
Seed Aficionado
I guess I should take it as a compliment though if they weren't haters you wouldn't be doing something right


Seed Aficionado
In the POTM THREAD your pic says LVTK S1.
Same pic basically on Eso’s website says it Twinkle Tarts. And you yourself have posted it as Twinkle Tarts, so which is it?
Are you serious right now you hating ass little b****. I grow what's given to me and then I post what I grew pretty simple f****** concept


Seed Aficionado
If only I ran h beans and not esos. Wonder if a typo would be such a big deal. Is that the only thing I did wrong ? A typo ? Lmao why are all you people wasting your time worrying about a pic that could have possibly been mislabeled I didn't even check cuz I don't give a f***. I'm loving the hate keep it coming. Been her almost a year and I'd nothing but support the site and it's breeders . This is a sad day . Four losers attack me cause of a pic . RIU is looking good about now .