The best Cannabis related books


Super Active Member
I'll start with two that I've lived so far.

The first is "Marijuana Horticulture Fundamentals" by K of Tricome Technologies. It's a book on growing that is geared more to a large hobbyist or smaller grow business. The information seems up to date and the pictures are good. The ones showing the difference between a male and female plant are actually usable. So many books miss that and rely on just a description which is useless.

The other is "Cannabinoids and the Brain". It's based on an expanded overview research paper. As such the biochemistry and Neuroscience is tough for a non medically trained person to follow. But if you can manage it the first section of the book got into excruciating detail about how THC and CBD react with CB1 and CB2 and other secondary receptors in the Brain. The second section of the book goes over how the Cannabinoids affect different ailments like pain, nausea, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, anxiety and others. The Kindle version is about $10 so it is not expensive. I liked it a lot.