Mature Clone Feeding.

Insanely Active Member
What type of mix do you feed your full size clones? Sexually mature ready for flower but still being force fed 24/0 or 18/6 vegetative light. Should it be a mix of veg/bloom feed or heavier on the nitrogen to encourage other foliage growth 🤔. Just curious, I tend to feed them a lower ppm and leaned more toward a veg feeding.....but am I right?


If your still veging, a slight higher N is the norm. Depends on the plants size. I tend to baby my plants too much as far as force feeding. Ive ran full cycles of 400 ppm when i recycle water/nutes.
Im doing a seed run now with no wast watering in peat, Im about 3/4 trough flowering and desided to do a runoff test on a few. And its real high. Plants look ok. Little N dificiency, must be locked out by somethimg else.

Id like to do some testing of higher ppm runs. Not sure the trick to it. Im guessing the ppm has to be ramped up early to get the plants/roots used to it.

So these clones of yours, if your goal is to veg to get some size before flower. Id start raising the ppm sticking with veg nutes somewhat higher in N. Upping p and k before you flip. Keepimg the N up till after streach and then backing it off toward the end of flower. Thats what i have read. In practics not so much LOL. Whats your nornal nute regime? How big are these clones?