WC X NL -Bx1 run


Madman loose in Wonderland
It would be nice if they could drop all the bullshit and legalize it all, fuck hemp crops needing to be tested for THC, unless it's being cultivated strictly for CBD or something... I think it's retarded I can't grow it up in whatever form I choose as much as I can handle. Why shouldn't one be able to make rope/shirt material and dank flowers? Besides all the other things which this miracle plant can do. Erg ick, okay end rant. Guess it's just one of those mornings huh. Lol.
Popping the inner core, without damaging the outter cell walls. Causing it to kinda swell up or knot up. I believe is called "hurding".
Ahhhh gotcha, it's totally a trip how many different names some of the same processes go by depending on who you hear them from. For instance I call hurding "Kushman Chiropractics." :ROFLMAO:
I don't really use that method anymore since adding silica to my nutes in veg and early flower. I will bust it out on a runaway cola every now and again to slow it down especially if a hard pinch doesn't work. I could definitely see hurding helping any outdoor plants(along with silica) to strengthening their branches up.


Madman loose in Wonderland
Ahhhh gotcha, it's totally a trip how many different names some of the same processes go by depending on who you hear them from. For instance I call hurding "Kushman Chiropractics." :ROFLMAO:
I don't really use that method anymore since adding silica to my nutes in veg and early flower. I will bust it out on a runaway cola every now and again to slow it down especially if a hard pinch doesn't work. I could definitely see hurding helping any outdoor plants(along with silica) to strengthening their branches up.


Madman loose in Wonderland
Such a morning. The cats fucked with my auto bags outside, I am so lived right now.
Probably shat in them.. fuck looks like three or four got all messed with.
Welp there goes that plan. Fuck. Maybe just sprinkle some other home seeds along the edges ... If autos don't come up in the center it will at least have something in it... Fuck...
Animals fucking with my shit gets me Soo angry. I usually love life, but fuck with my plants and my anger sure surges.
Then I think, do I just leave them, buy a new pack of autos, crack them in one gals, xplant to these bags if nothing comes up - once they get big enough. Risking cat contam... Erg, am I gonna dump these potters, find seedling in them, sift the media, try to do a quick save, I mean it's not like they can even be too far developed... That's a lot of work though... Fuck, on top of that I got to get ready to visit my dad in the hospital. Life- sometimes when it rains it pours..


Madman loose in Wonderland
Cats and weed :ROFLMAO: There have been many times I have come close to loosing it on some of the cats I have owned and they almost always had something to do with weed plants.
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Let it go SB, and hope all is well with your dad.
Thanks Zaphod!
That gave me a good laugh. The pic of the cat is priceless.
Yah, I am, just gonna keep misting the potters- stuck some stakes in them to hopefully deter their ease and desire. Kinda my fault, the straw I mulched with had been being used by them to sleep on, so I'm sure it partially my bad spreading pheromones on already attractively soft media.
Thanks for the wishes bout my dad. Things aren't looking so good.
He broke his hip, has dementia and was hospitalized for heart failure possibilities. So yah, hard times. But it's all a part of the cycle of life. Gonna go gather with my two sisters and spend the weekend visiting him. No way to make some of these moments easy. But it's nice to just express it. Anyways, Cheers, gonna make this into a better day.


Madman loose in Wonderland
Enjoying some more outdoor from last year, this PMS which is mango Sherbert(f)x Pdp(m) bred in 2020. I dubbed PMS cause it's funny and well the pineapple from the Pdp mix came thru to really round out some of the flavor.
this is last year's seed outdoor of her, vs the clone. Really enjoy her, funny this seed plant had issues hit but she pulled thru and had some real beautiful color to her. Did a clone next to her of a sister, she got pretty massive, I'll have to see if I can find some pics. She was a focus for a couple sessions indoor. Found a great mix of them.
Fuck my labeling of pictures suck. I'm just thankful I feel confident in my seperation of stock(seeds) made it a part of the process cause shit gets real!
Anyways here's some more pics, PXL_20211020_024503313.jpgPXL_20211028_174512966.jpgPXL_20211021_014447200.jpgPXL_20211021_151156205.jpgPXL_20211014_191126749.jpgmuh sugannah


