The Upward Spyral


OK we're officially in winter. Put up more HPS. Rotating a couple totes out, making room to spread out a bit until the new set rotates in along with some other stuff in a few weeks ;):whistle:


F16 Afterburner lol

Front side peeking in

Gotta get a Hurricane fan in there. 2430 watts + cold rainy weather + 'several' plants in hydro = ⚡🔆 + 🥶🌧 + 🚰🌊 = 😨😰😰😨


Mediocre grower
Dynoberry Bites #1(Esos Seeds - @thenotsoesoteric) - Day 68 (chop as early as tonight)

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Mountain Berry Kool Aid, greasy AF, super loud

Dynoberry Bites #2 (Esos Seeds - @thenotsoesoteric) - Day 68 (chop as early as tonight)
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Fruity Pebbles cereal, sensation of it being powder derived. Just as greasy as her sister.

Double Dawg Biscuits #2 (@macsnax) - Day 68 (chop as early as tonight)
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Heavy Girl Scout Cookie influence with an immediate Skunky STANK! "Smooth greasy" in between the thumb and fingers.
Mmmm... those dynoberry bites sound delicious! False advertising tho, cuz u said they smell like fruity pebbles cereal and not dynoberry bites 😂🤣 JK, nice work bro, and the genetics look, and sound, great too! @thenotsoesoteric


Sunset Wedding #3
Initial results from a partial experiment. This is a lower bud from a branch that received 75% CMH, 25% LED.

"Fuzzy" trichs? 😧😃
Long shag carpet like furry strands
Remember this is from a lower bud. Good size, about 7/8 of a golf ball. It was really dense in the tent so light penetration was apparently good.

Preliminary testing of nugs from different sides of the plant looked, smelled, and tasted different. At least a good 25% of the plant received strong, direct CMH. The other parts received partial CMH/partial LED or mostly LED. The plant took up more than its fair share of space so it was able to get light from 4 different types of lights. For simplicity's sake, the 3 (different) LEDs will be referred to as just LED.

Some observations thus far:
- The 75% CMH/25% LED nugs smelled very Girl Scout Cookie related, with a strong stanky skunk back end.
- The 25% CMH/75% LED nugs were more straight GSC with a sweeter nose and frosting finish.
- The 75% CMH/25% LED nugs were almost ROCK HARD. Very dense. On the surface to the naked eye, there were "kiefy" trichs and when broken, a packed gold mine of them. Mixed in there were shinier "heavy duty" crystals that were hidden by these "kiefy" trichs.
- The 25%/75% LED CMH nugs were dense, and squishier, but not quite fluffier. When comparing the 25% CMH to the rock hard 75% CMH, it would be an appropriate word to use.

We'll be gathering more observations as we try different parts of the plant. Some branches got mixed in the beginning but during trimming, it became easier to match them up with branches that had their respective light positions in the tent previously identified; they were that different.

A few weeks before harvest, I mentioned that I wanted to see if there was a gradual difference in buds as it relates to the different light type exposure:
Yep. I can't wait. The pots aren't rotated either. So it'll be really interesting to see if there's a distinct border where things change, like "OK we're on the other side of the tracks 😯" vs "Yea, these are the suburbs, but we just call it the big city name cuz it's easier."
The answer is - both. On one part of the plant, where the change in the type of light was more sudden (one of the LEDs is very directional), we observed almost night and day differences between two separate branches right next to each other in the "demilitarized zone." Each bud followed one "format" on their respective branches and light type exposure. On the side that had a mix of rays from almost every type of light, adjacent branches would share characteristics and even had different degrees of "mixed formats" from bud to bud on the same branch!

This looks like it deserves some more research and testing. Good thing we have an interesting variety of specimens to go through 😄


Mmmm... those dynoberry bites sound delicious! False advertising tho, cuz u said they smell like fruity pebbles cereal and not dynoberry bites 😂🤣 JK, nice work bro, and the genetics look, and sound, great too! @thenotsoesoteric
Thanks my dude! Hell yea I'm gonna run these again in the not so distant future. WhoTF am I kidding, probably sooner than later. I'm chompin at the bit wanting to know what it's gonna taste like, including the dry hit (it's like a flavor blast!) Speaking of - that dry herb vaporizer I ordered should be coming this week after Xmas, so this will be a great candidate! Flavor country...

Lol, I had to say fruity pebbles cuz it's what's came to mind, I don't remember if dynoberry bites was the same, my mom mighta faked me out back in the day and recycled a fruity pebbles box to pour dynoberry bites into at one point lol 😂😧🤔😐😕


Coke or Pepsi?
Oreo or Hydrox?
Lincoln or Miller?


FML i miss del taco, 2 big fat steak tacos, and deluxe chilicheese fries 😣😣😣
oh man I never had their steak tacos. always jinxed myself trying their new specials. I keep telling myself to just stick with the basics but I like variety and trying new things :confused: I miss it too, I can get it but it would be too soggy by the time I get back and I rarely eat inside of fast food restaurants, usually picking up for the family if I go to one lol


Christmas at our pad this year

'79 Xmas Tree Bud. Started up the Yule log from the RDWC and F&D harvest trunks using trim as the kindling.

That's my GF using the blunt-o-scope as a guide to pass out buds to stoners in need. That's me pushing the sled for a boost. Don't worry, I don't have to pull the sled. We're testers for a new autopilot sled made by this guy (we gifted him some samplers):
Give it a sec Mr. Musk. Wait for it...wait for it...
That's right Elon. You ain't never smoked no weed like this befo'. Crept UP on yo weird genius ass didn't it?

Ok back to work. Lotta people need the weed!

Happy Holidays 😄