Free cyrptocurrency


Tegrity Greenthumb
If you plan on using coinbase this holiday season and it's your first time dm me for a link for a referal. When you put in 100 we will both get $10 free.

Also they have a section called earn where you watch 2 to 3 minute videos and answer a question. I can give you the answers lol. You can earn 10 each from both of those plus 10 each for referring someone else.
If your bored or want enough free crypto for a pack of gps fems hop on it!. Or you can always convert it back to traditional currency. Got fruit punch for basically nothing last night with free money that took a few minutes to earn. Thanks fam! We can run this down a chain and get everyone paid. Especially when alot of us are jobless. Happy holidays


Tegrity Greenthumb
Well you can earn 26 dollars actually in just the earn crypto area without referrals. Here's the referrals for when your signed up to coinbase and are about to do the earn area. Follow these and get both of us paid !
Thanks again everyone. Shits all pretty easy and who doesn't love free money/seeds.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Dope did you use my reference? I was on a waiting list for the eos but it was ready within 12 hours. Sent me a email and boom. Converted the 26 dollars to bitcoin for free and picked up some fruit punch for 10 dollars with a promo.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Also none of the promo codes are working anymore so stacking isn't a thing. Maybe it's just this month. This will get you the extra off you deserve without gps losing money on discounts. Love it.


Always rockin’ at half mast
I'll give them a look. Any free monies to be had ?
No idea. I got into crypto way too long ago to get anything free, that what my company does so I’m more on the other side of these types of things.


Tegrity Greenthumb
On coinbase it's just tutorial videos you watch it doesn't really matter if you have an existing account. I knew a bit but some of the other cryptos were interesting to learn about. That's cool though. Hopefully you got in on the early investments.