YLYL possibly going to hell edition.


Dirt Track Maniac 🏆 🏁
If there needs to be a law to keep you from discussing your sex life with elementary school kids - you don't need to be ANYWHERE NEAR a school. I'm talking restraining order type shit.
I had to explain to my son why his P. E. Coach, who is a biological woman who dresses as a man, hair like a man, and has her class refer to her as a him or “coach”, on why she uses the boys bathroom. My answer was that’s a lady call her a her and if you got any problems tell em to call me..
This is also a school who has active shooter/school intruder drills ran by the police department who uses non lethal rounds and such in an elementary school. Talk about freaking out some little kids. It’s sickening. End of rant. 🤬🤣 Definitely different than the ole butch ass Bull dyke PE coach back in my day. Everyone knew she was a lady that was gay. U didn’t have to pretend they were men. It was what it was. Now they are what you have to call em
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