New Member
What´s good everyone? I´m Rastech and I have been closet growing for 11 years. I started growing because where I live, it was difficult to find good herb. So I went on a trip with some friends to Amsterdam and I brought back some seeds and cracked them. Been addicted to growing ever since. Since then I would order seeds and have them sent to me, sometimes arriving, sometimes not. But with the ones that I did get I would breed them together, just to have more seeds to play with. So with that I thought that now I would document these new plants that I started recently. These are what are called Bobby Blue Band ( karma headband x blueberry indica). I thought that I would play with these and see what is in there. I have always read that f2 is where are the diversity is so I thought that I would see what is in this strain. Because of plant count I did 3 of the Bobby Blue Band F2´s. Below are pics of this new grow, with the seedlings and pics of the moms. I will make the next pics in order. and show the sexing process. fingers crossed that we get some girls. And I will check back in next week with some new pics.

Peace and Blessings,




New Member
What´s good Everybody?? Thank you for the warm welcome and checking out my little crosses. Due to having space issues I had to push the first one into flower. Because I am a small closet grower, and I have two moms that I clone, there wasn´t enough space for it. So the first pic is of the one that I put into flower. it has been a couple of days and so far it has not shown sex. The other two I topped and I am waiting to clone them. They are all getting bushy, they are looking very indica. I´ll check back in next week and let you know how these F2´s are going . So far they are all very similar. Happy Growing!!

Peace and Blessings.

