The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Massive LST on the big Hippie Crippler clone. 6 tops, but I might leave some of those center sprouts on (the lower ones on the tops). I want to keep them level until they reach the pot-edge then let them go north.
#2 has 6 tops (for now) all on one side.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Debated on what to do with the Rainbow Man, Decided on topping and just taking flower clones later if needed, but when I got started all the sprouts were nice. I had gotten rid of the single-blade leaves and sprouts. keeping 4 it's usually a toss-up whether I keep the 3-blade-node sprouts. sometimes one is runty and I ditch them both.
Anyway - kept 6.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is looking out the window by my computer. The arrow is pointing at the rabbit/hare whatever. The dead-fall oak logs are just landscape timber, separating the yard from the blackberry patch where the bunny now lives.
And I have new entertainment. I got done for the day, smoked another fatty, then noticed Bugs out the window. He's still chilling out there, but for about 10 minutes he was running around trying to get the baby squirrels to chase him. Closest he got was about 2 feet, but he would charge, then stop and do a back flip and head the other way.
I haven't seen any others except an adult about a month ago. I wonder if they get kicked out of the house and find a new residence at this age.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The oak trunk in the background is a 12' circumference 150'-175' white oak. At least one family of squirrels lives in that.

Interwebz say that a white oak that circumference was germinated when George Washington was President :)

Squirrels are territorial. I have front yard squirrels and back yard squirrels. The gang wars should be awesome!


This is looking out the window by my computer. The arrow is pointing at the rabbit/hare whatever. The dead-fall oak logs are just landscape timber, separating the yard from the blackberry patch where the bunny now lives.
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And I have new entertainment. I got done for the day, smoked another fatty, then noticed Bugs out the window. He's still chilling out there, but for about 10 minutes he was running around trying to get the baby squirrels to chase him. Closest he got was about 2 feet, but he would charge, then stop and do a back flip and head the other way.
View attachment 60462
I haven't seen any others except an adult about a month ago. I wonder if they get kicked out of the house and find a new residence at this age.
Their little air flips are the best!! He looks like a playful little dude! I wish I could just let my buns out to play but I don’t think it works like that hahaha

And yup, they all evacuate the nest at a young age :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@Hust17 - In clearing land, I have found numerous openings to dens of one sort or another. From woodchuck size down to chipmunks. But I think the bigger ones are a seasonal thing, used by whoever comes first. I've seen opossum a few times as well. Those would be AWESOME to take up residence. Ugly little fuckers, but they take care of business getting rid of pests.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Rico! That’s a fire name!!
Don't really think it matters, but OK. I'm guessing that if he is there, and I say "Hi Rico" he won't be there any more. :)

I got within about 10 feet of him the other day. I was watching him, but I was also just going about my business. If he likes the weed and we become friends I might name him. But he's gonna explore, and if he gets to the vegetables his name will be 'stew'. I'd rather he fatten up a bit first though LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The rainbow Man (4 front right) got a full veg feed, and I had to take the fan leaves because they were shading everything.
The little clones on the left got water as well, but the big pots will be tomorrow.
Flower tent got nothing. The G13G is filling in now, I think the tops are gonna look like fat thai sticks.
The BHP is showing no signs of big stretch
at least compared to the Covid. I think keeping the lower sprouts might work fine.
When I up-pot tomorrow or the next day these two sprouts on each limb, and maybe the next set will go.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's the DBB by @thenotsoesoteric at one month. The leaves are still doing that close-order-drill. Layered.
I think tonight is topping since the sprouts are etting some beef to them and some decent leaves. She gets watered and fed before I top, and I'll burn one and meditate on manifold or just leaving 4 limbs. You can see the leaves looking a little dull - need food.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Variety is the spice of life ;)
I pulled a few nugs out of most of the strains I have on hand and ground me up a buffet. (ran out of those big doob-tubes with the round bottom)
There's about 20g of decarbed kief that'll probably go into chocolates.
Hash from the last big run that's almost aged from my attempt at making true hash. Tell you how it turns out later this month :) [D-day actually LOL]


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The three big ones got water, and the 2 small ones weren't ready for re-pot so they got a little water yesterday.
The Hippie Crippler runt (foreground) is looking like a twin of the older one. Big fat leaves.
Dino Berry Bites got topped for four limbs (center rear). The RM are going to bigger pots tomorrow or the next day and I will start training them. They are 6-tops for now, but might end up primarily 4-tops, with two set aside for flower clones instead of taking secondary shoots.