Platinum Lemon Cherry Gelato Contest Shit Talk & Banter


Deleted member 60

Nope I hate dirt but I'm going with it for the contest. Too keep things fair. Lol
Both methods have their place, IMO. The only difference I've ever seen is that hydro always blows away soil indoors on yield.'s worthless BS that 's just gonna be a pain in the ass...the same way it is indoors unless you spend big $$$ to chill/dose/buy pool chemicals/meters/screens/etc....LOL.

it used to be everyone was running hydro/aero/NFT/DWC....but when the need for yield dies...the need for all of that hassle and washing hydroton/tossing slabs goes away >quickly<. That's why CL is full of stacks of 4 x 8 trays. It's also why there's now a market for specialty growing mixes like BAS/etc. Now a buncha folks are doing headstash grows...and those are likely in soil for the ease of it all. I sure don't hate hydro...i just have no real u$e for it anymore.

Gotta love it though. Lotsa ways to play by now...and it's all good.


Insanely Active Member
They say a lot of things.

Large beds/pots are great for organics. But you don't need them. It just makes tending plants easier as far as providing the soil what it needs to feed the plant(s). You will have to feed with teas and limit top dressing amounts with small containers. Small containers with organics can be done, but you will need some knowledge to be successful.

I've gotten half pound from (1) 5 gallon living soil container before. Average on that rig was 4-5oz per plant.
4 innie in 5 gal. and a few 1or13outie and i can smoke most of the year/if not all year! 1good outdoor spot and i wont grow the next year!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
For what it's worth, people with the big beds inside trying to do "no till" is odd to me. You're inside, get over it! There are advantages to growing inside - like having small pots you can move around. You're also limited on what you can grow in the same bed. With pots if I get tall ones and short ones - two tents! Move thetall plant to a tent with higher lights. Or put the short one on a stand or whatever. But with a bed you have no options except topping the tall one - or super-cropping her. And if a big bed starts not producing then what?

The other thing you hear them yabbering about is fungal dominance. That's old grown forest stuff like in my back yard. Having the right fungi in the soil is great. But people breaking out microscopes and counting microbes vs fungus is just OCD shit. The clue for me on that one is that we grow an annual plant. You will not find weed growing wild in any fungal dominant old-growth forest. Even in the mountains of Afghanistan it's grown in cultivated fields.

Deleted member 2835

For what it's worth, people with the big beds inside trying to do "no till" is odd to me. You're inside, get over it! There are advantages to growing inside - like having small pots you can move around. You're also limited on what you can grow in the same bed. With pots if I get tall ones and short ones - two tents! Move thetall plant to a tent with higher lights. Or put the short one on a stand or whatever. But with a bed you have no options except topping the tall one - or super-cropping her. And if a big bed starts not producing then what?

The other thing you hear them yabbering about is fungal dominance. That's old grown forest stuff like in my back yard. Having the right fungi in the soil is great. But people breaking out microscopes and counting microbes vs fungus is just OCD shit. The clue for me on that one is that we grow an annual plant. You will not find weed growing wild in any fungal dominant old-growth forest. Even in the mountains of Afghanistan it's grown in cultivated fields.
As far as Afghanistan weed goes I've seen it growing out of a hard pac dirt road. Also I've never seen fields of it in the mountains it was always in the valleys. Just like the poppy fields.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
As far as Afghanistan weed goes I've seen it growing out of a hard pac dirt road. Also I've never seen fields of it in the mountains it was always in the valleys. Just like the poppy fields.
It grows in the same places you would grow tomatoes. It's that simple. It doesn't grow in the forest. Near the forest is great, but that's when you get into the zones that are 50/50 rather than microbial or fungal dominant. That mix seems the be the sweet spot.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I planted some melons trying to get bio-mass to rot and make soil on some hard-packed dirt. I put worm castings around them and my worms love tomato scraps. I have them coming up in the weed pots too.

One tomato grew out of a crack in that hard packed soil and grew like a vine along the ground. It had a few flower sites that made some scraggly little fruit with almost no meat on them - but they had seeds and more tomatoes will grow there.

So yeah, weed can grow out of a dirt road - you smoke it :cool:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Maybe they don’t really like you: lmao jp @H.A.F. You’re the man!
My goal in life is to be liked by random internet people I'll never meet LOL

I always play in the contests because the more people there are the more fun it is. But the attempt to improve the pic-o-the-month thing is still all about likes.

I am in the contest to run tester beans for Heisen as a thank you for him letting me keep a grow journal for free, and having it where you can just block certain people instead of arguing with them. The contests are usually where I remember why I blocked people :LOL: Not looking to patent anything, sell anything, buy anything, or win anything.

I am doing a whole thing on making living soil work in small pots. For me. Period. But since one person showed an interest I don't mind explaining what I'm doing. Just growing my smoke and looking for the easiest. cheapest way.