#Heisenbeans Genetics


Really Active Member
Purple Cake on day 33 of flower. She has been grown in a 3g fabric pot with a soil mix I found on Maximum Yield and being given water only (I have currently gone back to synthetics in promix for what is vegging and other plants flowering). Have a couple clones of her should she be something nice.



Really Active Member
These 2 are on day 20 of flower. The plants are in 3g fabric pots with promix being fed dynagro nutes. They are actually from clone, as the original seed plant was grown under a weak ass blurple for a bit and stretched too much to be able to flower. I got clones rooted and killed the moms. These 2 are in flower, and I have yet another clone of each in veg, should they turn out to be good.



LED Recruiter
Beginning of week 4! Purple Crash front right, ice cream wedding back left, rum runner back right. Just added orange blossom front left. These two 315's are kicking ass! The bud spacing/ stacking is amazing. Growing in Coco with GH. Clones are below!
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Here's the Clones !
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Dude thats fucking packed!!! I love it


Seed Aficionado
These 2 are on day 20 of flower. The plants are in 3g fabric pots with promix being fed dynagro nutes. They are actually from clone, as the original seed plant was grown under a weak ass blurple for a bit and stretched too much to be able to flower. I got clones rooted and killed the moms. These 2 are in flower, and I have yet another clone of each in veg, should they turn out to be good.
Can't believe how much my valley chems look like your canyons . Took clones too , fingers crossed 15882855344004916135223791549457.jpg


Super Active Member
I looked in my tent last nite and one of my sundae driver tops had wilted down. First thing that entered my mind was the “clogged arteries” issue/debate that was discussed a while back. But further inspection I noticed right where I stopped lollipoping there was a dry area about and inch wide where the outer layer/skin (epidermis I guess) was dead from drying out I suppose. I know the plant can’t survive without that skin because last yr my outdoor plants were dying and I didn’t notice it at first because it was right at ground level and the grass was hiding it but a field mouse, vole, rat or some kind of varmit was chewing/eating just the outer skin. Once it had eat all the skin all the way around it would die, it had to be all the way around before it would die because I saved a few that had just a strip left, about an eighth of an inch wide. I cut 6”x6” wire mesh and zip tied around the base and solved the problem, but I’m wondering if the clogged artery debate could be the epidermis instead, it could easily go unnoticed. I’ve had many plants with a solid center that lived just fine and I’ve had some plants broke with just the epidermis attached keeping it alive. Just brainstorming.


Super Active Member
There was no debate about "clogged arteries". I was attacked and made fun of. A "discussion" would have been too nice of a word to describe it.
Well fwiw I took it seriously and I still do, having something similar happen. But I do think I’ve narrowed mine down to the epidermis. When I twisted on the stem the skin pealed off easily and that shouldn’t happen.
I’m still walking around with it in my hand this morning all pissed off 😡 😤 lol, I hate to lose anything


Super Active Member
Well fwiw I took it seriously and I still do, having something similar happen. But I do think I’ve narrowed mine down to the epidermis. When I twisted on the stem the skin pealed off easily and that shouldn’t happen.
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I’m still walking around with it in my hand this morning all pissed off 😡 😤 lol, I hate to lose anything
I’m in veg with 35 strains of HB feminized plants. I have hand pulled about every fan leaf I see and a many many many time a string of epidermis peels down the stalk.
Now the whole sheath does not peal or break off just a strings width of epidermal. I Scrog so my buds are not depending on that stalk super integrity. It’s the branch shoots that
Are both new and vigorous. I have bent broke and snapped many of bud end sites there will be more to replace those by as long as the branch is viable.


Super Active Member
I’m in veg with 35 strains of HB feminized plants. I have hand pulled about every fan leaf I see and a many many many time a string of epidermis peels down the stalk.
Now the whole sheath does not peal or break off just a strings width of epidermal. I Scrog so my buds are not depending on that stalk super integrity. It’s the branch shoots that
Are both new and vigorous. I have bent broke and snapped many of bud end sites there will be more to replace those by as long as the branch is viable.
Yea I too have pulled a many fan leaf and a strip of epidermis. I’ve started pulling mine off to the side instead of pulling straight down or I just bend the petiole down and then take my thumb and press in on it and many detach that way. But yeah your safe as long as it’s just a strip, it has to be 360 degrees around the limb. I’d like to take a male or something I’m going to discard and score it around the stem with a razor blade, lightly as just to penetrate through the epidermis and see if that small incision would be enough to kill the plant.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Yea I too have pulled a many fan leaf and a strip of epidermis. I’ve started pulling mine off to the side instead of pulling straight down or I just bend the petiole down and then take my thumb and press in on it and many detach that way. But yeah your safe as long as it’s just a strip, it has to be 360 degrees around the limb. I’d like to take a male or something I’m going to discard and score it around the stem with a razor blade, lightly as just to penetrate through the epidermis and see if that small incision would be enough to kill the plant.
Pinching the leaf off and leaving a bit of stem can be a better practice. No harm to the main trunk integrity and less chance of bacteria etc from entering through a wound. Cut or learn to pinch and twist properly and they usually snap right off.


Super Active Member
Pinching the leaf off and leaving a bit of stem can be a better practice. No harm to the main trunk integrity and less chance of bacteria etc from entering through a wound. Cut or learn to pinch and twist properly and they usually snap right off.
Yea I just push it sideways or like I said get on top of the petiole and push down and they come off easily and clean. Some of the smaller weaker ones I may twist. I’ve always heard that about cutting branches off where you leave at least a 1/2 inch to prevent bacteria and that may be true for branches, can’t say I’ve experienced it myself, but I’ve always plucked fan leaves and never seen any ill results and honestly don’t believe I ever will.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Yea I just push it sideways or like I said get on top of the petiole and push down and they come off easily and clean. Some of the smaller weaker ones I may twist. I’ve always heard that about cutting branches off where you leave at least a 1/2 inch to prevent bacteria and that may be true for branches, can’t say I’ve experienced it myself, but I’ve always plucked fan leaves and never seen any ill results and honestly don’t believe I ever will.
Most likely you wont but I've had fan stems as big as developing branches. I guess the main benefit is to reduce tareing.