The Official Heisenbeans Forum Competition


I can't comment on the Polly especially if you have successfully used it before but I would definitely ck for extra salt from the coco, more than once the EC was off the charts, especially compressed bricks, soak a handful of your coco in a quart of water then ck the EC & PH, basically 1 part coco 3 parts water. EC should be near zero if using distilled water or near the level of what your well water is before adding coco...
Ya been using the polly for a while. Some containers i even run a lid with a 1" hole. I worry a littl about air to the roots but i have some 3 foot mothers in these 1L and they are fine. I acually see the odd dead nat in the wool they try to crawl down but get stuck.

I'll do a check on the coco. Not sure how you tell it is the salt or cal mag they add. I may try rinsing some with 300PPM nutes and replanting the worst one to do a test. If it bounces back ill do the others.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Just that I was in the habit of using that tar stuff to protect the nubs when I topped. I had a few manifolds that split right down the middle late in flower when they started putting on weight. Didn't catch it on the first one until one limb started ripening a lot quicker than the rest of the plant. The grafting wax became a habit.

Anyway, it progressed to topping about halfway up the node. but then putting the grafting wax on that meant it would get stuck to leaves blowing around, or leaving it open. Probably wouldn't hurt most of the time to leave it be - but that's the OCD in me. I want to do something the same every time that works, easier is better.

For me once they are big enough to top, that next node is big enough to get a nice clean cut that gets the sprouts too, but on their stems so they don't grow back. And if they do grow back, fuck it. clip 'em. I'll get a pic at lights on tonight of one of the older plants.


Seed Slingin' Outlaw
Turned the light up to 50% power today (10k Lux). I will top these plants in the next few days after I get a little more stretch. I see a few different insects on the glue traps so I will top dress each pot with 1/2 teaspoon of Beauveria Bassiana to be safe.

P4250840.JPG P4250842.JPG P4250843.JPG
10k Lux at canopy level



Active Member
Sooo, officially how many folks are still in this. Its generally the same people updating. Are there a bunch of "September Cheifs" out there waiting till the end to come outta the woodworks?
I’m in. As far as I can tell, 14 weeks from 3-24 is June 30th. I’ll post on that date for sure, in order to win the grand prize LOL!
That doesn’t mean I’m not going to manifold one of the seeds that survived and grow it outdoors for a September harvest. WJS
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Tegrity Greenthumb


LED Recruiter
Turned the light up to 50% power today (10k Lux). I will top these plants in the next few days after I get a little more stretch. I see a few different insects on the glue traps so I will top dress each pot with 1/2 teaspoon of Beauveria Bassiana to be safe.

I had a guy swear by the stuff. It didnt touch my gnats . I have since changed my watering in soil methods. I had to reteach myself, how long it takes x pot to go dry , with plant y , @ z weeks.
I'm still in. Dude that lives in said spot has the covid. So I'm making my drops discrete, clean, and quick. I got 5ish am every other morning. Every 2 days @ 82° is my sweet spot.
I have big plans for my room. I'm gonna use a dormer as my veg area and switch both th3 4x4s in the room to 1212


Ya been using the polly for a while. Some containers i even run a lid with a 1" hole. I worry a littl about air to the roots but i have some 3 foot mothers in these 1L and they are fine. I acually see the odd dead nat in the wool they try to crawl down but get stuck.

I'll do a check on the coco. Not sure how you tell it is the salt or cal mag they add. I may try rinsing some with 300PPM nutes and replanting the worst one to do a test. If it bounces back ill do the others.
Well i did a little checking today. Ro 40ppm mixed with 1/3 coco ppm went up to 90. So not salt.
I removed the small one from the pot and rinsed the roots off. Looked ok, no rot roots were thin though. I sandwiched that one in 400 ppm rinsed and spun in salid spinner rockwool.
I watered the others till runoff and ppm was 500ish, not to bad.
Im thinking too much light. Bridgelux 3500 at 13000 lux may be too much, a backed it off to 10000.


Insanely Active Member
I haven't found a pre flower yet but they must be days away. I have 9 nodes on some plants and they are all uniform.
I have two plants that have aggressive side branching one shown below. I top dressed with 3 TBL of Bio Live 5-4-2 and 1/4 cup of gypsum yesterday.
Can't wait for the bud pics. There are still a decent # of players. It will take a solid grow to finish in the top 10.
Anyone in either comp that's having a rough start. Many solid growers have had a bad grow in a comp for various reasons.
I worry every time that I might get off to a bad start.
Happy Growing!



Super Active Member
Anyone in either comp that's having a rough start. Many solid growers have had a bad grow in a comp for various reasons.
I worry every time that I might get off to a bad start.
I used to do some handgun target shooting and some of the people at the range could consistently put a tight group in a paper target. But when we decide to have a fun contest and a six inch balloon is attached to the target some of their shooting goes all to hell. The targets open, everybody gets off a shot, targets closed. Targets open again to show who hit their balloon and who did not. Funny how the balloons could doge the bullets. It is that adrenaline thing.

I attribute the same thing to growers having trouble in the contest.


Big Fan of Free Weed
I was trying not to discourage anyone by constantly posting pics of the winner lol. But I guess I can give y'all another peek. Oh and I'm growing the MAC. No but seriously guys I see some good looking plants so far. Gonna be fun in a few more weeks. View attachment 89594View attachment 89595
My thoughts exactly, in about 4-5 weeks we should see some beautiful plants.
I have a lady friend who loves me long time once or twice a week................depending on blood pressure readings :sneaky:

Anyways she always gets my first tester buds and knew that I wanted an LED to try out in one of my tents. So I get a knock on my door a few days ago and it's UPS with a delivery. Lo and behold my lady friend got me a gift for 4/20.

Three gifts to be exact. 2 of these:


and these:


I got a boner already but my blood pressure is up!! :geek: