Hey y'all

Romeo Scragg

Active Member
Hey, this is my first time posting but I've been lurking on forums for years mostly trying to navigate the endless possibilities for seed purchases. I've been a cannibis lover since 1975 and had my first (somewhat successful) grow in '89. I've had a few different grow setups over the years (always in prohibition land) and currently keep it as simple as possible. For me right now, that means a few hempy buckets fed with Jacks 321 in a one car garage. Also over the years, I have possessed and lost a few truly exceptional cultivars. This led me to become a full blown seed addict. I currently have many more seeds than I am likely to pop in my lifetime. So, for Christmas I made a deal with myself. I allowed me to spend an insane amount of money on Lucky Dog gear from skunk VA as long as I promised me that I would never do it again (ever). .... so here I am hoping to turn my seed obsession in to a love for chucking. I chose this forum because it seems a little friendlier than most and of course the name is perfect. I've done precious little chucking over the years because I never had room to do a proper male hunt. I don't think that will be a problem with lucky dog as so far, all indications point to 52 keepers in my 4 packs of 13 seeds😍😍
I'm hoping to learn me some more, especially about making female seeds and maybe share a few seeds on the way.
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