I've been promoted to F**k you all!

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How's long until you have a schizophrenic episode on this site?

Remember when you made this for me? You were cool, and then one day you just lost it. I still don't get it, but I don't try to figure you guys out anymore.
Ya, I was impressed. I even mentioned it to Sunni that he had mad skills. But they already have a graphics person.

He turned my orginal pic into that. He's got skills.
What happened to you on Overgrow, lol?
Overgrow? The place I scored some fem seeds that turned out to be all males?
Oh that can't be it.. You might be talking about when I told Doug to leave my grow journal?
He got offended & his troll band (you included) to report my threads and close them all.
Not my fault he sucks Lemonade Joe off. Didn't know ya'll were still mad about me telling you to suck a dick ~
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