ZooWee's whorehouse


Internet Rocket Engineer Scientist Lawyer
Sad girl is finally looking pretty green today. Hoping I don't have to deal with problems outta her or the other one again.

3weeks and 4 days old
8 days to get her back decent:(
-girl on bottom is a week younger
both are Purple Chem

32 days old
-known unknown

3 weeks and 4 days
Crumpets on top
Zurple Purple on bottom

group photo


Internet Rocket Engineer Scientist Lawyer
I spread them out like this morning and night with my hands real gentle, EVERYTHING done in L$T must be real gentle. That's what the aluminum tape in the one pic is from, a little half snap which is no biggie on a vigorous plant, she never even seemed to notice, lol. But sometimes you might snap the whole thing off so be careful. When the branches get longer like they are today I'll start spreading the branches out around the bag with individual tie downs and then once everything reaches a nice even 18"-24" I'll be making the switch. At the rate they're going I don't think it'll be more than 3 weeks from now. They're growing FAST....

Oh and when they say LEDs turn cannabis into fucking calmag whores they aren't lying. I'm foliar feeding these whores almost everyday to keep the stems nice and green but they can never seem to get enough, lol. Hungry ass bitches mang...

Inside shots of the madness L$T creates...


Internet Rocket Engineer Scientist Lawyer
Just weighted down almost all of the bigger branches like I been meaning to. Expect bush mode to really take off at this point. I didn't think I'd ever say that my node spacing was too tight but this shit is ridiculous in here. It's so tight that a can't barely even find my way to the middle plants main stem anymore, lol. I was contemplating using trellis anyways but with the way these girls are shaping up I'm probably gonna have to to keep things in order. It's gonna get wild AF in here real soon, I can feel it. Especially that middle plant. I can already tell that that fucking thing is gonna be a sativa monster that takes over all the other girls real estate.


Seed Aficionado
Just weighted down almost all of the bigger branches like I been meaning to. Expect bush mode to really take off at this point. I didn't think I'd ever say that my node spacing was too tight but this shit is ridiculous in here. It's so tight that a can't barely even find my way to the middle plants main stem anymore, lol. I was contemplating using trellis anyways but with the way these girls are shaping up I'm probably gonna have to to keep things in order. It's gonna get wild AF in here real soon, I can feel it. Especially that middle plant. I can already tell that that fucking thing is gonna be a sativa monster that takes over all the other girls real estate.
View attachment 50007
Are u gonna defoliate at some point?


Internet Rocket Engineer Scientist Lawyer
Are u gonna defoliate at some point?
Yeah, always. I've actually defoliated at least 5 handfuls of leaves at this point already which is crazy considering they're only at 10 to 12 inches. I've never had to defoliate this much so early. Any fan blocking a new top gets lopped off if I can't tuck it or I feel things are getting too congested. That middle fucker and the huge leaf bitch in the back are gonna be getting defoliated quite regularly just to keep nice airflow through the plants. I'll put a video up tomorrow of my middle girl. I've never seen a plant so damn vigorous with so many strong branches. I'm already planning on keeping her for later breeding and possible production purposes just from the size of her alone. If the shit is fire too it's a slam fucking dunk. I've had a monster take over my tent before and it wasn't half as crazy as this one. I'm telling you mang, this girl is gonna be crazy....


Internet Rocket Engineer Scientist Lawyer
Spread all the girls out real good with my hands before this was shot so that you can see the tight nodes from these 4000k qb288s and the sick fucking mess of lateral branching that L$T creates. Also did some defoliating of tiny lower growth...

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
Hey what up dude? How are u liking the store bought octopots? Do u have airstones in bottom resivor?
I built my own the last time i grew and loved them. Easy to build, easy to operate, and plants loved it.
Heres a couple pics of what mine looked like. Very bushy, tons of tops, under 2700k, 3000k quantums, with couple of uva & uvb reptile cfls. Vegged for 8 weeks b4 flipped.
Heres sum pics for reference.. Thanks and keep up good work! Phone is screwing up and wont allow me to load more pics.


Internet Rocket Engineer Scientist Lawyer
Hey what up dude? How are u liking the store bought octopots? Do u have airstones in bottom resivor?
I built my own the last time i grew and loved them. Easy to build, easy to operate, and plants loved it.
Heres a couple pics of what mine looked like. Very bushy, tons of tops, under 2700k, 3000k quantums, with couple of uva & uvb reptile cfls. Vegged for 8 weeks b4 flipped.
Heres sum pics for reference.. Thanks and keep up good work! Phone is screwing up and wont allow me to load more pics.
View attachment 50346
I'm actually loving them now that I'm not having pH issues due to broke ass meter. I don't have any air stones in there because the directions said not to use them and that they weren't needed. Didn't like the idea but I figured I'd listen to the directions and they seem to be loving them too so I guess they aren't needed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I would've DIY the things myself too but there wasn't much money to be saved so I said fuck it. I see I have some monsters on the way by the looks of your plants, nice job on those babies, got any finished shots? I think I'm gonna build a 10x10 room in the near future and just do 5 big ass trees with these things because that's what they wanna be in there, lol.

That's not your phone either probably. This site likes to limit the photo size sometimes, smdh

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
I'm actually loving them now that I'm not having pH issues due to broke ass meter. I don't have any air stones in there because the directions said not to use them and that they weren't needed. Didn't like the idea but I figured I'd listen to the directions and they seem to be loving them too so I guess they aren't needed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I would've DIY the things myself too but there wasn't much money to be saved so I said fuck it. I see I have some monsters on the way by the looks of your plants, nice job on those babies, got any finished shots? I think I'm gonna build a 10x10 room in the near future and just do 5 big ass trees with these things because that's what they wanna be in there, lol.

That's not your phone either probably. This site likes to limit the photo size sometimes, smdh
ya i agree i love the octopots imo. But heres just sum of the finishing flower pics from the last grow i did. 🔥 9#🔨 x Chernobyl 🔥. Thx ✌


Internet Rocket Engineer Scientist Lawyer
ya i agree i love the octopots imo. But heres just sum of the finishing flower pics from the last grow i did. 🔥 9#🔨 x Chernobyl 🔥. Thx ✌
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Those pics are reassuring and terrifying at the same time, lol. I can already tell I'm gonna have 5 similar plants by the crazy amount of lateral branching I have already. It's gonna be a beautiful disaster area of donkey dicks in my tent soon enougho_O


Internet Rocket Engineer Scientist Lawyer
Here's another 6 day growth collage. Getting close to bud time, just got a lil more filling out to do especially with that runty bitch in the front left. She's shown herself to be quite a bit smaller than everybody else these past couple weeks to my dismay. Oh well sometimes the runty ones are the most fire. As you can see L$T has done me right and I have a shit ton of tops. Only training from here on out will be keeping everything even while my tent fills in. I'll be flipping in 2 weeks max...
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