Ed Rosenthals superbud


So what we really wanna know is how does she smoke?
I am waiting for it to cure a little but I did partake in a little blast through my vaporizer it is sweeter than I anticipated kind of flowery with a lemony finish it smells like grape licorice to me so I was surprised at the taste but I suspect that will change after a couple weeks my buddies couldn't wait some went out the door they all twist joints or bong I haven't talked to them since


Sounds tasty, how were the effects? What kind of vaporizer(s) do you use?
I ended up running a little long because I injured my back and couldn't walk for a spell so the early taste test hit hard I felt it from exhale it built and built a big smile came across my face it's not 30% but good relaxed my muscles I just switched from a Davinchi (it quit taking a charge after 6-8 yrs) to a arizer solo definitely liked my old Davinchi better solo is a hard draw good flavor for first two pulls but to hard a draw to keep me happy