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Big Perm

Fact: The world's population doubles every 50 years, and has for thousands.


Hobby Farmer
my corona.jpg
If you want to see how great it works when you have no social distancing check out Sweden. EPIC fail.

suck it lack leadership.

Wunderbar....shit i want one now...

A Big Swede is a turnip....always reminded me of that turnip headed fuck Sundin.

Oh yeah...the punch is GOOD.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Fact: The world's population doubles every 50 years, and has for thousands.
And regardless what the "green" people think, earth will fix itself. You want to jam millions of people on a little island and call it progress? There's an epicenter... and another...

All the "epicenters" are in the little blue areas from the 2016 election - so suck on that people trying to blame Trump for this. Fucking idiots.

Deleted member 60

This virus knows absolutely no red or blue....but it does know STUPID. Lotsa stupids gettin their turn...and more to come.

Thoughts and prayers. Thoughts and prayers. If Jebesus won't save em from themselves...Karma certainly will.

But the "Socialist handout checks" 'er coming in....folks are gonna get used to not working for less than their State is giving em and nobody is gonna be hiring for a long time. What was that you wuz sayin about takers, BillyBob? Ughhh huh. different NOW...isn't it? It's not Socialism when it's you gettin YER HANDOUT CHECK. LOFL. Can't fix stupid.....but you can pray and >look it< fully and talk it daily.

Folks should be free to go back to work if they want. Just sign the form that's going around that states you DENY ANY medical treatment because you don;t believe this virus is real. Be a man and set it up so nobody else has to carry your dead weight/pay for your care (like we're paying yer way NOW)....and get yer ass back to your career job at the Kum and Go.


Tegrity Greenthumb
There are some people who are out there with the conspiracy shit. They use these people and probably create groups and false info to group it all into the same category to debase anything that isn't mainstream. So the second you start talking something regardless of facts etc you look like a crazy to most.


Hobby Farmer
Are you trying to tell me the USA is using propaganda against its own people....

And this is surprising?

The Kremlin teaches a master class. And those fuckers are poking their fingers in our shit (all of NA...those dirty greasy russian trolls are into everything, inciting the stupid to do the stupid)

And i have decided i dont care about coronas anymore. I like this cooking at home all the time stuff and getting groceries every 2 to 4 weeks. I dont like people anyway. And the only work i do is tending my garden.

It sucks that people are sick and shit...dying and dead and families are stuck in a spot where they cant see them. We all die alone...thats a fact but the way to that thats some rough shit not having a family around.

And i mean dying from anything. Covid, cancer whatever.

It kind of puts it in perspective. I had a couple of those in the past week. A friends mom is in a hospital in the USA with a non covid problem but...holy shit. What a spot. The anguish and frustration spills over into ANGER...and that is a lot of the reason people are angry. Cant visit, cant go to a funeral, wedding, baby and grandkid visits. For some grandparents this is really rough because their time is fleeting. You cant get this back.

I am not sure why they all went mentally handicapped with traffic law...texting and driving and stop signs dont mean shit etc...There are 1/4 of the cars and they must be all of the shitty drivers that are left :D Its good im not driving...

So dubstep is some reflective shit...the indica is enough to tame the conspiricy an bring order to the mind....allegedly.

Stay safe.
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