Calm down internet tough guy. It's a fkn jokes thread. Go play in politics at riu if you get offended that easily.
This isn't the first time me and you had a problem. When you first made this sock you shit smiled all over some of my posts in another thread a few years back. You seem to do that a lot just for me. I don't forget that stuff.
You are correct about it being a joke thread. That post from HAF wasn't a joke. It was a cheap racist and hypocritical post from a cheap racist hypocrite. I tell it like it fucking is and that's what that was. I don't shit smile on someones post and run away like a pussy.
It's racist because he is an admitted racist who hates black people. He proved that himself when the "Politics" section was up and running here.
It's hypocritical because he's making fun of someone who got busted for something he grows and smokes himself. That's a heartless fuck right there. That girl is suffering and it aint funny to me at all. Is it funny to you?
As for me playing in the politics section @ RIU I do it everyday. If you weren't such a puss you can go shit smile on some of the posts there as well