My Flower Room Today

I run all Chem-gro 4-20 nuts and tap water. (I let set open for a day to exhust any gases)
I use 4 gallon buckets with holes drilled in one side for drains starting about 2 inches from the bottom.
This is all top drip onto #8 perlite. I don't use a timmer on my nut. pump so it runs all the time(NFT)
I use a lid on my buckets to keep everything contained.
I run a very good air pump and stones in the res. I have noticed I don't get any slow down when I put a plant in this setup as the roots are always getting fed and watered.
This is day 44.
The first plant is Glueberry (
The others are clones. Next to the glueberry is
Strawberry Banana Banner x Incredible Bulk and then
two Strawberry Banana Banner clones.

