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What does a president have to do to be out of control?
Collude with our enemies?
Fuck up our alliances?
Kill hundreds of thousands of Americans with his lack of pandemic response?
Try to cut funding for covid testing?
Embezzle taxpayer money?
Violate campaign finance laws?
Pay hush money to porn stars?
Make undercover deals that cost us an ally in the middle east (Syria/kurds).

Holy shit man.
Fox news and Rush are not telling you the truth.
DC has never been swampier.

You could use some reading lessons. I’ve stated numerous times that I don’t like Trump. I don’t watch Fox News and I think Rush is an asshole. The difference between you and I, is that I believe the far left is even more crooked, and I also believe that can and will harm this country more than Trump ever could. You, on the other han



You could use some reading lessons. I’ve stated numerous times that I don’t like Trump. I don’t watch Fox News and I think Rush is an asshole. The difference between you and I, is that I believe the far left is even more crooked, and I also believe that can and will harm this country more than Trump ever could. You, on the other han
I don't believe you.
You are just too chicken to say that you support Trump so you bash the left instead.
bok bok

so dumb


I wonder what it does cost trump to play a round of golf? Secret service is paid wether there sitting on their ass or doing something. Probably costs more to keep AF1 grounded than in the air. Who knows.
How much does it cost to put a "chopper" in the air, along with 4 big ass trucks and 8 to 12 guys to go around with a pair of "hedge clippers" and clipping an old fellers medicine off, resulting in an overall poor "quality of life"?


I don't believe you.
You are just too chicken to say that you support Trump so you bash the left instead.
bok bok

so dumb
So then my initial assertion that you are ignorant is spot on. Thanks for the confirmation. You clearly are a moron who just can’t imagine someone who hates the far left who can also not support Trump. People like you are exactly why we are where we are politically.


Just some asshole
I’ve yet to see a post on how to do a better job than trump.

We have 300 companies working on a vaccine. China has the second most with 30

Orange man bad got into everyone’s head.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
My point was, if they are spending this much $$$ on eradicating weed, I couldn't imagine what they would spend on our president. lol
You mean the one donating his paycheck, and actually losing wealth while in office? When all the other pResidents got rich because of politics? Your arguments are just that - argumentative, with no basis in fact.

Wanna talk golf games? I wonder who it costs the country more for a round -- B. Hussein when he weekends in Miami with Tiger, while sending Mike and the kids off to Hawaii or Vale? Or Trump - who OWNS THE DAMN GOLF COURSE???


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's another clue for you extra-chromosome kids - when your only argument is "Trump Bad" the people correcting you will invariably use some form of "Trump good"

That is not being a sycophant - it is responding to the accusations proposed.

So instead of "orange-man bad" why don't you try addressing policy?
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