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What's more disturbing - it's a successful strategy. The left supporters are all in - whatever it takes to win.

Meanwhile, a 'conservative' politician mumbles a barely audible complaint.
My sister has told me flat out that she doesn't care how they win, as long as they win. She doesn't care if they violate the law or the constitution. As far as she's concerned the right does so why shouldn't the left? This sister of mine (I have many) also once told me, when I told her the VA thought I may have signs of PTSD, that I couldn't possibly have PTSD because I was never in combat. I had to explain to her how stressful it can be on anyone to be in the middle east with SCUD warnings and attempts to bring bombs on base happening on a daily basis. She still had the gall to say to me "that's still not combat". She's 7 years older than me but very naive when it comes to stuff like that...and a HUGE supporter of the left.


Just some asshole
so what’s to be scared of now? It’s well proven that a drug sold over the counter in many parts of the world pretty much takes care of a virus that has a 99.5% survivability rate, probably higher now.

Only thing people should be scared of is the radical left, the media, and their own stupidity.

Everyone remember Hitler took office to “fix” everything...

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
My sister has told me flat out that she doesn't care how they win, as long as they win.
Many of the lunatic left feel that way until the destruction hits their town, their street, their home, their business .... destroys their neighborhood and local stores. She thinks she'll be spared, no doubt.

With Democrats increasingly attacking each other with a vitriol they once reserved for President Trump, an anecdote involving President Lyndon Johnson fits the moment. As recounted in the riveting memoir of Joseph Califano, Johnson’s top domestic adviser, the president was meeting with civil rights leaders in the hot racial summer of 1967.

Dems were sharply divided over several issues, including how to respond to riots in Detroit and Newark, and LBJ hoped to corral NAACP leader Roy Wilkins and Urban League executive director Whitney Young into his corner.

At a White House meeting, Johnson recited his Great Society accomplishments, but Wilkins and Young appeared numb and in despair, saying they couldn’t control the young rioters, Califano writes in “The Tragedy and Triumph of Lyndon Johnson.”

It was then that Johnson attacked the left wing of his own party. “A liberal is intolerant of other views. He wants to control your thoughts and actions,” Johnson declared. Califano then describes the president moving forward in his chair to deliver his punch line. “You know the difference between cannibals and liberals? Cannibals eat only their enemies.” "



Super Active Member
For every single doctor that states this is nothing, schools can open up, its fine to go to bars, throw a party, no masks are needed, or whatever, there will be hundreds of other doctors who state differently and will urge caution and common sense. Who you going to listen too?

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
As far as who believe those doctors that spoke out? Who you going to believe, doctors on the front line or some piece of shit politician that hasn’t treated anyone in years?
Exactly why the thought police squashed it.

And NOTHING Biden has planned will start it in the right direction. Full stop.
At this point, do you actually believe those that program the hologram that is Joe Biden have any plans other than conquest?



Just some asshole
For every single doctor that states this is nothing, schools can open up, its fine to go to bars, throw a party, no masks are needed, or whatever, there will be hundreds of other doctors who state differently and will urge caution and common sense. Who you going to listen too?
The ones that have treated many patients. There’s thousand of doctors in the states that haven’t even treated a single case yet I’m sure.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
""Federal agents have attacked and tear-gassed peaceful protesters, and camouflage-clad federal agents were observed grabbing peaceful protesters and throwing them into unmarked vehicles," the resolution reads. "

They know they are bold face liars.

They do not care that you also know.



Many of the lunatic left feel that way until the destruction hits their town, their street, their home, their business .... destroys their neighborhood and local stores. She thinks she'll be spared, no doubt.

With Democrats increasingly attacking each other with a vitriol they once reserved for President Trump, an anecdote involving President Lyndon Johnson fits the moment. As recounted in the riveting memoir of Joseph Califano, Johnson’s top domestic adviser, the president was meeting with civil rights leaders in the hot racial summer of 1967.

Dems were sharply divided over several issues, including how to respond to riots in Detroit and Newark, and LBJ hoped to corral NAACP leader Roy Wilkins and Urban League executive director Whitney Young into his corner.

At a White House meeting, Johnson recited his Great Society accomplishments, but Wilkins and Young appeared numb and in despair, saying they couldn’t control the young rioters, Califano writes in “The Tragedy and Triumph of Lyndon Johnson.”

