Cannabis Strain Origin Stories / Genetic Histories


For some time, I’ve been looking for a central repository of sorts for the remarkable (as well as any forgotton or lost) strain origin histories. I have found a few scattered resources here and there:

History of Marijuana Strains

HeavyDayzeCollective’s Strain History Part I , Part II , Part III + A Tribute to ORGNKID

The Pot Cast deserves special mention here, as this podcast is a fantastic resource (and maybe one of the only) where the info is direct from the horse’s mouth. So far, there’s been a fair mix of some more modern vs. old school breeders too.

Also, there are sites like Seedfinder which require navigating through a clunky, outdated interface only to often discover incomplete or questionable lineages.

I realize that this experiment may only serve to further muddy the waters, as most of this info has been passed down orally due to prohibition...and if you ever played “telephone” as a kid, you know just how unreliable the oral tradition can be. Add this to the internet’s ubiquity of uninformed opinion being presented as hard fact and well, maybe, this is just an exercise in futility. However, one must begin somewhere. This “history”, as anecdotal or thirdhand as it may be, should be preserved in one place before it’s completely lost to time. All of the purists will just have to do their own legwork when sifting BS from fact, if that’s even remotely possible. For years, I had hoped that one of the veteran “heads” like Mr. Frank or Mr. Rosenthal would put into one volume their own experiences in the trenches, interview other living legends of the scene and compile as much of this data as possible. And if such a tome or reference exists, by all means share. As far as I am aware, there exist only various strain guides or old seed catalogs that contain some of this data (usually quite limited. I would guess in order to make room for the budporn the kids love so much). Not to mention having to wade through hundreds of now best-forgotten hybrid chucks. Great for the completists out there, sure...but what I’m after are the stories!

So, feel free to contribute any and all pertinent information you’ve come across. If you’re the source (the breeder him/herself) fantastic. If you heard the story from some trustafarian who sold you some “kind” at a Phish show in ‘95, fine - just note that. Just no fabrications or obfuscations...please?!?