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Jobs arent always a good thing. Who wants to maintain a golf course they cant afford to play on themselves ? Work in a restaurant they cant afford to eat at? Maintain a private yacht for some investors son working endless hours. Idk I guess we all have our own interpretation of freedom. Ima check out. It was good discussing social constructs with you gentlemen for the most part at least.
Sounds like you want a handout to me. Life is hard, get used to it. Life being difficult is what makes you actually appreciate the little things that you would otherwise overlook. The funny thing about the statement you quoted is that I make a good living working in all of those places you mentioned. I just recently programmed a system at a private golf course on Cape Cod, as well as their restaurant that is more expensive than I would pay to eat at, and I’ve also programmed systems in multiple mega yachts that cost more to charter for a week than I make over The course of 4 years. Who gives a shit if you can’t afford to enjoy those things? Are you really so jealous and petty that you think nobody should work at those places unless they can also own or enjoy them? Do you want to know what I’ve learned from working on those yachts and in some of the largest mansions in the country? I learned that they are neat to look at, but you couldn’t pay me to live in one, and I wouldn’t buy one even if I had the money. Those places, and those yachts, keep money flowing, keep people employed, and put food on more tables than you could ever imagine. The only thing I agree with, is that the pharmaceutical companies are a cancer to society, but I’d rather have more freedom, and the work the wealthy provide, than to live in a society of mediocrity that goes stagnant because everyone can get by without putting any effort into life. If you think life is hard now then just wait until you get into your 40s-50s.

I knew participation trophies were a stupid thing and that type of thinking is what comes from that bullshit.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Life being difficult is what makes you actually appreciate the little things...... Do you want to know what I’ve learned from working on those yachts and in some of the largest mansions in the country? I learned that they are neat to look at, but you couldn’t pay me to live in one,
I didn't achieve comfortable wealth until a little over a decade ago, but I hated being in the workforce under someone else. I spent much of that time looking for and plotting ways to get out of it, but did what I had to do until I no longer had to, You could have easily paid me to be a mansion dweller, and whatever 'little things' I may have overlooked, I'm certain a lifetime of luxury would have compensated for. And, you know.....then some.



Hobby Farmer
This is the sort of thing that will make it go on and on and on...why the fuck do you have tours operatingat full distance much?

The blue men group is the USA side of the falls. The other boat is the Canadian side.

Full Steam Ahead in Buffalo NY

When i was a kid irv weinstein would announce how the city was lit what does 5 alarm mean....Laktwawana Cheektawaga were on fire in those years...arsonists all over the place.

Misty water coloured memories....Captain

nothing to  see here.jpg

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
free state

Nope, You do not live in a free state.

Could you explain how consent removal is indicative of freedom?

A State, is a political entity that declares all the people within certain geographical boundaries are subject to it's edicts, even when those people weren't asked and never consented to them.

In that sense, since people who are subjects are inferior to the thing/people that subjugates them, there is no such thing as a "free state".

Isn't it funny how many oxymorons and other forms of word smithing exist when using "government speak" ?


Insanely Active Member
This is the sort of thing that will make it go on and on and on...why the fuck do you have tours operatingat full distance much?

The blue men group is the USA side of the falls. The other boat is the Canadian side.

Full Steam Ahead in Buffalo NY

When i was a kid irv weinstein would announce how the city was lit what does 5 alarm mean....Laktwawana Cheektawaga were on fire in those years...arsonists all over the place.

Misty water coloured memories....Captain

View attachment 65427
I get the feeling you’d have some great stories to tell . A few beers would be in order 🍺


I didn't achieve comfortable wealth until a little over a decade ago, but I hated being in the workforce under someone else. I spent much of that time looking for and plotting ways to get out of it, but did what I had to do until I no longer had to, You could have easily paid me to be a mansion dweller, and whatever 'little things' I may have overlooked, I'm certain a lifetime of luxury would have compensated for. And, you know.....then some.

One of my close friends is like you. When the company we worked at went under years ago, he planned on starting his own so he would never have to depend on some other person employing him. It took him a few more years of working under someone else but he’s been running his own company for over a decade now and said he would never work for another company again.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from working with the ultra wealthy for the last 20 years it’s that money doesn’t make you happier and having a ton can cause other stresses in life. The biggest stressor people usually have in life is making the bills. Once you have enough income to not have to worry about making the bills, and a little more to be able to save, then that’s where the whole effect of money affecting your happiness pretty much stops. Their are some miserable wealthy people out there who have the same issues with depression and other personal challenges as all of us.


This is the sort of thing that will make it go on and on and on...why the fuck do you have tours operatingat full distance much?

The blue men group is the USA side of the falls. The other boat is the Canadian side.

Full Steam Ahead in Buffalo NY

When i was a kid irv weinstein would announce how the city was lit what does 5 alarm mean....Laktwawana Cheektawaga were on fire in those years...arsonists all over the place.

Misty water coloured memories....Captain

View attachment 65427
That’s a recent photo? I thought NY was still forcing capacity limitations for businesses like that? I’m the flip side, what’s the point of that Canadian boat even doing the tour with only 6 people? They could still fit plenty more on there even with plenty of “social distancing”. I put that in quotes because I hate the term.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from working with the ultra wealthy for the last 20 years it’s that money doesn’t make you happier and having a ton can cause other stresses in life. The biggest stressor people usually have in life is making the bills. Once you have enough income to not have to worry about making the bills, and a little more to be able to save, then that’s where the whole effect of money affecting your happiness pretty much stops. Their are some miserable wealthy people out there who have the same issues with depression and other personal challenges as all of us.
That was the military. Comfortable retirement - not exorbitant. Bills paid, got out of debt, doing things for me.
All jobs have their ups and downs, but the 'ups' better be the people you work with or your life will be miserable.

It all depends on what you 'need' to make you happy. Got a paid-for degree just because I earned it - no desire for another job.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think that other than proving I could, the Bachelor of Science was mainly to nullify liberal arguments about the uneducated rednecks on the right :)

And the extra stipend they give you for living expenses got me an apartment while going through a divorce while still paying my half of the mortgage on the ex house. :)


Just some asshole
That was the military. Comfortable retirement - not exorbitant. Bills paid, got out of debt, doing things for me.
All jobs have their ups and downs, but the 'ups' better be the people you work with or your life will be miserable.

It all depends on what you 'need' to make you happy. Got a paid-for degree just because I earned it - no desire for another job.
Your Military experience was vastly different than mine. I never thought about bills or retirement. Ah to be young and naive again. “Go clean that bathroom, then when you’re done go buy 6 cases of beer and bring them back here and stock this fridge you’re not allowed to drink from” “sure thing sir, man this job is awesome”
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