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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
It is pretty stupid...It should be at least every a drivers license...

Then there's also the part about freedom (Canucks might not get it but they try)
Oh we dont get you....There is no question about it. The gun thing...:D lol we just dont get it.
A second basic difference between Canadian Constitution and the American is we are a constitutional monarchy and the USA is a republic. I would say the country is generally behind the idea of planking the curve etc..because we think its the Canadian thing to do.

The BIGGEST difference is free health care. We have to keep the pace SLOW so it does not burden the system. Because anyone can go there. A very good friends dad had to have a quad bypass. They each had to mortgage their house...That really showed me how good we have it. People bitch but they dont know shit.

How would you know if people died of covid in the ghetto? You dont they just die and get buried. The numbers are probably worse than indicated.

It is just differenent...I do find it very interesting. And one time we were in a bar and they asked me what i thought the biggest difference was and I said I think we are more free....and they really didnt agree

But we still found a way to bend elbows and have a great night...we can agree to disagree. I have no isses with freedom of thought..unless you are stupid.

I have issues with stupid....can we make a basic IQ minimum a requirement of voting?

shit that everyone gets a vote thing...all people are equal...even if stupid should be 2 to 1.

Coronovirus is going to EXPLODE...because everyone will let their guard down. 100% chance. I am on lockdown all year but its because i am tanning in the bloom room and want to be a farmer.

And my wife works with the most vulnerable and I will do my best to ensure they remain covid free. It is really bad in the seniors homes.

View attachment 56909
Free Americans that understand that those "numbers" lie. In square footage you could chop off NYC and a few other places and we are just fine.

F series

Insanely Active Member
It is pretty stupid...It should be at least every a drivers license...

Then there's also the part about freedom (Canucks might not get it but they try)
Oh we dont get you....There is no question about it. The gun thing...:D lol we just dont get it.
A second basic difference between Canadian Constitution and the American is we are a constitutional monarchy and the USA is a republic. I would say the country is generally behind the idea of planking the curve etc..because we think its the Canadian thing to do.

The BIGGEST difference is free health care. We have to keep the pace SLOW so it does not burden the system. Because anyone can go there. A very good friends dad had to have a quad bypass. They each had to mortgage their house...That really showed me how good we have it. People bitch but they dont know shit.

How would you know if people died of covid in the ghetto? You dont they just die and get buried. The numbers are probably worse than indicated.

It is just differenent...I do find it very interesting. And one time we were in a bar and they asked me what i thought the biggest difference was and I said I think we are more free....and they really didnt agree

But we still found a way to bend elbows and have a great night...we can agree to disagree. I have no isses with freedom of thought..unless you are stupid.

I have issues with stupid....can we make a basic IQ minimum a requirement of voting?

shit that everyone gets a vote thing...all people are equal...even if stupid should be 2 to 1.

Coronovirus is going to EXPLODE...because everyone will let their guard down. 100% chance. I am on lockdown all year but its because i am tanning in the bloom room and want to be a farmer.

And my wife works with the most vulnerable and I will do my best to ensure they remain covid free. It is really bad in the seniors homes.

View attachment 56909
I think it's 5 years for DL
If you're talking about America.
Also, my laugh is to the picture


Blümen Meister
The biggest difference between the US and Canada? About 300 million people. The US has 10x the population. The problems are 10x bigger.

Interestingly though the US economy is only about 4X bigger than Canada's.

So we have a lot more undesirables.

Similar folks, different strokes.

Deleted member 60

The biggest difference between the US and Canada? About 300 million people. The US has 10x the population. The problems are 10x bigger.

Interestingly though the US economy is only about 4X bigger than Canada's.

So we have a lot more undesirables.

Similar folks, different strokes.
Interesting as well that we have 2 states...California and Texas..that have economies larger than Canada's entire economy.

And don't underestimate the number of undesirables down here. We got a bunch of 'em too. Stuck in time and afraid to change. Oooopps....never mind. Change has come.

Most folks still don't get that we're just touching the tip off the iceberg with this Stay at Home gig and this is going to be a long term event...well into 2021 and beyond. (the longer Don fucks around..the longer this will effect us all)

The article below spells things out in relation to how well we do in the future here in Colorado given we adhere to varying levels of social distancing. The states that have ignored/laughed at this and failed to shut the fuck down will see even worse numbers and the illness lasting far longer....and far more deaths They will pay for their Rethuglican governors bad they are paying for Dear Leader's bad decisions on the "hoax" overall. Check those graphs.

I suggest shooting up some disinfectant in combo with Don's for-profit pill. Should cure the virus (and society of your presence) in mere seconds. But it's are expendable in Trump's "America'.



Tegrity Greenthumb
It isn't simple but it isn't that hard. keep the critical jobs running. Train people who are unemployed and low risk keep shit going. Alot of the critical positions arent even that technical. I'm confused how they say maintain social distancing but then you have braver shops etc opening. I wanna see that haircut after it's done 6 ft away. Small business is hurting the most. Large business are gonna have to take a loss. It happens. Regular citizens are just taking money and inflating the currency but its fucked and has always been fucked anyway so theres that.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Yea many people may not die but what about the lasting side effects? Reduced lung function, and shit way may not even know especially if it was engineered etc. Allowing the virus to prosper and potentially mutate again is an issue. If it jumps to livestock were fucked . We haven't dealt with man made viruses. The effects can be way more far reaching than we can imagine. I think it's time as a society we reimagine what a job is and what our goal is as a species to direct our energy towards. Clearly we live on the verge and the ones with the resources arent very concerned. Imagine if the defences contracts of the world were focused into engineering in the fields of medicine, food, and aerospace travel and saftey. Next time someone wants to venn diagram god humans and animals I think they may want to reconsider that we are animals. Look around.
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Tegrity Greenthumb
Bill Hicks, discovered him a few years ago and I almost shit a brick. I was like maybe the collect live conscious or reincarnation is a thing because this dude is speaking shit straight from my brain.
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