Madman loose in Wonderland
Well getting back in the saddle. Had to take a trip to see my dad whose not doing so well.
Hard shit.. such is life for all of us living though. Always a gamble and a Gambit.
So.. on the grow.
Addressing my pH, I'm going to stop altering my water.
Going to apply some of this soil acidifier I picked up and am using for my blueberries.
It's just gypsum and elemental sulfur.
Should help out keep them good for the next sixty days while I bloom these girls and keep them from getting confused with PPMs in the water but still keep my pH in range.
So used 3 tblspn per big bag. Prolly shy 1 on the smaller potters.
Gonna be my first time using the acidifier rather than altering my water, however I'm working towards simplification.


Madman loose in Wonderland
So, time to look at flipping them, just was getting them used to the side lighting before flipping, so I don't have the stress in bloom of adding or shifting new inputs.


Madman loose in Wonderland
Starting to be a jungle up in there. Definitely still need to prune. Being lazy. It's hard to want to prune when it's going to seed, like why.. it's a pain in my ass, the plants will still make beautiful seeds, so why bother...


Madman loose in Wonderland
Still will prune, just in the middle of working out my timing on this next jaunt.
Got a few things to do before flip, low branch clean up, gonna be doing one supplemental feeding with the fish, pot silicate and liquid kelp. also have one more azomax treatment.
So looking at flipping on easter I think.


Really Active Member
Such a morning. The cats fucked with my auto bags outside, I am so lived right now.
Probably shat in them.. fuck looks like three or four got all messed with.
Welp there goes that plan. Fuck. Maybe just sprinkle some other home seeds along the edges ... If autos don't come up in the center it will at least have something in it... Fuck...
Animals fucking with my shit gets me Soo angry. I usually love life, but fuck with my plants and my anger sure surges.
Then I think, do I just leave them, buy a new pack of autos, crack them in one gals, xplant to these bags if nothing comes up - once they get big enough. Risking cat contam... Erg, am I gonna dump these potters, find seedling in them, sift the media, try to do a quick save, I mean it's not like they can even be too far developed... That's a lot of work though... Fuck, on top of that I got to get ready to visit my dad in the hospital. Life- sometimes when it rains it pours..
i 've had plants come up the next year after rippers came thru . keep it watered that seed is waiting!


Madman loose in Wonderland
i 've had plants come up the next year after rippers came thru . keep it watered that seed is waiting!
Definitely can happen. I've had quite a few volunteers as well. I love the volunteers, however with my first attempt at autos, I'm feeling rather down.
The bags on my back porch right now are still getting used by one of my cats in particular as a place to sleep- 400w heating lamp in cold ass weather... Can't blame her but erg... Even put stakes all sorts of ways to deter but that heat from the light...so we will see. I pre cracked the seeds so I don't have much faith in them taking their time so to speak . Kinda bummed about it,
--gonna crack new autos indoors... Really want to give them a shot in the spring grow season and just for the simple fact they be autos seeds makes me wonder if I just shouldn't.
Hard calls, yes I have been continuing to water them though, thanks for the reminder, gotta go spray my seed trays!
Gots some lettuce and poppies in trays which always be getting dry.
Bought two new rounds of autos to do a better start with, we will see if any of the bags make it. However it's starting to be doubtful. Been sooo cold outside on top of the cat issue.
Also thanks I gotta drop these new babies I picked dup in water. Won't start growing til I do..
Thinking of doing 2 Chunkadelic which was the first cultivar I got, and then got these emerald fire OG. Make sure they get a better start than the cold and cats..
Life happens, I've had bigger than sixty buck failures, so it's all good. Just one of those tough times.
Thanks for the encouragement.


Madman loose in Wonderland
Still going to crack five more and start indoors, do a side by side on indoor start vs whatever the fuck I just did.