How can you hold parents accountable for having obese children while, at the same time, talking about how there is nothing wrong with being fat and being fat is beautiful?
Once again I am not sure where you get your information from but I never saw anything positive about obesity.
You like the CDC links, here is one:
I am still waiting for your sources;)


Tegrity Greenthumb
Yes, lots of room for discussion and exchange of ideas is a good thing. It's easier to say, "hey that's not for me, but go ahead and try it with your friends and see how it works out for you" than to say, "okay everybody this is WHAT we're doing like it or not". The last part comes with a plethora of unintended consequences.

I do contend that two vital things are black and white though.

First, whether a person actually consents to something or not. Politics as a self serving institution doesn't want to go there and prefers that be gray.

Human relations. They either begin and proceed on a mutual and voluntary basis or they don't. Again, politics doesn't want any part of that idea, and has to lie to claim they have consent.
Imagine if the left and right are the same entity putting on a reality tv show to make everyone feel like they are making a choice ? Keeping it in the "family".


Once again I am not sure where you get your information from but I never saw anything positive about obesity.
You like the CDC links, here is one:
I am still waiting for your sources;) you not watch TV or go on the Internet? Ever heard of "fat shaming" and how it is unacceptable? The left who you seem to embrace are the people pushing it.


Tegrity Greenthumb
I was correcting your misunderstanding of what a soldier is. The rest of what you said was just more bullshit you just don’t understand and not worth wasting my time commenting on. Some day, when you grow up to be a big boy, you’ll figure out a little thing called “personal responsibility” and will finally realize that the only person who owes you anything is the person looking back at you in the mirror.
No one had a misunderstanding except you though?


No one had a misunderstanding except you though?
BTW, dumbass, you equated "soldiers" as mercenaries, because they join the military for the money and, in your eyes, anyone who is in the military is somehow responsible for the killing that happens in war. If you think that way then you are a mercenary for funding wars in the form of taxes.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Yeah so, in other words, you have very little actual life experience and the majority of what you've learned was from google and the MSM.
Where does your info come from? I can assure you I I'm not into state media. I dont even watch cable tv. Haven't since I was very young. My freshman year in high school we had to write a paper on the American dream. My teacher asked if she could keep it for future classes and read it to all the classes she had at the time. Needless to say I didn't glorify it. Age does not equal intelligence or wisdom. I've been around plenty long enough to see that. Check tesla, Einstein, and many others who achieved great things at the age of 26. I'd vote in someome from that age group before any of the geriatrics we are given to pick from.


Tegrity Greenthumb
BTW, dumbass, you equated "soldiers" as mercenaries, because they join the military for the money and, in your eyes, anyone who is in the military is somehow responsible for the killing that happens in war. If you think that way then you are a mercenary for funding wars in the form of taxes.
Except I'm not getting paid to pay taxes ?
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