It was then that Johnson attacked the left wing of his own party. “A liberal is intolerant of other views. He wants to control your thoughts and actions,” Johnson declared. Califano then describes the president moving forward in his chair to deliver his punch line. “You know the difference between cannibals and liberals? Cannibals eat only their enemies.” "

Progressive liberals have always been their own worst enemy. Just ask Jordan Peterson. He was a progressive and l the students and faculty destroyed his career because he refused to take a day off work for being white for some black appreciation thing at the school.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
For every single doctor that states this is nothing, schools can open up, its fine to go to bars, throw a party, no masks are needed, or whatever, there will be hundreds of other doctors who state differently and will urge caution and common sense. Who you going to listen too?
Government schools should remain closed, permanently, kids will be better off.
Have you ever researched the origins of how and why government schools came to the USA ? Ever looked at literacy rates etc. from the mid 1800s forward ? The evidence shows government schools have failed, BIG TIME.

Most doctors function as a kind of salesperson for big pharma and live in fear of losing their licenses if they speak up or behave controversially. Just like lawyers who shut up even when they know a judge or a law is fucking somebody.

The easy solution is, you, the individual make your choice. Why would you want politicians or doctors you don't even know to order you around ?

If you don't think it's wise to go to some places, don't, instead go to places that cater to you. The one size fits all model is a bad policy and some people have had enough horseshit from the overlords and will resist.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Progressive liberals have always been their own worst enemy. Just ask Jordan Peterson. He was a progressive and l the students and faculty destroyed his career because he refused to take a day off work for being white for some black appreciation thing at the school.
Last month, ESPN radio host Paul Gallant replied to President Donald Trump on Twitter. The president was criticizing Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan (D) for allowing "the anarchists takeover of her city." President Trump razzed Durkan over her comments that made light of riots in Seattle, especially when she called the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone a "block party" and said it would be a "summer of love," a remark she later admitted she regretted uttering.

"The terrorists burn and pillage our cities, and they think it is just wonderful, even the death," Trump tweeted. "Must end this Seattle takeover now!"

Gallant assured the president that he didn't see "burning, pillaging, or deaths." The radio host then instructed President Trump to "Chill dawg.” Gallant btw is white.

This past weekend rioters attacked a Starbucks that had residential apartments above, and the fire forced the residents to evacuate the smoldering building. Unfortunately for Gallant, he lived above the Starbucks that was vandalized and set ablaze. Gallant said police officers instructed him to stay away from his home because there could be explosives inside the Starbucks. Gallant was rightfully furious that his home had been attacked. The "Danny & Gallant" radio host was so concerned about the violence in Seattle that he said he felt the need to buy a gun to protect himself. "I feel like I need to buy a firearm, because clearly this is going to keep happening," Gallant tweeted.


Super Active Member
The ones that have treated many patients. There’s thousand of doctors in the states that haven’t even treated a single case yet I’m sure.
Im sure there are some that havent had a covid case yet, BUT if I was their patient and the quack told me to go about life as normal and that everything was OK, he'd probably never see me in there again. Time for a new doctor.


Super Active Member
Government schools should remain closed, permanently, kids will be better off.
Have you ever researched the origins of how and why government schools came to the USA ? Ever looked at literacy rates etc. from the mid 1800s forward ? The evidence shows government schools have failed, BIG TIME.

Most doctors function as a kind of salesperson for big pharma and live in fear of losing their licenses if they speak up or behave controversially. Just like lawyers who shut up even when they know a judge or a law is fucking somebody.

The easy solution is, you, the individual make your choice. Why would you want politicians or doctors you don't even know to order you around ?

If you don't think it's wise to go to some places, don't, instead go to places that cater to you. The one size fits all model is a bad policy and some people have had enough horseshit from the overlords and will resist.
Back to the fantasy world, that's sad, I'm not interested in your theories


Just some asshole
Im sure there are some that havent had a covid case yet, BUT if I was their patient and the quack told me to go about life as normal and that everything was OK, he'd probably never see me in there again. Time for a new doctor.
They don’t tell you to wear a mask for the regular flu though.

Mask mandates are about like seatbelt laws...
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