South Yorkshire Cannabis Club


Veteran Grower
Forums all boil down to how well you treat others, at least that's the way I see it. Good Vibes birth Happy Tribes! I'm sure you'll do fine. What's in your gear box for this year?


Grand Master Grower
Will have to have a gander at that there club.
Welcome to Paradise.
Beautiful place Yorkshire , even the southern bit!!
Yeh man have a look. Its a pleasure t be here 😊 thes some really good lads in the club already. Jus trying t build on tht so we get a big family for event and more got a camping event coming up in aug 👊💚



European Bean Flicker
I would be interested to know that too! I only live in the next county.
King in the North!

Some places like country Durham have openly stated they wont go after smokers and growers as long as they are not been a nuisance to the community.
:cautious:Unfortunately most of our country doesn't share that approach.


Grand Master Grower
What's the legal situation like over there? You ever get hassled by the coppers at your events?
Yes its illegal over here. they said if anybody lights up a joint at event they are getting locked up lol but we are going to light up anyway. 100+ is attending so they cant lock us all up not enough man power